913 MAPLE AýVEý.e LIGHT; SPACIOUS rooms wlth sun porch. overIookIig park; riear schools, trans., shopping dist. Poss. at once. W. G. RUGGLES & CO. 617 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Mol. 6886 WIl. 1660 92LTNl O-1 tc NEAR tUNIVERSITY 4 ROOMS $55-1907 SHER- mnan Ave. Ne*rly deeorated living room 12x20-3 expos- ures. Sun room. Shower bath. W 522 Davis St. Gre.'l1855, 92LTN1O-1tc 6 ROOMS-2 BATI-S 843 RIDGEAE. LIGHT, SPACWPUS. apartment, with large closets and sun parior; near schools, transportation and shopping district. Rentai, $9 2.50.. W.. G. RUGGLES & CO. 517 Dlavis Street, Evanston Hol, 886 ni, 8,86 W~il 1660 H.k 8U n4~ ~8~ 92LTNIO-ltc FURN. AND UNFURN. APARTMENTS in Linden Court bidg., 918 Linden, Winnetka, and Hazel Crest bldg., 373 Hazel, Glencoe. Phone Glencoe 102. 92LTN3-tfc 21,ý ROOM APARTMENT AVAILAI3LE August 1. New* stove and electric refrlg. 806 Elm Street, Winnetka 1707. 92LTN1O-1lp 1ST FLOOR APARTMENT. 5 ROOMS. 2 blocks fromn transportation. 418 Prairie Ave. $50 includés gas, liglit, heat and wa.ter. 92LTN10-ltp eomft-YiMh-FNISftEP APT$., 2% - ROOM FUR~NIHED HEATE~D flat for 2 refined adults both emn- ployed, no children. Garage. $7 'wekly. 222 Catalpa. PI.. Wllmette after 5 P. nm. S93LTN1-ltp FCMn gr4T-PURNIUHECD HQU39B NORTHWEST GLENCOE CHARMING WHITE BUNGALOW In lovely grounds,- 2 bedrooins, modern bath. Large open porch.' Automnatlc heat. Attached garage. Avalable now for year or longer-, $100 per month. McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. Over 43 Years of Dependable Service 328 Park'Ave., Glencoe, Pi. Glencoe 13 7 rooms newly decorated, stove, refrig., $70.00. 8 room Colonial, near Lake, $9 0.00. 7 rooms, 2. baths, Orrington Sohool, .1 blk. Lake, .$150.00O. Private road near Lake,, 5 bcd- roonis, .3 b a ths, recreation rooni,.spacious grouinds, $300.00.. WJLMETTE 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, clapboard: transfer. Bargain, $110.00. Cômpiactly sp acious home nèar Lake,. brick, 6 bedroomsý, 4 U'nusual A bedrooms, 3 baths, WINNETKA 5bedrooms, 3baths, 1 blk. Lake, $135.00. 4 bedroomns, 2 baths, studio liv- ing roomn, W. G. RUOGLES & CO. 617 Davis Street, Evanston Uni. 6886 Hol. 6886 WiI. 1660 M7TN10-1te WANTZD TO RENT-HOUSEU OUR FALL INQUIRY FOR homes "to let" is starting early. Owners should contact us at once to file their listings wit'h us tri be assured- of qukk refltal. Evanston to Lake Forest. MCGUIRE & ORR, Ilc.; Over' 43 Years of Dependabie Service 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 99LTN10-lte CAI4t KEN-ILWORTH RFA L TY L450 Sheridan Road Phohe No Man's Land Wil mette 507 ftental and Sales Realtors for Wllmette, Kenllworth, Winnetka and Glencoe 99LTN9-lStp corne with home ownership This briek Colonial has 3 bedrooms, 21/2 tile baths, a large living room, a 2-car garage and an oil humer. Thsis -a real bargain. -Corne to see lt on Sunday. F, from 3 to '6 P.M. 2010 Thornwood Àve.,,Wilmette. A 3» ft. living room is.onfly one. of the charming. fea- tures of this white clap- board Colonial, home iocated in the midat of 1lovely large trees. Three bedrooms., Cal us If you would like to se $1,000O. has been cut frorn the, price of this unusually attractive inbdern Glenicoe home. Brick-3-. bedrooms, 22½bths-2-car att. gaý- ra ge-oil hleat. Can be pur- chased today for $14,500. $ 1,700- down, will buy this modern brick home.