Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Jun 1937, p. 72

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WITZLEBEN REALTY 632 Green Bay Road Kenilworth 5540 11IL'rN,-t MOST ATTRACTIVE SPANISH TYPE 7rm. house. 2 baths, glazed sun room, sleeping p orch. H. 'W.. ohl heat. Att. garage. Lot 55X189. $800 Cityl National Agency oF EVANSTON, INC. $00 Davis St. Rfi. 400 G re., 1 412 il 1lLTN5-ltp OWNER TRANSFERRED TO EUROPE 1will sacrifiée cozy andý attractive 5 roc>m bungalow. BUIt in,.1927 and ln excellent. condition. Hot water heat-with hermnostatic.control.. 50-ft. lot,--gar age, ne>rsco 1sndtrafsp,6rtàtiof. $6,750. TIGHE REALTY COMPAN 521 Fourth Street Wilmette 910 111LTN5-mltc. FORFCLOSUR£, Probably thé lait chance to get a. Weil Sbulit attr. 7 rm. hse. tinder, $10,000. Tule bath, lav., Ige. L. R. and bdr. N4Tr. tra.nsp. and stores. Key at our offilce. Fuller Fiokard, 407 L1nden- Wil. 437 COLONIAL HOME In S. E. Wlnfl. 8 rms,, 4 bdrms., 3 baths, lav., sun room, oil ht., att. gar., 80-ft. lot. $16,500. Weil flnand.d Mr. Thatcher. E. SAWvYER SMITH 725 Elm St., Winnetka Winnetka 3500 111LTN5-ltc NEW CAPE COD HOUSE. 5 ROOMS on lst floor, space above for 2 rooms and bath. Holiand furnace. Near Indian 11111 estates. 2 blocks grade school. Gar. $9,500, terras. Wilmette184 l5lt $12 750 TAKES 6 RM. BRK. 'DUTCH 2ol. Slate roof, 2-car 'gr, ol ht. b11i0. Kenil. R. R. A good buy. enhl- worth 5540. I1ILTN5-lte BY ôWKNlR, 6 RM. IAME ON HIGH- land Ave. Eoo4 od Nice lot. $7,900. Ph. Wilmette 165 eves. 11LTN5-l1tc WANTED 10 .UY-*I0U8ES WE PAY AS MUCI1 AS 1% FOR JEX- CLUSIVflS ON REAL ESTATE. SUBMIT YOURS FOR OFFER. F. Pavlik, jr., Ce. Kenllworth '2016 11ILTN5-ltlJ -WANTED TO BuY O RNTSnL house near N. WI. station. Reas. Ad- dress A-4, Box 60,-Wlmette, Ili. . il3LTN5-ltl) froR SAit.vpAcAWT Lake Mils, Wisconsin SUMMER HiOME SITES A. FEWV VERY FINE WELL,'WOODED lots, shelving sand beach; clear, clean water; good fishing;' golf course adja- cent; suitable for individual or group location; ýfully restriýcted. 'Shown by a ppointnieflt. Robert P. Ferry, Lake, Milîs is.. 114LTN4-2tp RIPARIAN HOMESITE 65x342, HIGH BLUFFÉ.,WIDJ SAND) beach. The lowest priced lake lot on tiie north shore. Price only $10,750. SMART & GOLFE, INC. 1564 Shermnan Ave., Evans.. Uni., 0283 114LTNS5-ltc THINK OF IT À, LOT IN S. E.. WILME'rTE NEAR. the "L" at $2,500. It won't last long., Cafl R. M. Johnston, & Co,. Opposite "L" Terminal WMilniette 444 ll4LTN5-itc FOR SALE BY OWNER.,BEAIJTIFUL. wooded ravine lot in fine section of Ravinlia. '/.,bj. frorn ake. Riparian priv. Cail Highland Park 1 273 for full Information. I I4LTN5-ltP TO CLOSE ESTATE Lot 60xl23 on. Greenwood. All assess- mients paid. $ 1,200. Pl.. Wilmnette 3108. WE HAVE LOTS OF LOTS, KENIL- WORTH AND WILME1,ýTTlE, $1,200 up. F. Pavlik, Jr,, (Io. Keniiworth 2011; 114LTN5-I tl FOR RENT-S4UMMER COTTAGES COTTAGE W\UIH EQUTIPMENT ON. Fox River. Near McHenry. Apply Mrs. Carlton Prouty~. Winnetka 1757 or Win-, netka 7. 115A-ILTN5-1tCý SummiER REKORTS .MODERN FURNISHED) COTTAGE, » McKinley Lake, Spooner, W' Elec., ' running hot and cold water,' bath, fire- place, new Skell-gas stive, gar., boats. Accom. 7. Reas. Rent for season. Green- ;leaf 5263. ,I1ALN-t jFOR RENT AUG. 1-SEPT. 10. 120 .acre ranch home near Missoula, -Mon- .tana. Large house, garden, 4 .saddle ) orses, swim-miflg pool. $150 per month.: For further information write A7, Box 60, Wilmette. 111. 116.A-LT5-tp MOST BEAUTIFUL HOMESITE on County Line Road, situated on private lake fringed entirely by lovely old trees, unusually pic-. turesque. 1 mile fromn the North Western station. 