bBmMach fer »4sLux olons Serves IDeepsleep Mattress and Box Spring Another exoepf tonail'velue....... SlumberKing Mottress and Box Spring goo d invesment a+ a minmum:cost........ $2 4 -5 Lot our csUl so thot yor spring and mttiress wiII b. pirop.rly fifrd. went back te Hill te teacli mathe- ThrIe ear LUises cl imae h inlde mâtics one year undet a professerepr ad héexecieof'ae the filg ya nal dres the old school, who boasted that inpard efore the lewge yearoandis-r 27 years of teaching he had nlot varied hl eoearveig n fds the sentences he used in expiaining tiiguished guests. The commissions the subject, except perhaps to shorten ýwere presented by Admirai H1ayne, Ellis, them. "A boey either got the idea, oi- U. .S. Navy Commandant of the 9th he didn't' comments Mr. Smâith. Naval district. Then he went to Francis Parker -te Murphy, the son 'of Carroll D. Mur- teach,>remaining five years. phy of 875 Hili road, is a senior in His next move took bu i to, Frànk, the School bf. Commerce. 11e formerly Vanderiip's expermental scbool ai, attended New Trier Highi school.* He Scarborough on, Hudson, whereý lie lis a, member of Sextant, honor'ary,.faval, was asked to introduce tlhe Parker 'society. pricipes.The th Wold ar Norris, the son of Mrs. john Rygel of came along, and -Mr. Sinith joined thse 811, Foxdale avenue, is also a senior arniy and became captain of the nia. Sho f Commerce and for- chine gun company "of the 341st ni- merly attended New Trier High school. fantry. When the army discovered 'le He is a memnber of Pi Kappa lAlpha f ra- had, been a teacher, he .was made sen-: ternity. ior'instructor of the Central'Inifantry __________ Officers Training school at Camp Le, Va. He- was commissioned major and HOME FROM ACADEMY turned loose on between three and Miss Grace Mannebach, daughter of four thousand youing college men With Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mannüebachi, orders te m4akLo officers. of them *11f140 Robsart road, Keniiworth, -re- three mnonths. turned home Monday from St. Mary B.y using 'tprogressive cd" mieth 0ds Spring's academy at Fond-du-lac, on theni, which Mr. Smith fouind were(! Wis. 11cr two brothers, Edward.aiid weiconied by the regular army ofnil Josephi, are home froni Notre Da me cers, he manae' oacmts h for the summer. task. Aftér the war he went back to Mr. Vanderlip and was given a jolb as RETURNS FROM SCHOOL educational director of the National DeWitt Jones, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Cty balnk. Shortly after starting hsis Louis D. Jones, 325 Richmond road, work, he was asked to hiead the North Kenilworth, is expected, home Thurs- Shore Country day scool i*Wini- day of next week froni Dartmouth, YOUR FEET Tired. aching feet are a handicap in every walk of life. They interfere seriously with business and social duties, ruin one's dis- position and may effect other parts of the bodly remote from the feet. To make peo- ple foot conscious Dr. Scholl establishçd Mr. Smiti, i explainied that of the teaching inethods he had seen, he pre- feri-ed the dernocracy of the homeo- geneous institution, patterned aft'ri the New England communities clus- tered around the churcli. "You lived .iear the chuirch yNou liked, and any- oneC whO didni't like..tha-t churclh movedý to a town served by a chtirch he did like," is the wav lie 'Put itý "In homeo- geneity, there lies true democracy., and between various hoineogenecouý groups there is reai eauality.", "We'forget there is no real force back of the League except moral force. When people say the League has failed, they do not realize that it i.s not the League which lias failed but the nations ba ck of the League. Ail the delegates 'at Genieva can do is to vote that a given course i.s proper for the nations and then go home and try to get their various couintries to agree with theni. Even President WTil- son was flot able to do that i our case, and we should not blame others. ANSTON ý-. -- -- - -il - -.- S trie i îceis. era Ldj11an importasst 'quliciI of the league i a most.infati- elmn ni ol etewliins 'ile allo*v court set up by lawt 1 vstremendouisly mre y judge whether we are right or wroîîg-- the fact that in the league we. had at in important disputes. At Geiieva 1 ist a place whiere minior disputes at saw this cionemany a tume, $0 oftein least could be properIv ventiated in-~ successfully that I have becomne most tead of being allowed to smoider ouf. hopeful regarding this most serîous 'f- sit'ht tiitil ah. explosion occurred. worid probIeni, the Pirevenition of The. impression one gets froni watch- war. - WIEBOLDVS ý$2,9-50 Rock