chestra will direct the Chicago Sym- phony the four concerts of the third week of the Ravinia Festival, on juIy 15, 16, 17 and 18. Although Mr. Kindier, in the capacity of 'virtuoso-'cellist lhas been. heard many times in Chicago, bis.Ravinia appearanc es will mark his debut as a leader of. orchestra in this vicinity. Hans Kindjer was bornl in Rotter- dam, Holland, on January 8, 1893. Both bis parents: were mgsicians, and the talent of the littie boyr was taken' for granted by bis father and nohr Hec studied at. home, then attended the conservatory of. his native city, f rom where hie ias graduat.ed .with first prizes in botbi 'cello and piano. At 12 hee bad begun bis concert career; at 17 lie was. acclaimned as soloist with, the Berlin .Pbhilharmonic orchestra;,at 19 lie was, appointed prof essé-r at the. Klindworth - $charwenkaý Conserva-. tory;. at 22, in the year 1914, hie carne to Arnerica, became first 'cellist of the Philadeiphia orchestra uinder Leopold Stokowski. H"t Rich Repertoire lie stayed in Pliladeiphia seven years, then gave up his orchestral, work in order to find timie to fil al the demands made on him for solo appearances. Sixîce then he has play- ed ail over the world, in the United States, Europe, and the Orient.. He bias given concerts in conjunction East -agafn to play the Tschaikowsky over the NBC network under the, baton of Albert Stoessiel'. The month of Septe mber, Mischakoff hopes to devote to a well earned vacation. October 1 will find bim in Radio City embarked on bis new orchestral voy- followed by the, well W*ishes of bis many Chicago admirers.. Wheni Vladimnir Goischmann, dis- tinguished guest conductor of R- vinia's fourthweek symphonic con- certs,' opened the summner season of New _York's Lewisohn Stadium on Juneý 25,ý more than. 15,000 persons wvere attracted to bisý first concert. Mr. Golschmann will later in the sea- son conduct at the Robin Hood 'Dell, concerts in Phladephia. The Dell concerts are udrthe direction of Jose Iturbi, w*hose suc- cess in the fiçet four prograins of The Ravinia Festival season, when 'he played four concerti in three. days, with Sir Ernest 'MacMillan conducting- xvas instantaneous. The popular Spa::- isb' pianist-conductor wi.ll also con- duct at the Dell'concerts., Ravinia programis for the next ten days are anno-unced as foliows: DancesSo Suite fro Ly, juIy 9, at 8:30 .5,.E Minor. T."eha lanta. (hpew).... Priyate istruction avaiIabe-mixei groups-Iittle tots are arranged accor ability. & THE IIPUSH,,AND:DUCK"' METHOD HAS NO- PLACE AT NEW TRIER. CALLMR.JACKSON,- WISTNETKA 2400,oR 1551 THImNKI Before You- Buy.COAL What kind of cool wiIU I gel for my dollar Ibhis yeur? You, want dlean - fast starting, long lasting fuel- Our. Tested Coal in- sures. ,Maximum..Warmthi. Thrifty buyerg are ordering their coal NOW t -'w rn~ ORDER TESTED COAL Se. our compl*teIy .utomatic coke stoker. COAL & MATEIAL YARD 1301 Lake Ave. WiImette 4200 zky, Ke:ner, ritrne, '.abrilo,ývtscn Stokowvski, etc. His. repertoire is an un.usually broad and rich one. Since November, 1931, Hans Kindler has béen director of the 'new Naq tional Symphohy orchestra in Xash- ingtol, D. C., wb%-ich bas bad a short but thus far remnarkably successful career. It was the National Symphonyý which was chosen to give the special inaugural concert preceding Roose- velt's. inauguration last March. Serpente"...........Casella "Don Juan" .............rus Danees fromi "The Tlhr-(e-C-ornered Hat"...........De Falla The Fountains of Romne.... ...]Respighi Siinday, JuJy 11, at 4:30 Overture to "Benvenuto Cellini". Berlioz Symp>hony in D Minor . . ý......Franck Five Epigraphes Antiques (new) ..... ......u..s-,-Ansermet Pictures at an Exhibition ., ~ Mowsorgsky-Ra vel In Mississippi A negro cure for HEADACHE is to soak a piece of brown paper in coal oit and appiy the paper to the head. O!d