inarried at the Little Church Around the Corner in New York City to joseph Kyle Gorman of Cambridge, Mass., the son of Mr., and' Mrs. . Gorman of Worcester, Mass. Mrs. R. 'S. Peterson, the former WillaSny.- der, ,sister -of ,the. bride,. and Robrt orman,, will be the w attendants. The. bride and bridegroom will be at, homne after July 10, at, the Amn- I)assador, Cambridge "street, Cani- * bridge, Mass., Thursday of last week Miss Sinyder *and her parents.left hère to drive east. Theyý are stopping. in Middletown. Cotnu.,to pick up William. Snyder, a freshman at Connecticut. Wesleyan utiiversity, and theni wil go to Boston where -they wilI spen d a few days 50 that Jane mayý attend the graduation exercises at ýher aima mater, Rad-ý cliffe college, and those of Hlarvard where her fiancé was graduated in '33. Mr. ai"d Mrs. R. S. Peterson will spend some ten days at Columbia nniversity and after visiting friends will return to Chicago to prepare for a year aj»-6ad, sailing early in Au- gust for Ary, Scotland, where Mr. Peterson *will teach in Ayr academy. They will also travel' extensive1I' 0on the Continent. Mr. and Mrs.. Snyder wit h Bill will A r tcr internatif M'rs. Isabelle H. R. Weldon, 1340 *Greenwood avenue, Wiliette, was *reelected a member of the executive board of the Wmpicn's Bar. asso- *ciation, as a director, at the aznual nwieting Izcd recently in the rooins of the Chicago Bar association. Thw entire ticket is as follozws: Kathryn Banesa Pinella, president.; M1arion Marshall, fist vice-pires- *ident; Jean ,Smith Evans, sec- *-4..*'l , *II I * Nul *J 'rl n *yy *5l ntttt, eýntertained friends in honor of Miss Sxiyder on May 29, and -Miss Ada fane Reasner and Mrs. C. R. Ostroni (France-s Copthorne) were co-host- esses at a shower at the home of the former recently. Mrs. George Xest and Miss Florence Henrv, classmàtes at Radcliffe, also entertained in honor of the bride. 14oiien. ontlu ries bill zo tWonz1an',s Bar association' Il1 / the iS SPon-7 BargainBalil Bnefifs Northwestern Settler Freddrv Williams~' orchestra jq Town Chiffon regularly $1.35 high twist three thread for this sale only at Travelwear regularly $1.35 chiffon priced $115 Party Aids MIssionary Mrs. Anthony, Shepanek of Wil- mette held a benefit card party at her homne Wednesday, june 16, for the Missionary of the Gregorian club. Mrs. Shepanek is president. of the Gregorian club, one of the Techny clubs. , "ý 11 .1. Entertains Frdendis Miss Nancy Lawless, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Lawless, 237. Laurel avenue, celebrated ber twelfth blirthday last Saturday. She enter-. tained, a group of ber friends, at a movie party in the afternoon and at inner at her home in the evenig. such extra i f e. S Tfle OnIy o* Stevens ihn Evonss on EDGAR A. SIVnS.e. ýWe«ek aie ends JuIy 3 Evanslwm