ck Gardens 'r' WORK ZNETKÀ 2864' 15A-LTN7-tfe 'J-j JOSEPH KNEIP' CEUMI-NT ID MASON CONTRACTOR piaizng - Wterroflng Basiementg: 1714 WahntnAe lmette 2618 15A-LTN9-4tp HOME ENSULAT"ON- RALPlR B. WAITE, JOUNS-MÂN VILLE WALLFILL, ROCK WOQL BLOWN IN. 426 Lindent or, eall Win. 1240 for free JM *book and est. No obligation. *U$INESS SERVICE CLEICT R I CWELDINQ, BOILER. weldlnig,.automobile machine shop -and b&rts Jabber PAVUIK BROTJMERS PHOE MIWRQ220-2 463 JE Gu Sewilng ] RA CTING. '1OE 117 ,TN52-26tp 'ICE eaners and ,VICE rGre.7177 Enjoy your vacation without worry about. your house, garden or property..Those littie things, you mearit to do.. and didn't; ,Weedingthe, 'garden, aiting gneral cleanigeey where -alc'an be done b. -xpr"b whleý you? are away. On this page we offer. a directo ry of dependable homùe' services which can .help make your- vacation car e- and worry-fiee. Il, -t PAINT ING AND DECORATING E.' NELSON Painting and Interior Decoratlftg WILMETTE 1891 42LTN'9-4tp VVE SPECIALIZE IN OUTSIDE PAINT- ing oriiy; that's why wé can furnlsh the iowest possible rate. Also shingle stalning. Highland Park 2851. 42LTN10-3tp 0. DURKOOP & SONS Painting and Decorating GLENCOE 1512 42LTNS -4tp 8RSPAIRJNG ANDO RCFINIBH4tMO DUSTLESS Table-top-finish C. A. Llndstroni, Phone Wilmette 1723 5 1LTN -tfc SEWING MACHINE ftEPAIRING 31-EXPERT ADJUSTING, ALL makes, Foot or elec. Repairng- cleanlng - overhauling. Work guaran- teed. Milien Hardware. Wilniette 3060. 53LTN10-4tp LOST AND POUND LT.l LOB? AND PÔOUND Yelow.Angora Cat Cail Kenilworth 86 Reward 3T1-t LOST SUNDAY BETWEEN INDIAN Hill station and Eider Iane beach, white goid Empire, black banded . wrist watch with 24 chlp diarnonds. Reward. Winnetka 1304. 3LTN11-1tc LOST: BLACK MA-LE SCOTTY, NAME "Bourbon." Liberai rewamd, no ques- tions asked. Kenilworth 4722. 3L11-ltp ANTIQUEs RA RE MINIATURE CARRIAGE - Chests ail sizes and woods-Set of 4 crotch Mahog. Fiddle back chairs-Also pressed glass. Th e Topp Antique Shop, 1030 Chicagô Ave.i, Evan8ton 7LTNl-ltp FL2 Beautiful 8, BRICK A TU là. HARTWE: - ¶oer Sandlng I .BrArtate. 1061 I TO THE ADVERTISER CENTR~AL EMPLOYMENT'AGENCY IILTN11-..6 BITUATION WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED WHMITE WOMAN WANTS D)AY WORK--CLEANING. RE'ERENCES -WINNETICA 1628., dl 68LTN11-Itp t44ÂUrN 5-tZ LINDENHOF BOARDING & TRAIN- ing Kenneis off erg your dog modern healthy ke 'nnels. Large outdoor runs. The best of food. Persgnai attenâtion. Accept healthy dogs oniy.. LINDENHOF KENNELS Mr. and-Mrs. Wm. Schater Waukgani Rd. at Wlnnetka Ave., Gienview, Phone Gienview .270 44LTN1Oý-4tp ANGORA KITTENS FOR SALE CHEEAP CaliWWlimette 1366 44Lllltp Healthy, registered puppies: wire hairs, 1 cotties, dachshunds. Man.y grown dogs. piucking, and clipping, done lby experts. RHIENHOF KENNELS Skokie and Simpson Center 129 44LTN11-1tpà Eng. Springer Spaniels PUPPIES. MALE AND FEMALE. ,Reas. 1517 Wilmette Avenue, Wil-' mette. 44LTN1-Itp ENGLISH SP$.INGER £PANIEL< EUP' pies. 8 wks. oid. Weaned. Pedigreed stock. See owner Saturday afternoon or Sunday, 920 Linden Ave., Wilmette. 44LTN11-2tp PEDIGREED PERSIAN KITTENS 1 beige, 2 orange. 5 1, weeks ol1d. Kenllworth 323. 44LTN1 -ltp. Pedigreed ORANGE FE'MALE PERISIAN CAT *Kenilworth 323 44LT1 1-1tp PFETS- UOARPD ____ BIRIYS & SMALL PETS, FINEST CARE. clean, sanitary pet shop, eas. rates. MACDONALD'S. PET SHOP 1.504 Sherman Ave. 1 re. 8832 44A-LTN1 1-ltp WANTED TO 13UY-,CLOTrHMiU 3$OLD CLOTHES$3 We need 500 suits this week. WIi pay best prices. Wlll cali, or bring thiem to, Martin's Clothing Store . 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220,. 59B-LN4O-fc D.ooral 145 Lii ~vu.