Makes Opera Possible for 56 Music PupilsI That Chicago -wom en are, re- sponding with enthusiâsm to the OPera Luncheon club inaug-. urated this season on the north shore:with Mrs. Jamles Shak- m an of Wilmette aschairmhan, Nvas attested Monday when,ý one- hunidred--one strong, te at,- tended the luncheon bridge l>nd. informai musicale given at the home. of Mrs. LoadEttelý- son. in Chicago., T-be uccess of the event, at whiçh Miss Janice Porter of teCicago Civic Opera company, sang, makes it possible for fifty-six miore music stu-- dents to attend opera this coming sea- son, and aiso enables the committee to give a present. to another' school. Mrs. Shakman will make the presen- tation to Loyola university next week. Among some of the prominent. women present at Monday's luncheon were Mrs. John R. Thompson of Lake Forest; Mrs. Mary Fergus, Mrs. An- drew Sheriff, Mrs. Harry Winston, Mrs. George M. Gardner, Mrs. Paul McGrath, Mrs. Robert Raymond Owen, Mrs. Henry M. McCartan, Miss *Norma- Gregg,- the composer; Mrs. trees. The Opera Luncheon club is having * its next meeting Monday in Evans-, * ton at the home of Mrs. Jason Whit- ney, wife of the president of the Chii- cago Civic Opera association. Honor Visitor Miss Jane Pechnian of Webster Groves. Mo.. who has been the hôuse Guest day at North Shore Golf club this past, Tuesday resulted in tile awarding of two prizes to ,.visiting players .having first and 1ifth Ilow grossscores. Miss Eleanor Dudley, with ber score of 83, won first; Mrs. M. McGregor won:fifth with a score of ý100. ýMemnbers, were given' honors ini classes, Mrs. John S. Sidney, with a score of 89, winning in CIl1ass A;1Mr s. J. L. Wood, with 107, in Class B; .Miss Jane Molnyeaux, 113,- in Class. C; Mrs. T. M. Halpin, 117, Classý D. Mrs. Sidney won 'the prize for - ocW puttsý. Her score was 30. Next Tuesday women golfers. will compete for low net'score in classes, as well, as in the putting Match, a, *régular event each.Tuesday. Paul Stone-Raymor, Ltd. Late in Nove mber the wvedding of Miss Audrey Jane. Truitt of Naperville and Fraiti? Shaner Mc- Cabe of Wilinette, will ' place. The engagement of Miss Truitt and Mr. McCabe is announced by her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Truitt. .Mr. MlcCabt, is the son of Mr. .and Mrs. F. L. McCabe of 616. Isa.bela strect. *T.he cornmittee in charge. of wom- eni's golf events-for the month of July' bas Mrs. Albert 'L. Meyer of Evans- ton forchairman, and, as memibers, Mrs. R. Edward Garn, Mrs. Ray T. Johnson, Mrs. H. C. Johnson,. and Mrs. Donald M. Peebles. Tokes Trip in Plane Alumni Are Engegeci Dr. an&dMýrs~-R. L. Truitt of Naper- ville. announice the engagement of their daughter, Audrey Jane, to Frank Shaner McCabe, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McCabe o f 616 Isar bella street, Wilmette. The .young couple- met while at- July Calendar at Sunset Ridge Club qA rn ixed two-ball foursome was played atý Sunset ý-Ridgye Country club, Sunday. after-. noon, with Mr. andMrs. Com- fort Butler of Chicago winning first ow net. Mr. and 'Mrs. C-. H. Hurt. of -.Wilmette andý Mr. and Mrs. D.. D. McCutcheon of Evanston tied for second low A blind partniers event was piayed' Tuesday by the *wonxen of Sunset Ridge, first to sixth place havýing been won in ý the following order: Mrs. James E. Almond and Mrs. J. B3., LongY of Evanston; Mrs. J. A. Wil- liamsoni and Mrs. T. W. Harrisoii of Chicago; Mrs. Courtney1 Reeves and Mrs. Dale. McCutcheon oif Evanston; Mrs. Martini Casseil of Wirinetka and Mrs. T. P. jardine of Evanston; Mrs. William McKee of Glencoe and Mrs. Walter Johnson of Chicago; and Mrs. H. S. Parker of Chicago and Mrs. J. W. Champion of Evanstôn. Mrs. Don Wile3i of Wilm-ette and Mrs. Earl Mayer of Evanston will bce hostes ses at the club's bridge lunch- eoni at 12:30 Saturday of this' week. Mrs. Maxine C.. Miner,. contract bridge authori*ty, wil l give one of her series of lectur'es.k Sunset Ridge plans to enter an inter- club bridge tournament to -bc playêd late in August by représentatives of varions north' shore clubs, and asks that ail members who wish to partici- pate should be at the club at 8:30 Thursday eveniflg, July -22, to qualify for entrance. Thre.e of the womnen memnbers will1 represent Sunset Ridge in the Chicago, .District: championship matches to -bc played late this month at the Edge- wood Valley club. Miss Virginia In- grain of Winnetka. who won last i For' Four-Ysar OId Mrs. Charles Nace 'Ramsey, 1517 Highland avenue, gave a birthday party last Thursday, ini honor of the fourth birthday of ber granddaughter ,Mary Kemper. Miss: Ann M. Whitmack entertained at a bridge luncheon at Shawnee Coun- try club Tuesday ini honor of Mrs. Wil- liam Hl. Hayt, who is moving to Cincin- nati. four members of the E~astern Star restaurant, in Detroit. Mr, w ooiiey Sewing group at luuncheon at ber came t0 Stunset Ridge directly f rom. home Thursday of last week. Arriv-' the Midland Country club in Midland, ing in thie morning, the guests sewed Mich., prne of the show places of ifs until luncheon time, and some plgyecd stgte, built in the ultra modern style_ bridge in the- afternioon. of architecture. lý -, A>