13in intencis to corne home in Sep- * special two- week miethods course foMrdutdFrr urdue tember, and Mrs. Smythe andi Miss elenuentary public school teachers Mr. and Mvrs. William H. Smythe, Dorothy will remain in Europe for a under the personal direction of Mss 43 Kenilworth avenue, are leaving year. Miss Smnythe will resumne her Olive Hanson, district supervisor of this week-end Nvuth their daughters, art studies while there. h'FIX-AN 0/1-COMM-- Legare-Lovinýg photos Above are shozcit tite four Senior ciass off icr t e* TrierTo - shiP Iligh school, Whtoiil Iad te altitlaI seiiior:,hop titis Friday' eiie-1 ningin uttte rof gardent atop the Orri)tnqOu itotel in, Evanstoq. -Pro- * ceeds> front the dancezV.1îi90 to- word o fund for a cIoss gif t, Uppvr .icft, \Waltur Arend Knoop, Xýenilwvorth, class president; upper r ght, Miss Mary Louise NicKisson, Winetavice-presideut; lower lef t,i Miss Barbara Brandon Bavard, Wini- ïwtka, Seccretary ; and lower right, Jamcs Lamb, W1 imctte, treastirer. Tlie music will begij at 9 o'clo.k i Friday evening and will continue tintil. 12:30. Wally Van and his orchestra' will provide the music. "WVally" bas proiised ahnîost continueous dancing. .BU&y Comwmittees TILt/No 106' #OW TO £151 1155 GAS01/NE.1 This ,book is ready for you pow -free- at ail Stand-' ard Dil Deal- ers.,.Get your ru The giftcornmjjittee, hleaded by Bil Wright, includes Don Scari.f, Alan otleMarion Cox, Mirlin anin Paisley Rockwell. arer Menihers of the ticket co*milttee, headed by Lamb, are Lwl Peterson, J91,11 Weese, Honier 'Murphy, Earl Grev, KirkTalr Park Birown, War- ren Myers. Orchestra commu.ittee ni- - cludes, Tomn Getnuan and Julia Booz. Publicity, Don Mitchell, jack Byrumn. Alumniii of New Trier are invitcd to-i attend. the subject of the lecture which will be given by Mrs. Howard C. Ives at the Sunday afterpoon nieet ng at 3 :30 o'clock, June 13, in Founidation hall, Baha'i .House of WVorshiip on Linden' avenue and Sheridan road, Wilmiette. AtiIl o'clôèýk Sunday moring the' classes for children 'wil neet in- Founidation l l. TH£! STANDARD OIt TIiD111CfW Dli L~R NA RiT SE ~s VI4CASON jgO sq MONZY