6. acres, beautifUlly Wooded and rolling, a lovely 4etig on Brinker *Road. The finest property and lo- cati ,on,. restricted to betteî' homes. Close to Country Club. $2,000.KO 10 acres, 4 miles southwest of> sta- tion, surrounded by trees, makes a.beautif ul homesite. Sacrificed f or duick sale. FARMSI NEAR WOODSTIOCK 320 acres, 40 acres of tumber, rich black loamn soil, dairy and grain farm. Excellent investment payIîig good returns. 160 acre faýrn, 80 avrés of timber, new dairy barn. 6 roomi bouse. Deep well, .5 miles fromn Barring- ton. 179 acres, 4 miles S. . of. Bar- rington, highly productive, dairy farm; rated as the best farm in Cook County. 14 room house, sur- 'rounded bv beautiful ld trees. Stream and small lake. 115 acres of highly productive roll- ing land. 1/ mile fromn Crystal Lake on main highway. W'ill divide or seli more land -.up to 155 acres. 90-acre highly. product ive dairy farm. Lovely old bouse, 4 miles S. W. Equi,)neflt optional. Possi- bilitiles for fine private lake. 40' acres, 4 miles S. Vo' modern homne and outbuildings. Private. lake. At-, tractively prlced. 10 acres, (; miles West off Baftington. BeautifullY wooded and rolling, small lake. Quaint renodeled Newv England farmnhouse. 2 bedroonis, 2' baths, insulated oit, heat. Guest house, large studio living roomn, 2'. bedrooms, 2 battis, survants' *quarters. ings. '~Mile east of 20acresc 5miles fi wooded land, on North Shore. Homes *Repayment Plan Winnetka Building & Loan Ass'n 716 lm St. Winnetka 1611 127A-LTN3-4tl> FOR SALt4I*USEMOLD G00DB REMOVAL SALE T FIUG JUNE. ALL ANTIQUES GREATLY REDUCED). 859 ELM ST., WINNETKA Sevral sînali tables, pair of end tables, *6 Colonial mahog. dinlingroom.chairs. Gilt, pine and . maple mirrors, small chest of drawers, Vict. . couch,. Jenny Lind maple bed. 4, poster miaple, bed with tester. 'Silver >tea sets andtrays. >Currier, and Ives, and English sport prints. Patternied, glass, rare china. Quilt-, brocades, etc. Tel. Winn.- 1325. I 29LTN5-1tp) RUMMAGJÎ SALE, IN. BACK YARD THVR.SDAY,, FUI1- day and Saturday,' June 10, A 1, 12.ý Biggest bargains of the.y ear. Miovîflg to our, uew location. 964 Linden Ave., Aitlimerchandise must be, sold regardlE-,s. IMEFLAMINGO SHOP q7 0,,Lindiei Ave. Hub, Wood.$ Winn,'2067 AS LOW AS $40 V. J. KILLIAN CO. 907 Lindeil Ave. Winnetka 908 129LTN5-3te CHILTON PLAYER PIANO, CHINA cabinet, desks, porch furnitflre, day-, led, chairs, tables, dfining rýroorfl set, mnmps, bedrooni sets, bird and cage. Wilniette 2489 129T5-tl) Laýrge and Smnall 9x12 Doniestics 19ýý1:' Church. St., Evaistoil. L'NCLAIMED RIUGSO 25i-9x12. 8xlO and (6x9. 100 yards of carpet. 1912CUC ST., EVANSTON MAHO(lANY VANITY DESR 9 1 ¾jbed, spring and iattress, $10. Cara- cul fur coat. size 42, $20.Al in gôod 00onditiou. Winnctka 3838.î WIHRîl'N1) TABLE-, $1 WMinnetka 2.37 SELLN<} NTIRPE FURlNISHIýNUS 0F miy home, reasonable. 1716 Forest Ave,. Second fioor. T'.~.1; TT & COONS an~ Rd., Glenview Ph. 81 124LTNý-ltc OWNERS 0F TWO O0F-RENIL- ~~ wortli's cholcest 8Ù-ft. lots ln re- stxjted neiglibôrhoodj off ert tex real- lybelow market value for'Ammediate sale. For; det5IigB ee SEAR ! Keflhl- Day. wôrk .6288, 4TN-t road. Nr. Iideer Country Club._________________ 1-Tertas. FOR 814-FARMS HEIL &, HEII.< 130 ACRES, HOUSE WITH 10 ROOMS, 1322 Chicago Ave. bath, electric lights, running' water, 1819-20 ýRbg.,,Pk..6300û on Academny Road, Lake Forest. Mrs. V. 124LTrN5-ltc Houliban, 237 NM Second St., Liberty- ville. . 125LjTN*4-2tp WANTED TO *IJY-kUHLP. 000D9 WE BUT FURNITURE RUGS, BRTC-A-BRAC, MYEN'S &.WOM- , en's. clothing, shees, etc. Phonle un i-, versity. 0103. 9213chicagro Ave., Evans- ton.1 l3OLTN4..4tp j 1026 DFOUBI PHONE

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