Sh dAi w*ys e eTrieasured So henyou select your gift for. her**.con to a store with ai repuation ýfordsiétiegf At. Field.s EvanSton, sore1 you'll6 fimany beau-!. fiful and uusalgiffs, lol'ô things th a f Only 0 store with.,FieId's resources cani offer you. Here, too. youII find-salespeople who tfake ci friendli neighborly interest in your problerns. (ENSINCTON Beautiful Gifts That Endure with modern base and fabrie- over.parChwont shade. Just one of a collection of stlin., ning lamIPS, *aclî one ind- 4 vidually designed. each eé cuited by hand. $5.95 DEAUTIFUL GLASS CON' SOLE SEt 0F SPARKLING CRYSTAL: round eut bowl, 2 candle, sticks with removable tops (they may b. used as small- vases wben tops 'arc re- moved). $7.50 set. 1COMPaSS truy . ..... $7.50 2. Clipper ship tray .... .$5.00 Icver bread trsy ... $3.75 FIFTH FLOOR JMARSHALL FIELD'S STORE JUNE 10, 193-7 . 43 ' I