pâtented process off qdck-jfee- ing. As soon as the fish are boned and packaged they're whisked into *his remfarkable quick.freezing éoneraption. W'hami At ehat moment they are suddenlysubjectecl c acold 0o 'terrific and 80 swifdy Sp. plied ehat the.ocean-fresh fBa- vor is actually SSALED IN! boesedreï do tecoeh.Yoar iar- est Birds Bye deder bas sbeu. LOSTER EA..Ub"1 11C..ked. R«dy for salde. Serves 4 CUTCORN. box 23'e Foru-frnsh, w;oe .kernels.mServes 4 Man s,s SummeirIVetar *~.i*flt~i "Fit-ýLok».m SLACKS TE HIUS8 NUUy C.LyTTioN & SONS Ôrolagion and Charch- EVANSTON SOpen Tues., Tiurs. and, Sa#. EVO. Floor of the Flouse, as a statement of the power of Congress ta deal withý aIl manner of probl-ers. It is a favorite expression. on the. part of those: who ,rebel againist constitu- tional restraints on:the national gov- ernment. It is, frequently employed, in, support of legislation wh ich can - not beý sustained under any of the enumerated, powers' of Conigress in the Constitutionî. ,'-The meaning of the termn "general welfare" in connection with the power of Congress bhas, long been a matter of grave dispute. The termn appears îh'two places in thé. Const 1itution. It Swill ýbe found in'the pre.amble and mn Section'.8 of Article 1. Sets Forth Objetives Insofar as the use of the term iii the Preamble is concer ned, there should be no questio n but that it docs pot, represexnt a grant of power ta theý national government. The. Preamble simply sets forth the ob- jectives of: the Constitution. There are six: (1) forrn a 'more perfect Union, (2) establish Ju.stice, (3) in- sure domestic tranquility, (4) pro- vide for the common defense, (5) promote the genieral welfare atnd (6) secure. the blessing of liberty. No historic authority bas ever con- tended that the Preamble cain be cnstruw<I as girants of puove'r. The pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare .of the United :States . .. Get Court Interpretation From the early days of our Repub- lic great statesmen have argued over the interpretation to be given that language in the Constitution. But it was not until the Supreme Court decision on the AAA and subsequeint- Carry BIRDSýEYE FOODS STATE-RUSH-CEDAR STS. SU PERIO R 0760 iCod swim ti afor 25-é*? sociation, junior Deveiopmnt corn- riittee, of which Frank P. Fulton, is chairman. Daly will go ta ýCulver, Ind., in August for. the finals ini the National Championships for Boy s. He bas been coached in tennis by his father since histenth year and is well gtounded in the. fundameèntals of " execution .and play. eral welfare irrespective of its power to tax. and spend, an irrespective of the powers specifically enumerated. Some believe. that this. is the, point of view of the President. Sucli a construction cannot be con- sidered satMsactory. To adopt it would rnake the enumeération of the. other'1 powers useless. .And, in the. second-place, it should be noted that the clause is used in a' sentence. re- l.ated to the*collection of,-taxes. There are also those, at the O'ther, extreme, who believe that the Madi-, sonian interpretation is the. correct. one. It is their contention that the " g eneral welfare clause" does n ot- eeii- large the power of Congress to col- lect and spendý money. Those who adopt the Madisonian, point, of view, argue that the phrase gives nothing More than the subsequently enum- erated powers, that Çorxgress can collect taxes and appropriate rnoney only to carry out one 'of the enum- erated powers. If the Supreme Court had adoptedý this interpretation in the AAA de- cision, it is a fair conclusion that the Social Security Act could flot have been sustained. Congress would be powerless to collect taxes and mnake appropriations f rom public funds un-, less it could be shown, for examnple, that the appropriation was made to carry out its power over intetgtate commlerce or, some other of the enumrerated powers. Power Over Purs. It is now clecided that the "general welfare clause" is to be interpreted in accordance with the view of H-am- ilton. The Supre*me Court lias' heldý that Congress can collectý. taxes anid spend money for virtually whatcver. purpose it sees fit so long as it is, not, essentially a regulatory scheme. This mneans that the power of' Congress over the "purse" is practically with- out limits. This means that. the only liTS a ehoisand miles. to -the ,Atlaneiic oau. Yee eo"Y for the amahl sum off 2 5c you can eùjoy cod flets ai engysud uilof flavor ago te. minute te.fish werecaughe from te. old Moan ic. Yes OÇEAN-flayored cod- i.ldoi, if, veri seed. in Chi- cago. No: te. alted codish y ou orditiarily know. TheyreUBrdsEyeCodFill«tsl And here's te.storv. We have a