wAN-rE.p To suy-HOUSeSf Î WB PAY'AS' MUCH IAS 1% FOREX CLUSIVES ,ON REAL eSTATE., SUBMIT YOURS -FOR. OFFER. F. Pavllk, Jr., Co. Kei.ilworth 2016 113LTN7-îltp 75 FT. FRONT- 13 PT. WIDE INý rear. Very deep with plentyý> of table land.- Bea utifully wooded. In section~ of new homes ne ar Braeslde Sehool. Owner. very anxious for, offepr. Call Mn. Piengen, 5 S. St. Johns, Highland Pic. Wlnn. 1802, Righland Park, 1855 I~Wzrm1 r il 4LTN7-ltc PARCELS 0F LAÀND FOR SMALL COUNTRY ESTATES Sunset Ridge is the answer; these pancels are located just north of Wnnetka Road, west ide o f the street. Pricea. range froni $2,000 to $2,500 each ; new bornes under *construction at present time. A dlilghtful place tô live and keep your lnvestment under $15,000. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 517 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Uni. 6886 Roi. 6886 ýWil. 1660 114LTN7-ltc WILL WANT THIS BIG LOT (62x 181) for aý homesite because lt le in the best of West Winnetka in a new neighborhood. se laid eut as to be safe fer chlldren to play anywhere. ..Ofly $3,5M ~Cal us for. exact, location. NORTH SHORE REALTY 523 Wifhnetka Ave. Wlnnetka 81 1141TN7-l'tc 125ý-ET. -.WOODED LOT RESTRICTED TO A $2ô,000 IMPROVE- met 3-blocks te RHubbard Woods CUSCKREALTY Co. Exclusive Agents1.. 7M -Eir* St. Wlnn. 715 or Rog. Pic. 2321 114LTN7-ltc WANT-OFFER ON LOT 182x246 OVERLOOKING THE Sicokie Golf Club grounds. Suitable for three ho)mes. WIlI divide. SMART & GOLEE, INC. 1564 Sherman Ave. Wilrnette 2486 114LTN7-lte LOT 50x162; ALL IMPROVEMENTS paid in full. West of 1607 Forest Ave., Wlmette. Price $2,000. TIGRE REALTY CO. 521 Fourth St. Wilmette 910 114LTN7-1tc POI*R RNT-99UMMER COTTAGES FOR RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE 2 r>s.-65 mi. Chgo. 5 mi. Lake Geneva. $6 wk.-$25 mon. Wilmette 588 between 4 :30 and 5 :00. 116A-LTN-ltp Ideal Summer Hlome WITH-IN EASY COMMUTING DJS- tance of Chlcago. Located. on high grounid on P'ox River at McRenry. Substantial 6 rooni heuse, 2 screened porches, 2 baths, electrlcity, gas, fur- nace heat, 2-car garage, guest bouse. Lot 66x2O0. Landscaped with fruit and. fir trees. fRiver front has sea wall and pier. Owner will sell lncluding ail f ur- niture and boats, eutboard miotor, etc. at $8,500. Reasonable ternis. R. M. Johnston & 'Ca. Opposite "L" Terminal Wilmette 444 * .119A-LTN7ltc Beautiful 7 roorn home,- fireplace, enc. porch. $ituated high'on a blîl- top. Excellent location. Near.schoola and transportation. 160 acre fan ýand esta-te with home, new dairy barn,, etc. Aise 20 acreý bargain. Unusually picturestiue,--- wooded and rolling. Village Homnes and Cùuntry .Property Choice location for tearoo nn community building, small invest- ment,,sure opportunity. Excel lent dairy and grain fanm. 17 9 acres. Large. house surrounded by beautiful big> trees. 'Small private' lake and winding Stream. Lovely 7 nooni home. Very newv and attractivre. , Englh architecture, 2 batha, large cedar closets, Nice lo- cation. Reaso;nably priced. Several exclusive fanms and estates at prices below dept'ession level. 