the voting districts of the township. academy at Lake Geneva. Recently. Thomasi, Lynch, D e o c ra t ic Mrs. Leemani had as her house guest, TowýNshiip cormmtteemnan, hias an- Mirs. C. Y. Smith of Vernon, Texas, nounced the locations of the poling 'in Chicago with her husband who -was places ni the 40 precinicts as follows; attetiding the Lions' convention. Pres -Nuo. Poitllgl'lace' _________ i-Gleiiéue Union, church, ýGlencue 2-N orth school, G3reen Bay road, Gleli com ayCosn 3-kire hall in village hall, Glencoe to Lodge on Island .4-GleX1coe Onionelturch, lencoe _ 5-L.- NL Beleke, resýidenc1e, 240 GrIOve - Miss. Clover, Babcock, who has been -4ret, ý(ileicoespending the month of July with' her 6--St. Elisabeth's church, .South and nead.utMadMY Wrn .Vernon Avenlues, Glelicue Hli 1 eta vne etls 7--Mueîler greenhouse, 90 Linden ave- ls 52Cnrlaeuef:jt nuïGlencoe iaettefic, Suinday. Her cousins,; Susan and* 8-erank R 1eid ra stt9ffc,!70 NaiicY -Hillis, accornpanied her t o L~ndn avnueWinntkaspend the month of:August with their. 9-COInnunity Hlouse, 620LÙolae-ucerin Bbokthsloe nue, Winnetka*uilIvn accthîlog i.!-1lg Florist shop, $57 1ine btreet on an island near Portland, in north- WîNiiietka Otro nterrtm ua îî-Skokle Playtield <, .Hibbarid cri nai.O hi eunmua road, Winnetka w.ill visit friends for a few days at 1-H.-ansen garage, 557-d hâ.itnUt street, -Bloomfield Hills,- Mich. .XVhile they Winnetka litare away their brother, Scott', wilI 13- Village holl, Wiiunetka g o Cm TuhilnTi i 4-Fi re station,' W nnetka gLakes, Cmpich.tll g,ýTwl 15Pa i ouse, 470 Laffle aveCUU,Lks ih W'innetka j6 ;rei- schoui, Winnetka I 7-N'ew Trier Hligh Suliool gym-ninsiumiii HAVE RANCH QUTINÇG Wînniietka ieol Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lawson, Jr., 330 IS t oun1try Day couEider lane andi Sterling road, Kelilworth, with their F'orest avenue, Winiietka oi ikad isDrtyHr .112 john Aldeni garage, 3,52 Linden ave-so, ikad isDooh Ha- nue, Mjifletka bison of Evanston, Mrs. Lawson's OQ oi hfeldVilag hll-ilOW ndsister, returned home Monday morin Hiapp roa)ýds, N<>thificld îllg f romn the -T-azy S ranch, Big '>1Indin fili Riding club, indiaiHl ibr ot h asn n (,()11,club, Winnletk' ll irbr h Lvsn n Renlwo'thTailor sholp, ;5)I Park is Harbison spent the mnonth of d ' eilworth - Kl~lWI~ uly at the ranch. Jack Laxvson and- " : -K e m l w o rlth lu i> , 1 0 b ilo t h h s a u n t , M is s B e t t y H a r b i s o n , a r e 'Il avenue Môt or Saes 1601 Sheridan Ont a pack trip ini the Canadian i..aAd Wilmette IRockies and are expected to return Standard .... . U. S. Specialized ....-A C. HAHN f0!ý STAI of SummerSIrO Has A good opportunity to, replenish youf. Were late summer-wardrobe. at a rfngcost .75 +0 $8.50 Mis - h 195 a Worthes $1. Fl~offmaiýin hall, 609 Ridge avenue, Wilmette 2-Fire sain 2 re a od Wilimette tO-Tioinias J. Luua., garagei 1300 Gen \wood avenue, -Wilmnette 31-StI. Augu>tifle*5 ch'IureI'(, 112 iU mette avenue, Wilmiette 32-elsfllaundry, 1222 Central ave- nue, Wilmette 13Chstt'Haigh residence, 144*2 wil- mette avenue, Willmette 134-'MilIen Hardware store,: 121,7 Wïl- mnette avenue, Wilinette 375-Norsbor-e restaurant, 1401. Sherida n 038~ Ab-DottorU roaui, rni'wN%,oti c t.urnied last week from a vacation spent in their cabin at Sturgeon Bay, Vi s. Mrs. Richards remained ini KeiiilwNorth a few days before. retuirn- ing to Sturgeon Bay. This week Miss Harriet Keith of Kenilworth, Miss Frances Mack of Winentka andl Mrs. Howard Heaton ('Margaret Richards), are at Sturgeon Bay. Mr.~ and Mrs. E, P. Birong, .with. qa nrdiinb' SKOL, f u1875,8 Mit w RAsld ndu tes asla geer l hathVniad a 3fore for Linden Cre'si EBeauty -Shot 426 Lnden Ave.. WiImette Phone Wilmette 4454 1146 Wilmette Ave.' Wilmette 588