9:15 a.m.-Fil'Bt service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible* classes. il1:00 a.m.---Second service. MEETINGS ChtI'dren'ýs circle, today, wlth Mrs. A. M. Praisieri 2145 Grey avenue. Martha ýGuI1d outing, today;, group, Ieaxéà the -church at 2. . M ýWinnetka circle, -Friday, 8. P. , with mm . E. Schaefer, 518, Roeewoed avenue.ý Sunday 8chool staff, Frldiay, 8:15 p. ini. 'Young Mothere cIrcle, Monday, 8 p. ni., with, Mrs. R., Witt, :6225 N. Talman avenue.: The order of service at il "o'cloéck on Sunday.will Include the followihg: Prelude--Intermezzo....Rhenberger' Introit-"Turn Thee TJnto Me" . ...... Schmauek Anthem-ý'»orflIfg .Hynin" ..Henschel Offertory-PastOrýaIe ..... *... Kullak TRie Sernon"It Io a Good TIhing That thie 1Heart Be -Established"- Acte 5:34-42' Postiude-Postlude .......Faulkes On utdy, June 20, *ur anwal churcli and SundaY school outing willi be held at thie Eggert fanm on Du'ndee ros.d, about a mile east of Wheeling. A children's day service wilI be held on the 'grounids at 11 a. m_., and there wiil be an outing" program for young * and old in the afternoen. For those who cannet attend thie outing there wilI be a service In church at il a. ni.. but net at 9 :15. "Magnify the Lord with nie, and let us exalt Hie namne together." Psalm Wilmette Bajùtist, - Wllmette andi Forest avenues Rev. George D. Atison,, pastor Thie Woxnan's society meets tonior- row, (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'ciock with thie theme "Comradeshlp Mong the Road," which closes a busy and successful season's efforts. Mns. George N. Lamb and Mrs. Harry Burnaýide wil give readings, and - there will be a 'social hour and tea. This will be a final- get-together before the vacation Interlude. Mrs. John M. Davis Ie thie newviy elected president of thie group. Intermeêdiate to High sec.hoel: David Allison, Ralh Johnson. Patty Craw- ford, Gladys Daistroni, Eveiyn :Jacob-ý sen,-*MarJieie ennacker, peggy Kirch- ner,ý Cythera, Guthridge, Mary A. Lascellee, Margaret Veeey, Lois Waageo, Jean Berg.ý St. A ugustne Dr. Hubert Canleton, rector. S undayï, June 13, wiii 'be thie third sunday after-,Trinit y.Thr wilb Holy Communion at 8. a., m, Church *chool and. Bible classes at 9 :.45, and Morning Prayen With sermon at il a. m. Next Sundày the session of our Churceh schÔpls will be the. last sessions of, the, sease .n , and the'beginninif of the suni- nier vacation. Sessions will begin again thie Sunday after'. the gradet4echools' open. Toinorrow (Friday) will be 'St. Banna- bas day. There will lie Holy Communion atg 8 a m Thie practices ofthtRe Boys' choir have ceo.sed for thie season, and the 'Girls' Veeted choir will" hoid It- last practice this afterioon at 4 in the Parlsh House. A large party uflder the auspices of the Womeil's Gulld. Journeyed to Bar- rington for lunch and an outing on 'Pues- day, June 8. Our Church sehôoo choir~, with sonie of our parishioflers, attended thie xna.,.e meeting of the Churcli echools ini St. Luke's 'pro-Cathedral, Evanston, tast Saturday.. The current. collection of Bishop's Pence cans took place last Sunday. Al cane- not -retui'ned should be sent to thie church as quickly as possible. English Lutheran $eventh street ai; Greenleaf "A IH0USF, 0FWORSHIP" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor Church sehool ...... ........9 :45 a. ni. Mornîng worehlp........ 1100 a. Mi. junior LutRerleague ... .....3 t0 P. ni. The mnusic for thie service of worship next Sunday morniflg is as follows: O®rgan Prelude- (ulmn o'cieclç. unurcn. SCIbuv w'............- ' 'clock..TRie Early service makes it pos- sible forthose vishingto spend the day away from home te frst. worship. Plan te attend churcl regular-ly duing the sumnier, menthe. CONGREGATIONAL anld CHURCH SOHOOL PICNICý'Phursdày, June 24, frem 2, p.ni. te sunset ut H arm's Woeds, Foret Preserves, west ef Wiimette. Cars will lie at thie churcli at i :30 o'clock for these .wishing traiisportation. We invite you to worship with us! >First Congre gational Lake avenue at Wihmette avenue Thle Rev. John G.. Hlndley, minister We cordilally invite the community, friend oet thie parieli,.parentse and chli- dren te our Chidreni's Day and Churcli school commencemlent~ next Sunday rnorning at il ýo'clock in thie churcli auditorium. TIE iORDER 0F 3MORNING 'WOESJIIP Thle Organ Prelude and Floral Proces- sienai-"Glorla Domini'.... .... . .. . .. . . T. ertius Noble Congnegatieia.l Hymn-"Thls Te My Father's World' TRie Caîl te Worship-Recitative and Choral ly thie Primany Department, Thie, Prayer et Invocation .......... .'