- Newly decorated throughout - 4 bedroomns, 2% fbaths-2- Car att._garage. Best of all, your rent noney will carry the home. Secluded yet close to lake, schools and transportation, this charxning home offers the acme of real living. Six bedrooms, 4 baths, 3- car garage, beautiful gar- den. Oýnly 7 years old. :We will be glad to tell, you more. T fyzirîi y INC. t571 . Sherxiian Avenue Evanston Rog. Pk. 2616 Uni, 2600 Wii. 2602 11ILTN10-1te WINNETKA SOUTH AND EAST ENGLISII BRK. AND CE- ment home, well constr. 5 bdrms., 3 ba. (2 tule> spacious step-down liv. in., suni rm., brkfst. nook, H. W. ou hlt., att. gar., nr. grade and high scbls. Prl.ed to seli at $18,500.. Cali Miss Dur4iai.' THE BILLS REALTY, Inc. 529 Davis St., Evanston Gre. 1166-Wil. 3740 Haea XVice Selection of the best values on the mnarket. YouMay Intelligently approach the problem by, consuit- ing anyone of the:14 branch 'offices4 located conveniently in city and suburbs. WILMUETTE NEW STONE, BRICK AND FRAMFÉ Early American. This, beautîful 7 room, 3%' bath, air conditioned home has.every comfort and'utility feature. Built rlght and priced right. You'll rave'.about lt-if' seen. A. K. Smith. REDUCED PRICE AND EASY TER.MS make this a "best buy": distinctive 7 room, 1,1/2 bath home in select neighborhood, -on* beautiful land- scaped lot convenient to 'ail facil- ities.. Inspect for.qualîty.aid .comi- fort.> Mr. Clarkson. (;Rtenleaf 1855 HOLlyýcourt 1855 6) NEW HOIMES SEEN BY APPT. ANY TIME1, 1724-28 \WALNlUT: 6 rmis., 11,. ba.: $ 11,500. 2225 THORNWOOD): 6 rmns., 2 ý ' ba.: 2035 G.REENWQOD): 7 rmns., 1 1/2 a.: $ 14,500. 2136-40 KENILWORTH: 7 and 8 rni, 2 bas., 2 ex. lax.; Venetian blind-S. 2004 TI{ORNWOOD: 6 rms., 1 ba. $15,000. Stone and franie. 1945 CHESTNUT: 7 rms., 21/2 hba.: library and game room. WINnetka 2700 BRIargate 1855 n.WINNETKA S, . WINNETKA -- DEIGHTFUL. frame home: of 8 rmns.,, 2 ', bathis, on wooded loti 57x165: 3 fireplaces; large living room; library; 2-car garage; side drive ; h. w. oul heat. A real value. $15,000. Mrs. Didriksen. GREenleaf 1855 HOLlycourt 1855 10 ROOMS ON % AýCRE-BEAUTTIFUL Engiish brick résident in select location; 3 bat-hs ; solarium.; 2-car garage. Rare OPPortunity. Mr. Ford. HUBBARD WOOD .S AT. 1340 SCOTT Ave. 8 room brick: living roomf, 17x26: 2-car garage. A select offer- lng in everyr way. Any rensonable offer wlll take It or trade for small- cm. Mr. Mehren for appt. WlNnetka 2700 BRIargate 1855 porcn, ou sheat ;10 in yard. Phone 97LTN1O-ltp ise at ~3 CE 72 Elm Street Dest for BARGAIN AT $12,500. for orated 4 bedroom hc *Excellent location ln east ltc owner, Willrette 4630. i00WAIRNEJR -7 S. L>5ARBORQN ST. Bmtral 1855 111M 2-car gai, Wlîmptte