Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 18

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P-relude-Tem'ple Prelude . .. p'tra1i Solo ....._.Mr. Theodore J. Schjorwff Offertory-Allegretto.......(ý1iieg The Sermon "Trusting in CGod'.s . Care'...... ..Tialah 43 -1-3 Postlude-ýSortie. Solennelle. Niedermneyer There Wlll be ý.fl service at 9 :15 a.m. The Sunday %,shool is having its vac ationl during the.nionth of August. On August 15 the service at 11 o'clou-k will be conducted byý Student. Wilhert WVeber of Chicago. No service at 9 :15. If the sqervices of pastor are reiluired during Pastor Gockel's absence (ni thée%20th>, lease cali . either Pastor Andres at Davis 1250. o)r Pastor Muri- dinger at Glencôe. 896, Methodist C. hurch Wtlrnetteiavenue at Lake avenue Rev. Amios Thornburg, Minister Dr. ri G. Whitchurch, professor of Ethics and !Philosophie of Religion' at Garrett Biblical Insitute. will, be the guest preacher ln this church Sunda'y mrnrnng, August 8. His sermon theme beris of the congrégaton and visitors lu the ommuityare emided hatthe service begins with the organ prélude at 10:50 o'clock. You are lnvltedto share In the entire service. The .music for the il o'clock worshipy service next Suinday miorning wlll be as Organ ýl0 :50): (Mrh III Symphonie) Widoi- "Carillon" DeLamartr i.Offertory Solo:Mre re -Alléluia" . .. Hummel "Festive ostlude Demoresti Tepreaehinjz schedule foi- the re,- -niainder of August is as follows: AUgust 15-Dr. Paul A. Schilpp of t.he PhilogsophNy department of Garrett Dib- liCàI lInstlte-"-%a nted: A Revolu-- tionary Religion." August 22-The Rev. Amnos Th(,rnburg--' i ,nd Jesus Grtew" August 29-The Rev. Amos Thorunlîurg- "A Righteous 'Mati Protests Agaill>t His Affliction.". Tlwre is a nursery w,ýhere parents nmay leave sinail childr-n dluriuig the w4)rýhl) service. 'Mrs. Rtoy Haskin is in charge'. The Rock River Conference Sumnmer Retreat will be held at CollegeCa. o'cioc-k in aIl departients. . On Sunday niorning in the Il o'clock Patrlservices eau be arrange(] for service, Di-, Allison continues; his in- ly allng he le .--,esion, Dr. FI- tere-sting series of seri-ons entitled Old S. CondÉit, 6U Laurel avenue. Mdttin lua Ol Hoeta, ___________________with the iniriguing theme of Fml iPortrait." This. service wili be ~held ln English Lutheran the Pirsýt Congregational1cuch wt the U.nin iChurch. of Kenilworth eo- Seventh- street at Greenleaf operating., "A House, of Worship" The Rev. David R. Kabele, pastor The Wonians society, will hoIl an- other of its summiertiie fello s.4 STNA ERVICES luncheons Friday, August 1.1, at the Early service ... ........8 a. M. home of 'Mrs. Charles, O. Mi n. 1040 Church sulhool . 9 a. M. Forest avenue, at 1 pm Theluc- Second servie...........la. M. eons are serving to keep the members The music for the sèrvices néxt Sun- lu touch with onue anoflier during the, dlay. morning is as- follow.S: vacation sea son.. Orgn relde"Adgi" ..011, Srn of Our members take picnic Solo-Thou Wilt Keep lqim, lu Perfect suirner together, lnfoirmally, of course, Pea ce ,MlaeDermid at Washington Park on Wednesdav eve-ý ..e rome NeYîns nings, remaàining . to. hear the co ncexrt.s Qu«trtette-Myf.