*1 home im'Minneapolis. Spro, Patronize Our Advertisers- s e,- Jay Crd-well of 62j Lake avenue, Wilinette, took these in terestiflg pic- tures while making a trip recently to Quebec and ,iortheasterit United States.. Above; view of the state Ca pitol buildingq g Mont pelier, Vt. At lef t: the famned Cha.teau Pro»t- Tourist Haven Most popular playground in the West is the titie earned by Rocky Mountain Nqational park. last year, with 550,496, visitors,A.eading Yellow- in i popularity. That park had second ' place with 432,570 visitors, according ta a bulletin issued, by the touring bureau of -the Chicago Motor Toweiing mnountain peaks, 6 of them over.,000 OO feet, làkes and strcams,, hidden vaileys éarpeted: in" wildflowers, and for ests of. evergreens and aspen" combine >to draw. vaca- tionists. July and August find the spot at its best. Ail roads are openi and ail points of interest accessible., Varied Diversiens Many and varied diversions avait the outdoor enthusiast ini this 'vaca- tion land. Hiking, horseback-riding, fishing, camer-a 'hunting" for big' game, and even golf and tennis are availabie within its 405 square miles. Criss-crossing are miles of automo-. bile roads that off er neyer-to-be forgotten tours. The Trail Ridge- road, crossing the Continental Di-« vide, is one of the world's most scenic drives. It is 'the highest con- tinuous automobile road' in Ameri ca, and its four-mile section at an alti- tuide of 12,000 feet is probably the longest stretch of road- ever built at of Quebec. Mrs. Pauline Suekoif Returns From Burc * I i now a gamne sanctuary 'and con- tains more than 60 species of 'mam- mals and 100 varieties of birds. Fishing is permitted in ail streams and lakes except those closed - by Mrs. Herbert U. Nelson order of the park superintendent. The saeof Colorado stocks the waters .opej Joins Husband in Europe and a state1 angier's license is re- ýhest- Mrs. }erb ert U. Nelson of 373 Sun- quired for maies over 16. home set road, Winnetka, saiied July 3 on A circie may be made *of the re-- 1 ri,A .i pr. n...:n farFri. c- In aris.turn trip bv -taking the southern M.adMrs. . . I NewportL~, r ber'llze. - - sn was mounted andi wil appear in an tr. anu gtesSandra a - Mr. Biser's Chicago office. Ann of Detroit, Mich., are visiting with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. H. Newport, Bert Moritz of 226 Warw-ick road, Dr. and Mrs. Hlarold R. Schiidberg Sr., at 520 Abbotsford road Kèni1- and Harold Keith, 310 Warwick of 312 Sterling road, Keniiworth, are worth. They came to Kenilworth last road, Kenilworth, are on a motor trip leaving Friday with their two daugh- week and will bc here for one more, through Michigan.. They plan tore-, ters, Joanne and Dorothy June, for a week. turn, home about Sunday. tén. days' :Vacation at Ephraim, Wis. v