725 Elm SMITH Winnetka 2500 ýRIPARIAN HOMESITE: ,6Ëx342, flIGH BLUFF, WIDE SAND be&.ch. The lÔwest prlced lake'lot on tiienorth shore. Ierice only $10,750.. SMART &'GOLFE, INC. 1664 Sherman Ave., lEvans. Uni., 0283 Il 4LTN6-ltc NEAR'LAKE- BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT in East WilmetteMany large trees, close to transportation. Size g1x1.72. Make offer.,Green- leaf 2700. 114LTN6-ltc WELL WOODED LOT IN CHOICE .Hubbard Woods location, niear sehools and transportation. Modest size. and modest price. Winnetka208 1141,64t: UNUSUAL SITUATION MAKES IT 1.ýpossible to buyr a choice 80-ft. lot in restricted neighborhood. at much less than.actitj1 lmarket price. See Sears, Kenilworfh 5289. 1114r6-Ite VACANT CORNER 184-foot frontage on Sheridan Road in Glencoe. WillI divide. Bargain. Wjnm. H. Wright & Co. Greenleaf 4880 il 4LT1N6-Ite FOR SALE, - SEVERAL LOTS ON beautiful Lake Delavan. Owner must sacrifice. Ph. Wilmette 4853. - liA-41T T4.l.te WB HAVE LOTS WORTH AND WV P. Pavllk, Jr, Co. LN l.- )o up. 201f' 6-ltp routh 41. . uitable rQr an estate, sur- rounded by private .residences, tis piece .of propertY was a New York< *artist's major studyfor 1933 when hie sp ent a full month depicting its nat- ural beauty on one small canvas. One of the few moqquito free lake front locations, it provides maximum surn- mer comfort. Sand bottom bathirg beach and -gravel spring water. Now Improved with a modern 8 room bungalow type year arouîid home and two 9 room summer homes. AIl mod- ern wlth baths, hardwood floors, fire- n.q,oo . etc.A triilv heautiful !spot with two EX CELLENT. 40-ACRE farms in, choice localîties, oneý with comlete set of build'ings. 'Very rea- sonable. 160-acre f arm and estate with home, new dairy house, etc. Also 20-acre: bargain. il-acre estate, beautiful ultra- moderr home and buildings, or- chard, -etc. Liberal terms.ý Several exclusive farms and estates at. lrices below depression level. B eautiful estate and1 farrn with complete mopdern conveniences, or- blhard, pond,' woods, wil divide, might leases. Termns. Villageliomes and country property,, Choicye location for tea roojfl in community building, small invest- ml3ent, su.re, opportunlity, Complete listings of exclusive -prop- erties of every klnd. Cooperatlng brokers inivited. "Barrington Is an Excellent Addre,s' HELEE EDEýRER EXCLUSIVE AGENT 250) E. Main St. Plione 37 Barringtoil14TN-t (G E NVI E W ly 10w price of $2,100U an acre. WYATT & COONS Glenview Phione 81. FOR SAWE.-FARMS GEý,NTLEIENS FARAM - IN EX- clusive section-110 acres - near Kildeer Country Club. Excellent farmi buildings, lovely site for beau- tifu. bomne at top of bill with lake development and wooded back- grouind. - property. IntreetL41/25o 0 àlU /0 ,Joseph C. Corinack & CO. N 1569 Shierman, Evanston Uni-. 3353 127A-LTN6-tfc FOR SALE-IIOUSEHOI-D 000DBD RUMMAGE £SALE. MINBACK:YARD THURSDAY, FR1- day and Saturday, .June11819 Biggest bargains of the yeéar. Moving to our new:location, -964 Linden 'Ave. Ail merchandise ,rnust be sold .regardleoss of price. THE FLAMINGO SHOP. E 970 Linden Ave. Hub. Woods Winn. 2067 USED FRIGIDAIRES As LOW AS $40 Guaranteed one year. v. iJ. KILLIAN CO. 907 Linden Ave. Wlnnetka 908 129LTN5-3tc PRESSURE COOKER - ALL ;AMERI- cani,.12 q uart, new.Karastan Chinese rug $ ft. 5 in. by 18 ft. 2 An. orig. $ 450, se41 $1215, studio couch-aUi in fine con- dition. Phone Wilmnette 1910. 