Fzva.nston iAc a - enxy of Fine Arts wýhere s h e will enrollitixSeptem- ber as a-first vear student, in art es- se ntiaà1s..Th e aw ard was made on, the basis of scholarship,' char- Aiée Wagnýer acter, ai». t ahility, and promise, and 'upon the recomn- nmendation of ber teachers. HAVE SON, Albert George is the infant son w-,ho arrived junie 21, ilw1 he'homne 1of Mr'. aidý *Mrs. Albert. E. Hall, 1023 Greeiwoodv avenue. The baby has a -littie sister, Carol Ann, who is two years o .1d. tor Me past three e Weks, i î pet to return home this week-end. The younger chidren, Beverly and jimmy, will be with himn and their grand- mnother, Mrs. Katharine. Hogue, dur- iing'the absence of thei .r.mother and brothers. - HAS B.S. DEGREE Eugene. P. Berg 731 'Tenth. street, wvas graduat.ed f rom Purdue university on june 13, receiving. bis -B. S., in me-, chanical.engineering. He is a member of the hQnor .society, -Pi Tau Sigma, and of Delta Upsilon fraternfity. lis mother, Mrs. C. P. Berg. attended the Com- 1mencement. C) I 5-LB. PECK 29~: PINEAPPLE .wicE *3 1N20 PARGOLD RANGE ÔIIICE 2 12ÀOi 19c 8UNDINE G*APIFIWITUIwCE 3'e-o'20C DROMEOARY GRAPEFRUIT suicE 3 NO. 225c SONA TOMATO JUICE . 3 -Oz 25c CAMPBÉL.VS TOMATO JUICE . 3 '-D 20c ARE THIIS WEEK'S A &P ____ MARKETS OFFERINOS LG19 'AROUIS31-0z.lOc 7-OZ. F'a « CANS ' ~ 2,4-L,4Bt K 3 PIKGS.'U * * CAI'SC 1aoz. CANS e e e e e' LuI Food Stores jýý