Library, Recreation, School, Park B3oards, Will Unite in Offering Program Sumeér activities for children in a program suppfied ýby'the coordinated efforts of.the board of éducation,, the' prk, and library-boards, a nd -the playgroulld and, recreation "board, were listed- this week by- J. Robb Harper, superintenident'of schoèls. The library'spart, in. the plans will include the ýestablishment of a. suni- mner rea ding 'club, which wihl. open, on MoInday, Julie 21, and. which Wil continue for six wceks. until July. 31. Ayboy or girl who bas a card in the ýjunior rooni of ýthe- ibiary niy join the club, it wvas explained. There 411, be no fees or dues connected, with thie cluib. Thr, Playwgrouai The recreation board this week an- notinced thiat playgrounds this year are to be located at Vattman park, Fifteenthi street and Lake, Spencer, Prairie, and Park avenues; 'at the Village Green, Lake avenue and Ridge road, and at thie Stolp school on Tenth street between Central and, 1,ake- avenues. \Tattmnan Park and thie Village Green will be open daily except Sun- day froýn 9 o'clock. in . the niorning Loubell Studios, Inc. Col. R.1Hill Carruth of 480 Eider loue f, Wiinnetka, was recently elected president of tire Iroquois club in Chica go, one of the oldest. Derno- cra tic organizations l'a the country. Colonel Garruth has been one of the club's nrost active inembers, serving as chairinan of the pro grain and Chur-ch school Commencement Sun- day morning, June 13, at .11 o'clock ini the. church auditorium. The order of morning w'orship :will be as' follows The,.Organ Prelude and> Floral Processional, "ýGloria Domini"..T. Tertius Noble CongregatIonal Hymn- iThi.s Is My Father's Worldit The Cali to Worship ........ Prlmary Department Recitative and Choral The Prayer of, Invocation........ Rev. J. G. Hli4ley The Anthem-'IHoly, Hioly, Holy",.Wilfon. The Boys' and Girls' Choira- The'Chrlstening Service ........Rev. J. G. Hindley Presentation of the Cradie Rll, Beginners anà Prinary G'raduates ...........M2%1r. H. A. LaRoy The Children's Story. . Rev. J.ý G. Hindley heChildren'.s Recessional Hymnn-"Falrest Lord Je-ýus'I Thefenve Scriptural Read- ing . . .. Junior and Intermediate Pepts. Commncemnt peaker-"rhe e neffts of the Chutrch Schoo"--John D. Ran- daîl, Senior Departinent Graduate Presentation of the Junior, Interniediate and Hlgh School Graduates..........r. H., A. LaRoy Recognition of the Church School Staff and .Faculty The Pastoral Pray-er and Choral1 Response The Offertory Solo-"*How%, Lovely Are Thy tweliings".........Llddle William Rosa T['e Minister's M.%essage--"We Believe ln Childhoo41"' Trhe Pjendiction Clyde 0. Grater Reappointed Beachmaster; M'rs. Bachman Named Matron The Wilmiette Park District board ha$ set 'Saturday, J'une 19, for the. -.official, opening of Wilmette beach for the bathing, season. As here- tofore, careful- preparations fo.. the conduct of the, bee'ch on a high plane have - .been .comhpleted, and villagers are- ~" a s sur e 4ofa, sunier of de- lightful enjoy- ment in what is universally ac- knowledged to be Clydie O. Grater the finest beach onLake Michi, gan. Clyde 0. Grater wili again serve in the capcity of beach master, Mrs. H. M. Bachman has' been 're- tained in the position of beach inatron, and Mrs. jean Finney will again be secretary. TeExamns For LUfeguard Tepersonnel of the corps of life- guards has flot yet been determined, applicanits for these important posi- tions fot vet ha vin oe .ualified. noon, and tromin 1o'clock ' in the alternoo tiuntil 4 :30 o'ciock. Many Activities .\ctîvities .uill include' story dra- Inati7ations, short plays, marionettes, liandicraf t, athietics, trips of Ailkinds to points of interest, club work and folk dancing and singing. Thle. enrolîmiettvill be lield on NMonday nîorning, June 211, at thle V- I lage Green playgrouind. AI, innovationthis year iI'be the t Prote et Shore Towns From Trucks Maintain Vigilance as Legisia- denied the power to invade them, and Carrir Actthe coninnities thernselves permit.- tors DiscussCareAc ted to have somnething to say about - which streets the trucks shall Use. Word~ cornes froni Springfield that If adoption of ail amendmnent giving attorneys and others striving to pro- the coniunities this power fails i ect north shore residential coml- the Senate,' it is stated that efforts nunities f rom. invasion by through will be made to have it adopted in the avenue, IformerIy oi J'6-19-1 rrmwooudavenAue, wa,~--- sreis to receive the degree Of ruember of that body. He 4ced Bachelor o'f Science in Chemical. Henry J. Brandt, whose new duties Engineering from Purdtie university a5 president of the Wilmette Board at the comnmecement exercises June of' !Education. compelled bis resigna- '13. He is to eave at the end. of this, tion from thé directorateofteloa week to assume a positionwthte finaca ntttO.Dr. Merrifield is Vr. Il Anderson comnpanyý of Cleve-, idenitifledl with .the dénta'l schrlo land, . ~' r ' Sorthwestern unniversitY. Real Et-ate Values, and houses for sale PAGE'S'68,' 69, 70, 71, 72,) 7.3 club tank on Thursday, june 17, at 4 o'clock. The board states that the beach available for bathing will be fenced in and entrances provided at the bath house at the foot of Lake avenue and' at the southeast corner of' the bathing area. This latter entrance,lit is added, wil be accessible frorn the Washing- ton park parking' space. REPORT ON CONTAGIONS The Wilmette. 'Héalth department reports the following cummunilcable discase cases for the week'ending June '5: .Chickenpox, 3; inimps, 1 scqarlet feyer,-3. ,whooping mogh, L.