JUST COMPLETEID THzylE MOST BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME IN BARRINGTON LISTRICT Symphoriy No. 8, "Un fin !shed1'. Schubert Introduction, Co.ronation Scene, and Love Music, from "Bols Godounoif"'...... ........> orsk FourPoiish Dances (new) .,.. Tansman Symnphontk Poem, "Anhefli" (flrst timne -r by Chicago SymIphonyr Orchestra).........Rsyk Mazurka, from "iStrasnyD-vor" (flrst timne:by Chicago Symphony, Orchestra)..........Mfoniuszko (prograrns.subject to change) GO TO CAMP Lois. Biser, daugliter of> Mr. and MIrs., A., F..Biserf, 423ý-Greenleaf. avenue. -and Mary Nuzum, daughter of Dr.- and. Mrs. John W. Nuzum,. 745- Michigan avenue,. have gone ýto Camp Rotomere at janes- ville, Wis'.,,.for the summer. Edwin Comfort, son of .Mr. and Mrs. j" oseph Coaiforti 812 Pr.airie avenue, i& teaching summer schooi at Tulane uni- versity. He wili be home for his vaca- tion about the first of August. Next year, lie will teacli at Arkansas university. _-o-- Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Coxon, 1538 Central avenue, had as their guests last week-end, Mr. Coxon's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hl. Coxon of Kitch- ner, Ontario, .who ceiebrated their first wedding anniversary whulehere. games 9:30-10; handicraft 10-10:30; story hour 10:30-11, free play Il te 12. tlandicraft. from 1 to.2"p. in., organi- ized group gameès 2 to 12:-30; dramaâ- tics,. 2:30-3 :30; freeplay frein 3 :30- 4. Theinternfiediate daily program i!s playground bail froni 9 to 109- kick- bal for girls 10 to.11,,handicraft il to 12, and 1 te 2-pý. rm., bail gaines froni 2 te, 3, free play 3 to 4 p., m. Rýaffia basket inaking see ms to be the fav orite in the handicraft claàss. Ten baskets -having been completed since 'the Playground oPpned.. The boys and girls are aise busy 'makin ,g posters for the village-wide poster contest to be held next week. Silhou- ette tile painiting has.been very pepu- lar with t he juniors. : Baseb6al T1eam The- senior çzirls basèball team coni- pleted plans for a over nighit hike te the BoyScout "Cabiti in the Woods."~ They expect to leave at 8 a. m. Sun- day and return the next morning. A complete and interesting program lias been made for the entire tume Relay races are schedule for Friday afternoon (tomorrow) at the Village green. Prizes will be awarded to the winners. The boys and girls, have been practising daily for track and field day which is to be held at the village greeni. a former resident of lage green scored 30 muns bf order could be restored. The girls kickball teani also won 28 te il having. a big third inning when 13 runis were scored. Mrs. Dorothy Shapiro, 1231 Greeni- e . leaf avenue, is in Broekport, Ill., on a QJ ten weeks'. archeologicai field trip of - - , ~ , . the University of Chicago. Miss Sha'- cleased- pi, igmi> te eut. iLinden Crest Beauty Shop 426 Linden Ave., WiIrett. Phone Wim.fi'. 4464 3lbs.. I k k cmzilow-J