I1< ITEMS LISrED BELOW CAN BE INCLUDED AT, No -Addjfjonbai Charge STARCHED COLLARS LACE TABLE CLoOTHS. HANDKERCHIEFS i PR. iC-URTAINMS * Plus 20c lb. for ýeach pound wearin-g apparel in any size bundie. Minimnum, $1, Every piece- is returned to youcomtpletely finishd rayto use or we'r, Just weigh your bundie and kiiow -the exact cost before you send. ýFRENcH LAUNDRy 806. DeOmpstler Street' Evansion > UNIversifir 2 ESTARLIS1IED US -1 dess f zchiteMathew Francis Photo ~- reso wietaffeta wil ul skirt clan qating intio a sliq ht train,. aida deep lace yokc, trin1,n ut Vi;te bodlc'e with its Pttffcd slecVes ti.qht fromi e/boUI'to zerist and e.rtendinq flicth hand, zwas 'wjorn jbiv Miss Mildred Traci f-ri~, - -? - - 'A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~**1 ~ PATRONIZE 0OUR ADVERTISERS :1'! tss He!cn Traccy, Juer sixter»'s on/lv attendant, with hrdcs.o ij C/tliff () i, 'wore a .le q-uz bri at, ils b/ue nb bon ftr Mi>n . ij,,q:: ber d res i ink a(ccessonItes. Hcr ilowcers werc/Itk proses, veilow daisics antd b/uelarkspier. T/te iothers of te bride and bieqronwore s/tee,- suits, wvith gar- devicas and illatchinq ba hts. M rs. T race v zoos in dark Nue, .JIrs. Klugfe in black zoiih a -yellobouse. Arthur Klug;.(e, brother of ite bieio acted as bcst mtan at thte cerciony w/tic/t, ai 10 o'-lock, took Place in St. Mlarv>.s ch:(rcb inlu Ealsto1ï. dccoraled with zcwbiîc J/owcrs anzd candies. T/he Rev.j.oseph James MlcGuîre off îciaied ut the~ ser~vice w/tic/z as o/lowced by a breakfast (tftthe Orringtan hotei. Mr. and Mrs. M1. A. Traccv. Parents of th2e bridc, /teid t/he rece ption ipi their homte it. Evanston M> the aiternoon. cnurch. ' isfather.-----------Vlls lJJ The bride, who is the daughter of m r.* Coke and his bride are tour- Mrs. G. W. DuMont of Des Moines, is ing north and expect to spend a part a, graduate in Iandscape 'ar.chitecture of their honeymoon at Aleppo Islandi, from .the Iowa State college. M'%. near 'Iower, Minn. During the sumi- Cooke is a graduate of New Trier mer mnh hywI ea oea Hig sho l and Lehightiniversity, 355 KenilWorth avenue. nd ih* bas- about 'brides' 707 CHURCH STREET EVANSTON ' GREENLEAF 2450' 7À. se c.o i