<1 44j~ 'r) Phone Wlimette 79 If you insist on expert operetor! to iepair the' damage 1of aun .sand. winil and . wter- may we serve you! beauty shop 1137- Central Ave.- d Flou r 1 ride and uriuegruuuc.Mistl Greenaway will bc ber sister's brides- maid. and Carl 'T. Zon wifilbe bis brothcr's best man. After 'a motor trip to Michigan. Mr. ion andi his bride. will live with ber family' for a .month and then will take an apartment in.Rogers Park. jHOSTESS TO0 GERMAN CLASS The German class. sponsored b3v NotWestern university which is blé- ing beld this summer at Ne'w T1rier IHigh sehool, .,ýi1l be entert.ain ed t ins wVeek b y M1rs. Elizabeth Ayres Kidd. 11 il Church road, Wý"innetka. %%h.o Will i teach ýthem someéthing: about thei 1 ancient and mrodermi German' songs and instruments. <ICTORIA~ Beauty Salon a Now in Our New Location 1 34 RL~ inden - Wilmette 1600 4 1' M\otfett Photo JIr.. elen fi3orton o! Prcstzcick, Scatland, wcls the <jueI(st (o! honor ut rc'ui . ?l for.f(t;- -our geniner-s of flIc Robcrtson lan l"ld lj"'.8.a l lholme of V1rs~. Rober t Courle v, 0,667-Ilder lane, I 1W ineta. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Tenth Street and Central Avenue WILMEr; ILLINOIS Sunday Services-i i a.m. Wednesday-Testimoniai1 Meeting-8 p.m. Sunday School Exercises-9 :45 a.mn. A-ucUST 8, 1937 Subject: SPIRIT READING ROOMI-113-3 Central Avenue Open Daily (except Wednesday) 9 A. M. t o 6 P. M. -ýWedne8day 9 A. M-. tO 7:45 P. M. Saturday 9 A. M. to. 9 P. M. Mfrs;. Barton lia: , bcen *In Wihncltte To Spend Six Wek sinc Mav 14. N1 It'ig4 ,ser, \Ir. i Motorjng in East Mrs. Barton. w\hO is 81 vears old, at-' tended the convention in Washington ot the British Wo'(nien?'s Temperance uion(), befone.corning to the nôrth shore.- She is an auint of Mfiss 'M innie Young and Janmes -Mackill, Jr-,(of Winnetka. and of, 'Mrs. Arthur Wood of Cilencoe. \V«hitnel-y Helnry t' an lîf l uay. vii. oarr niother. and then drive through. NeW Y'ork. Philadeiphia, and other east- criu states. Before leaving- thev had as tlieir guests for- a -day, Mir. and Nlrs. C. C. Heritage of Muinsorî, lMaixne, who wvere driving, north oli their vacat on. -Mr. and NMrs. C. W Richards of Kalamazoo, MNich., spent' a fewv days with them the early part of. Iast week. - .1i G Comple te IZv 'S1ATION N 0 MAN»S L&ND IF IN N >A Iý_ 1 7 1% -1 SIRE, A T -SÇHJ--RIDAtý RD I