*" "Rev. J. G. Hindley 'Ple-A An*them-'Holy, Holy, Holy".Wil.son Thle Boys' and Girls' Choirs. The Chri-tenlng Service ... .. .U . ..ý-. ev. J. G. Hlndley Presentation ofthtRe Cradle Roll, Begin- ners andi Pnlmary Graduates.... ..ý........M. IH. A, LaRoly The Children's Story. Rev. J. G. Hindiey 'Phe Chilàren's Recessiolial Ifynn- "Fairest Lord Jesus", Thie Scriptur.al Responsive Reading- Junior and Intermediate Departments Commencement Speaker-"TRie Benefitil of thée Ciurcli Scg-hool"-Mr. John D. Randal; Senior Department Graduate Presentation et the Junior, Intermediate and- High SchoiGraduates-Mr. H. A. LaRoy Recognition of the Chunuli Shool Staff and Facuity The Pastoral Prayer and Chenal Response Thle Offertp.ry Soo-"Hlow Lovely Are 'Phy Dwellings" ....... Liddle 'Ple Mlniter's Message"-"We Belive ln weberv- Junior .to Intermediate - Donn ,V. Bannes, Phyllis Bergstrand, Mary Elizabeth CarpýentOr,: Donald 'David- son, Carlton Everson, May UL. 11f, Mary Helen Marmaduke, Patricla Me- Dermott, Charles, T. Morrison, Edwir R-obert Ann Sabin, Edna Skinner, Brc mith, Shirley- Spangler, - John A. Redding intermediate,,te Senior - Curtis War4d Brown, -Ralph T.,Clark. Muriel .y.1 Fisher, Ill, Garth K. Grahami, Marilyn Jayne, 'Jeanette-L. Kanles, Warren D MaciCaze,. Eleanior' S. LaBonte, George W. Miller, Shirley Maughan, -Elizabeth A. Miller, Jean IC. Putùani.. senior Department graduates- Donald W. Burge, Albert C. Carpenter, Shirley J. Pearson, John D. *Randali, Ashton B. Taylor TPle INecighborhood circle wiIl hav-e t last meeting of the season at Plentywood Tea Room. Bensenvilip, 111., Tuesday. June 15, at 1 p. ni. 'Phe annual report .and the elctUon ut opcers .wll. he :Rir main features. Next Sunday' wili be' thie a"t meeting of the Churcli sehool until Septernber. We will, however, hold a Chiidren's Fel-. iewship hour in the Bertha Wheelock Hall' during the morniflg service for thi, remaining Sundays in June, The strong messages of the ourre_1t sermon sanies continue. We encourage you to Invite othei's to worship with u',; as the sequence proceeeds. June 20-"'We Believe in Youth- June 27-"We Believe In the Kingdoin of God", July 4-"We Belleve In Our Country" July .l1-"We Belleve in Tnijth" JulY 18--"We Belleve I Lite" Jul'y 25-"We Belleve in Love" During July andi August we .will have Unitedi services with the local flaptist churcli. The Rev. Mr. Hindiey wil. preac'h In thie Baptiet church in July and Dr. Alleon will occupy bis own pulpit August i and our pulpit thie ether four Sundays in August. The Rev. Mr. Hindley returns for thie Union Labor Day. Sui'- day service Septeniber 4-,lInOur- churcil. Our regular. announcenients are -1 i followe: Monday- 4:00-P. M.-Junior Camp Fine CGi rls a t thie home of Dr. Hazel W. T1odgês, -961 Foret avenue. Êari c. carison conducted thie "gradua- mermnthe.. Meetings are neld every M'uss Jiean tio» srvieanti presented dirplemas. 1third ede ofye the month. ' - j' -Cradie Rol Bqinners prOniOted te Primany: Th e Womn'es* ociety wiIIi meet ohn fairstow, êpen Sim, . ýGen e ve Gvthnt4ge, Thursday atternoon, June 17, at the T. Miett' HRunten Kig Read", ............ Mis Breidenich tendent-C.' E. Blossorn An Exérise--"A Wonderful Howard Miller, Robent Treasure",...... Junior and Beginniers.; hJ. Coburn A Hymn rge of thie World Friend- 'Pableau-"Children of the -Mrs. D. B. Stevenon nd Bible" ........... Mrs. LenoirnMiller iordon Mise Georgia Weigel and hildren il 'ef Gradua tee Solo-"Suffierthie Little Knde *arten-R-s Mai hirn...........M. dward O0tis ryl Jurne Tucker, Michael praniatiztioti-"'uth and Naoni"........ PniaryChildren OF