129LTN6-ltP) îI ~I». and large dresser; victrola, radio; chairs ; dishes; picture framesý elec. train; sled and other toys large ward- robbe trunk; tool chest, etc,. Cahi W'in-, netka 1267. l29LTN6-l1 c ABC GAS RANGE, GREY AND WHITE ENAIMEL. GOOD cond. Right-lid oven. $15. Win- netka 760. .129LTN6)-l H-eavy Oriental rug, 9x12. Antiqjue Persian rug, il1hxl 4. Antique Persian rug, 10.'/2x17. Mahogany fireside benchi. Wilimette 4361). 25-9x12. 8x10 and 6ix9. 100 yards of carpet. 1913 CHURCH ST., EVWANSTON 129LTNI-4ti RNABE Parlor Grand Piano C al Kenilworth 2189 129LTNe-ltc FORl SALEF: LARGE WALNUT SOFA and other antiques, 570 Arlington Ave., DesPlaines, 111. Tel. 296-M. DesP. 129LTN6-ltc w-I-a IO THROWINC. IT AWAY? WAIT! We buy A& P-1y begt nmarket priceS for al Juink. 'Papers, magazines,, furniture. Junk ÏDeaéler: Goidian Ph. Wilmette 5426 132LTN4-4tP, North Shore S2falvag ARE yOU -MOVING- OR CLEANIN(i house?, Don't. throw, aWay or give aWay your e.,cesa baggage quch as rags. Papers, booka, gs, furniture, bric-a- brac. Top prices.Winnetka 1522. -t 132LTN5-t J~ ~ un elrPhil Schuman lghest market prices for -paper, mag. Rags $1 Per. 100 lbs. Also buY f urn. bathtubs and oid iron. WILMETTE 744., 132LTN4-4tp ORBIANCENO.1810 AN ORDINANCE regulàting the storage of ila.mmatble BE JT ORDAINED BY THE PREI DENT AND BOARD 0F R;TE 0F THE V'ILLAGE 0FWI ETE Cool-,COUN'PY,. ILINOIS: ,SECTION oNE: For the purposes Of this ordinance, inflammiable liquids slial inelude and miean ail liquids havîng a flash point below 187 delgrees Farenheit eîosed cup) tester. The flash p)oint s.-Il bie as determnifed by the Tagliabue. closed cup. tester. SECTION TWO: No person, firmi or corpora(I-,tionl shall have or store, or pier-, mnit *or cause to be stored, more tltn ,ý -fýA £ilIing f i n hi uids in - w noie or. in partlor u sUfaLm... staltion or. sejvice station purposes. SECTION THREE: Any per'son, fij.i ol corporation who shail violate the provisions of this ordinance shall, upofl r-onvicti<m, be flned not to exceed One Hlundred Dollars ($100.00) and each d ay that any violation is permnitted to exist shaîl constitute a separate offense. The application of the within penalty shalH not be held tô prevent the enforced re- mnoval 0f prohibitefi conditions. SECTION FOUR: AIl ordinances or parts 0 f ordinances in conflict herewith S. Sultable Y; for co- RF-A resort; for FIRST e avallable on. Ri RT, Wlnnetka WIS. 716 Elm St. R.,,, & Loan Ais'ùI and mi Winnetka 1611 I folding 127A-LTNe-4tp ce-box esg $5. ree aniU UdsRVL ter, Ukelele, over- kates, 1534 Higl- HOME FROM SCHOOL 13 1LTN6-tp jerrine Frommn. daughter ofi Mr. EtCELAINd.JNED and Mrs. E. F. Fromm, 1330 Maple Large ie crb av n e e u n d h m W di s ay o o highchair and aeurtre oeWdedyo Lake Ave., Wil last week ,from Beloit college for the l31L6-tp summer vacation.