"O ~ ~~1?II oi ~ef s0 anaiupia i This ýestablishxnentprovides every facility for service, while maintaining the quiet, peaceful atmnosphere of a refined home. Here the relatives may .be with their loved one in even greater comnfort and privacy than would be possible ,in t he.residence. And- on account of the0 efficiency it promotes, we are able to offer our patrons the- use of: the beautiful, establishmienM without any addition to our nioderate charges. WILMETTB.. 111j8 RINAFANU Ph... WiImetto 654 LAD Y ASSISTANT DE LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30 YEARS ON THE NORTH SHORE, WINNETKA 554 CENTER STREET PhonseWinnetks 404 1j4~4?IS1 TIllE -TO DUY * Don't wait for cold weather .. . but nowc, before your vacation, sign your Braun Bros. Heating 011 Agreement. Why?... You will have maximum price pro- tection, assured supply, and a care-free summer. Now is the best time! Wlth our specil Care- Free Service You turn ail thle responslbillty of ohl delivery over t-g us. We watch your oil supply constantW. ""for fuel 812 Oak Street, Winnetka. use oil" ÇWilmette 831 PhoiesWinnetkýa 3901 Greenleat 2180 G'Iencoe 100 I Il .............. .....................