Imagine-... eating i1000 M*Il.1es &rom Sea OcEAN-FRE£sH smaàll bay scallope s- are rare ii Chicago. *How do we.get them here al the way fromn the Atlantic so, 1fia- vorful you can almnost taste;the ocewn air in then? It's like this We'have a patenteci process of quick-freezing that actually imprisons-SEAt S-the ocean' flavor in! None escapesi No matter how far you live from sait water you get these BirdIsEye Scallops as tender as the minute they reached the, docks! Mrhy-not.get abox.:from your, ýBirdsD .Ee dealer today? Just the :thing for-a light summer meall BIDSEYE SCALLOPS I35i% 30 to _40 to the box Durant- Photo This groul' of Monnier studenits ai ,\ezciTier [fIig/i scliool vw'ilhave roles in. thi forthcomî.ng Play "'The Charlit Sehool," to be offered .4ugust 10 ali 11. Left to rig hi: Phyllîs Erbe, Cloara Lee IacCaddaii,L3,Ilao it Stclla Jan,,olita, aid Bill Christerson._____ VACATIONiS VARItEDf The four children of Mrs. Heniry \V. Drucker, 1125 Mohawk road, have ail been vacatîoning in various parts of the country this summier. 'Mar- garet bas just returned f rom a month's outing at the Buzzell farmi at Lake Delavan. Bill and Bob are at camp Owakonze ini Ontario, Canada, while Jane is spending the summner at Timiberline ranch in Arizona. AT PL4JM LAKE Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold F. Tidemanài, 138 Abingdon avenue, Kenil,,orth, motored to PIum Lake, Wis.', Iast week-end to visit their daughiters. -Margaret and Catherine, who are spending the sunier at Warwick Woods camp. Before returning home they spent a day with Frank Ketch- arn of Kenjlworth at his. summier homne at Land o'-Lakes, 'Wjs. Miss Max42ne Tivingstonn.215 \Wood- attersme oe OfI QUALIT ~ooDs. FROSTED i fiîu ' t i