r TRUCK BILL IS' AMENDEDTO'AID LOCAL VILLAGES Springfield Solons Expected to Pass New* Motor Ci%-ier Act This Week BULLETIN Sprrngifield, Jine:. 22 (Spécial). The. liouswas scheduled- to go into a coînjitte.ý of thé. whole, Wednesd&y afternoou, to discuss th bill in fupl.No action was tajoen Monday or 1Tuesday, theé législature adjouruing Tue day at 2 o'cIoclk to atten.d the. Louis'Brad. dock figlit in Chicago. The houa. was entertained, Monds'y aiglit, by a speech from "On. Eyed» Con- neII.y whù crashed the. door suc- cessfuily andd us aIIowi.d the. privilege of the. floor to narrate soine of his personal expérienes- Paul Darrow Paddock. nortn shore communities rom E~vans- ton to Lake Bluff, inclusive, and al other residential areas in the state, this week awaited final disposition of. the legislation by the sixteenth gener- ai assemhly at Springfield, The act, the most sweeping of its kind in the history of illinois, lias reached its second hearing in the house of representatives after passage by the senate. It would give to the TAX -RATE -"BREAKDOWN"ý Table Shows Purposes for Which Each Item.Was Levied Following is a "break-down" of the village rates for the .193 6 taxes in ,Wilimette, Kenilworth, Winnetka and Glencoe: itemj Wihntte Jeilworth WinàetkaI Giencoe Corporate..............66. 6666 .4591 .6666' Bond and Interest - :.0864 .2873' .0389 .2899 Glarbage ............ ..1» .0925ý .1037 ý.1777 Library........1: .12.1 Police Pension........014e .0150 .0150. Firemen Pension....... .0193-- Public Benefit.......0894.1 .10 .0099 Playgrounds .......... .0662-- Total, or the rate.. $1.1627. $1.1614 .8367 $1 2641 ($1.17) ($1.17)<84($27 July 14 Is Set Date of First SHarbor Concert The series of outcloor concerts to be given this summer at the new, natural amphitheatre in Wilmette by The change in the opeiling date %vas announced by. Albert.Goidberg, stat e director of the federal music project, as being necessary to permit completion of work on the new amphi- theatre, which is being consti-ucted just north of Wilmette harbor on the lake front. A series of 51 downtown concerts has just been completed by the or- 1fax Ratesý THREEVILLAGES SHOW DECREASE; GLENCOE RAISED' Excpeot Bis Wiii Be Out by End-of Month; Former Statistics Gi veni Assessed v aluations and the- rates. for'the .1936 taxes in Winmette, Kenil- Worth,' Winnetka, and Glencoe were announiced . this ýweek by Towniship -îx Colléctor Sanborn Hale, who alsoi expJained1 that tbhe bis will probably be out by the end of the month. For comparison purposes, the 1935 assessed valuations and rates are also given. The total assessed valuation in the township for 1936 is $51,719,690,' as compared to $49,913,916 in 1935. In Wilmette there is a reduction of .27 in te rae . in Khm p1niot1 and1 Three Churches t'O Combine Services During the Summer Three churches in Wilmette and Ken- ilworth will hold combined Sunday morning1 services beginning Sunda, july 4. Uniting for worship during the sumnier season will ]>e the Wilmette Bà-pist churcli. the First Congregational ceeueu inoniuîyin erguias -cict reenwooci avenue, chairman, , F. The o rdinance as introduced calis which appeared before the village .by the four f ollowing amendments: Dewey Anderson, 208 -Golf terrace, for* a budget of $M5639, slightly board at its meeting on Tuesday eve- *1. The Commerce commission is Clinton B. Cochran, 1605 Walnut ave- higbher than lasi year, the increase niflg, to complain about acts of' forbidden to route common freiglit nue, James C. Leaton, 722 Washing- being due principally to the necessity malicious mischief frequently com- carriers on: residentiai strcets where ton avenue, Louis W. Becker, Jr.; of replacing outworn equipment. mitted by youths of high school age other routes are.. conveniently avail- 2145i, Chestnut avenue, Mrs. Frank R. About haîf the sumý is .to be raised in the nei ghbérhood. The matter was able . Adams, 925 Greeniwood avenue, and by water wrks revenues anîd various taken .undravsmn yVlae 2. Carriers must con~~~~~~suit auhri arl Alfred Petersn,14 apev- fees and the other haîf by genra resident HarryC in n h (Continued on Page 13) nue. taxation.,, trustees.