Bloom Photo Commandinq wcidcsprea d ter- fon throiughout the îîorf h shion"' arca is thc' distinctive rnuüsic of Norma Ballard (above), raif zv/o is the ffegured artist in fhre zq- ferfaininent offered iptflie Suminer Garden of The Towe'r, pôpular> diinc and dance rcpnde.tvous af 992.5 Ridyc * rOad, Niles Cen fer, tu'o blocks sout h of Central strecf, Evanst on. Entertainmient that is unique. on the shore is offered hy Miss Ballard at ,lie * console of her Hainond organ. She has opened a two months' engagement at The Tower. ý la Tomato Sauce, 16.oz.13C NATIONAL Evap. Milk, 4 icàns 250 Pet, Borden'ai, Carnation or Dean'a Evp.Milk. 14ioz.5ic Fancy Light Meat Tuna Fish 2 25 c Our Breakfast Elend Dated in Green. Bag Ibe. CAMPBELL'S -OAO2îo.15" MOT OLEO COME AGAIN 2 Ikîg.271 SENS ~eHcaHome-With 16-1., 2 SALMNK SK 2 16-og. 21" CRACKEort F earborn SaIted 2 -1b.19 .CRAC ERS"Sd.,or Grahams pkg. Huel-AIJ Plavors Gelatiri Dessert 3 31-z. c~ pkgs. 1 Coffet'ow I' -1b.glasjar27.c Ceyloi Tea H.. Lipton's B~lkTe SaladaErownLabel Black Salaa Br>WiiLabel fBlack Salada Grce J.auaTes Wheati.s . 1b. pkg. 25c 1-1b.pkg.21c W1b.-pkg. 17e 1lb. pkg.33ý Louis Biason and his Manila orche,- tra alsolappear nightly at The Tewer Sumimer Garden, together with a varietIy of fine floor show talent. Trip West Is Her Graduation Present Miss Janice Eckert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M., Eckert, 520 Lake avenue, lef t last Monday for Cali- .24..oz. Sweetheart Soap . . >cake SC Lux Soap . . 0 . 3cakes 17e Wo-odbury'sv.0i.sSp 3cakesl9e Ideal Dog Food 3 1-1b.cans 25e Sunbrite 6,14-oz.cans25. Qakcite - . 2 101-oz. pkgs. 19. Scot Towelu 2 150-sheetrolB 17c Lava Soap . . 0, cake 6