seiate recoflinittec trhe proposai tu e"l- *large the Supreme Court back to the * Judiciary comimitftee for ani ignomînmeus hurial. It has 110W heeti decided that no President, however popular as a per- sonalityi should be. permitted to change the character ofthe Suprene 'court so as to con forni it to his wisies.- NoPresident>ever received such *an Iipressive victory at the poils. No Pietl e had a larger' and more subservienii aorty iniCongress. N President ever controlled such extensive political power., No*Presiden.t was ever. clothed with such conplete authority' ov'er our organized society,. What is the Answeri But just within eighit months after his sweein g re-election. regar-dless of his power il inifluenice, a Prcsident of the United States lias been crushingly de-,- feate.d by a Senate in which his party lias 76 out of the 90 seats. E'ven his closest f riencis lesertedI hii oni the issue aiffd ignôoréd 1te rleas for oyaty. It i: ail arazing developnîient. \lîat is the aniswer? Thiere. wilI be those vho will credit the defeat of the inîasurc to soie one or other of the cenitïs that took place *sulbsequenit to its introduction iii Coni- gress, 1artieullarly diîriig fthc last fewv weeks. Th'le aniswer will iot lie found ili .1a1\1<ie of thein. It *was niot the speech of Conigressmiaii Sumniiers that brotight the defe4t It wvas flot the deatli Lehnîiann, of New Y ork to Secnator \V"agncer of that state. To be sure, A those events contri- buIted sonIethling. to flhe defeat of the Court plan. But nonc of tlîem in itself is tlhe answver to flhe refuisai of flic United States Senate to) conuly with the insiste(cÀofa po\eruand popular. Prcsident that the bill )ce enacted at tis WîIi of the People The ains\\er will be fourndIin tlat wîshé~. is truly ,a merniô-1 has j ust finishi teaýchiing in, RA V> IE LEVGî ABOQN share your convictions cannot lbe shaken frorùi their cause. , There is noQ greater force, and that force the President could îîot over- corne regardless of the power he pos- sessed. Appause Shows Sentiment Trhese earnest men had the people be- * ind them. The applause in the Senate gàlleries - was undôubtedly e c h o e d them.. ILLINOIS B EL L TELEPHONE COMPANY ALLY., M