155 acre fanm, 4 mile froni Crystal Lake on main highway. Righly pro-m. ductive farm land. WIll divide. Attractive and complete listings of exclusive properties of every kind. Coopenating brokena are invited. "Barrington Is an Excellent Address" HELENE LEDERER EXCLUSIVE AGENT 250 E. Main St. . Phone 37? Barrlngton 124LTN7-Itc 22 ACRES ON MILWAUKEE AVE. IN Wheeling wlth frontage of 2 concrete hlg-hwa.ys. Gas, water and electricity- ahl assessments paid for, $900 per acre. Ternis. Oeil J. Ferguson, Wilmette 542. 124LTN7-ltp WANTED-10 TO 3 ACRES WITHI OR wltbout buildings. Lake County. Give 10e., price, best ternis, ln llrst letter. Write A-21, Box 60. Wilmette, Ill. 124LTN7-ltc FOR SAL£-FARMS H. A. rAN]) IUiN1WAL EPT SERVICE. P-SON> GLENCOE 101 127A-LTN7-4tp) FOR IuALE-HOUSEHQI.D 000DB :USED FRIGIDAIRES. AS LOW-AS $40 Guaranteed one Year. V. J. KILLIAN C. 907 Linden Ave. Wlnpetka 908 MAR. CANOPY BEI?, PriNEAPPLE .1carving; mah. slelgh bed; mhaple, bed; walnut chest; tllt-back card table ; mod- ern blue love. seat; desk *chair; large Goupil print.,etchlng; mllk-glass, lamp base;. foot stool; smaillIhooked rug. Winn. 1654. 1293 Westmoor Road. 129LTN7-ltp G. 'E. OSCILLATING FAN COST $30 seil for $15; Spinet desk and chair $3.50; Kitchen table $.0 4 chairs 50e each; 2 ail metal bridge lamps $2.00 ean*h; one ~day bed Velour coveri4ng $4~; 20 foot awnlng.-$3.50; etc. RENSCH, 521 Green. Bay Rd. 129LTN7-ltp) Used Furniture for Sale 108 'Ninth Street Wil mette 129LTN7-ltlp COMBINATION STOVE. GAS AND? COAL. COOD CONDITION, $12.0. lEdwards, ý 17 Wlllow Rd.. Wlnnetka. 1.129L7-ltp ORIENTAL - CHINESE RUGS Large and Small 9x12 Dom'estlcs 1913 Church St., Evaston. 1NCLAIMED RUGS 25-9x12. 8xl0 and 6x9. 100 yards of carpet. 191I3 CRURCH ST., EVANSTON l29LTN4-4tp BED DAVENPORT. 2 MATC141NG chairs. Good condition. Reasonable. 811 Elm Street. Apt. 210. Winnetka. 129L7-ltp FOUR POSTER BEI? AND- SPRING, $5. Stroller, high chairý $10. 9x12 ruge, $5 eacb. Linoleum. odd chairs. Glencôe 682. 129L7-ltp TRANSFERRED-MUST SEL-NEW living n,., dinlng rn. suites; book- case, bed and new full xnatrest. Bar- KENIL. LESS-TH value;. Faces $35 A real valuie. $, 00 obet~ runk jelectric train, 0011. <arriage, te RULAL . S1ATE LOANS cnadle, table and chairs; picture fraames, BluyAcrege nd F rmsdishes, books. Cali Wlnnet)cà 1267. Bu OAR Neag MEnFam REAL ESTATE LOANS 131LTN7-ltc' P'HOME SITES AND? PROFIT. TODATY WE ARE~ IN TRE MARKET FOR 10-INCH BAND? SAW; CIRCULAR la I the Buyers market in Real Estate. FiI'st Mortgage loans on North Shore Power saw uslng 2x6' Inch cutters, N EVI . O D pnoperty. Intereat 41/% to 5%. i1 4/ h. P. electrie motor, ail for $15. 0 New Northfield Village Hall Joseph C. Cormack & Co. ~ GenefAeGeee ý. Winnetka 1111 Greenleaf 2738 1569 Sherman, Evanston Uni. 3353 ----- te124LTrN7-ltco 127A-LTN6-tf ,C (ContinuedonPg64 PARK DRIVE Blue Book homes., 50 ft.