% Faith -Look.s Up ta Thee in the. Wiliette,Bowl. . . . . . eari! MeimberS of, the Board of.Rlglu Postlude-Toccata inu1B Fiat Bre Educatiôn are reminded 'of the important Victoria McLeod-'ýItiniqtry of! Music meetine of the board. on, Monday, August 16. atý the church. Competion of plans, The Woman's society will meet on for the, September term of thé. chureh Thursday-ý afternoon of this week at the sehool. and important'decisions on teach- church at, 2 o'clock. Visitors Ire always mg Staff mwst be made at that. time. welcome. T-TrbrntheasnL.rmtno r The Ch rhscËoday convenes at9 Duerbrthe abslet ndr.on G . o'clock evr udvmrigdrn Hindley-, Dr . Allison will be gladto re- the uinier innts.,ýe uday norn- spond to anM' calls for- pattqral evç ing teSenior Pepartunent wilt 1VexW réotùi deir "congregations, Relig ious Leaders Arranging Big Jubilee Pageant for Next Octoberý Wilmiette Men Are Serving on j torc nd Frederîck f. New~ev 436 Civic Comnii.ttee L-ake avenuec, aittarlev Thic Festiv al of >Relit41,n xvfll piil, ..e. .z ers < ë inder thc direct ion oaf 1 l V, )m -il iC-. of Clui1cagolaild. ai failli, a Instori- cal (fraini[ of (ht- dred vca rs "lw illg t1lit l Iclle l tht u 11 1 oh ( f li1c, minate iii a vat bîstorical p)ageanit "l'ighit oft.-\ re s'"portrnaying on a ;scale nce er hefÔre atternpted, the part rehgàm 1ih l ayed ià the city's carporate lite: its- reactian on the :>e~n andl its relection on the fiu- turc. Ciic-ia w vili e rlx, cas the' n1oçt h:tsîcaIlv sî'ritma! and character- îsticitll of icn ial-citics. "An analUlogy may bc -drawil he- twen týhc grmvth aki.-Chicagoa tawardl i ideal and théesr ie fthé ini- <1 îx'îdals mw-ho livç wit hin thle cjtv 8Butw'cein th lv Iii(- hiend itsgo 'IrceIoitcviiufre wlchli 111 coni'lamt oppoitioli." ulg ljgif i Aes'is thé storv of i President Tuttie, the 'Supreie counicil. ail( al!l district presidelits of the frater- nitv will be in Chicago at that time for their biennial conference at the Eîe w-ater Beach hotel. The officers, after the ceremony. will rnake an inspection of -thie North,,esteýrn' ca mpus an-d quadrangle. Mrs Olive Shabino, Wilmette, presi-, dent of the Mothers and Wives club of the' Northwestérn chapter; Robert .Clark, president of the Northwestern chapter, and- representatives, of the Northwestern university business office and admninistration, will take part in the ceremony. Othelrs w~ill be prescnit areý Lynni Waldorf, head coach, 'and Prof. W. R. Slaughter, mnemfber of the fraternity, and Ray H. Matson, Evans- ton, who directed the campaigu yvhich made'the rnw house possible. The Northwestern chapter %yill move from its present house at 1819 Orring- ton avenue on August 14 although the new house wiil hot lbe ready'until after September *1. This is one of t he group offie new fraternity hotxses beitg built by the university at a cost of approxi- nately $200,000. The new houses, arc si tuiated on the lake at the extreme uorthy elid of the fraternity qtiadiugle. HOME AGAIN M\r. and MIrs. Frank G. Gthridgc, j917 Greenvood avenue. arrivud homie .Friday from Sturgeon ha-v. \i. w'here thuy had bucn with joanne and(lJanicu and t the irue v unger children, Cyth&ra, genevieve and Short stav ]x Ili Mrs. Freda Fu trst. 502 Washing-ton aveniue., recturlied this we from a short trip ta New 'lmi, MinuI. dividuals are u rged bv Judge Mc- Goorty ta caîl or %vrite Festival head-ý cluarters, 33 .Narth LaSalle Street, Ran. 4363, ta ruake reservations for free diorama showing.s of "Light of at. /augustine$ I i'ri ss Di'. ubert Carleton, re<t" naii- ni lli- F. J. Newey .Sunday, August S,. will loo the t-livew,h S+i on thi»s civic col-mitte' 8uiia Y ,after Trinit \-,Tt'r 1w 1 >~i~foiar ilg rsdn Communion at s aS. m h' 'rtened \'iîtete Vilg rs(e morning prayer -wîtlî trao'ahi i;j. 1 I arry C, klm u, 132-1ELm.nwood ave., u.i' i s autual production (H l.j( ion' ' t>cr .<- , a mnechaI 'ical diorama (ijf the pro V~cir .(Ust(t ct'. Anhf- lge ad Ithrec acts lias' bcee con Def,1aaionlcgc EdwardMhcn struced nfr public demonstratior TPo-rtland'jCemcnt C~ca:a:Ot .. 'P'siîcssmc'~Organizations, -parent- Rentiier. master icaner:Dani-1 techr. oensclubs, chutrch anfl j-E. M o r iýC'-C, , -pcgint. al- co»imunit1Y. groups and, interested iii- son 's, Reports, inc. foi 4' .1

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