wedk. They arc now completely fixed Ili, and ail equipnit lias been placed. Beginning iast MIond(ay the. Naval corp stationed at Cu'ti,,ss-enls lias heeni holding manceuv ers ýover the airport and the lake fronît. WVilliamii C., Dicksori. of Evaniston. received lbis' amateur flhing license last Fridav. Fraircis Spenier, of WNilniette, chartered a private plaitean took, a part\ to Kanis sCity. Mo., for hoth pleasuire and businless.1 Tb'le arniy target powvers that have l)een stationied al summiiier at tbc air- port- Nith old-timie Douglas observa- tioni planies lave now. reCeivC(lne c(juiptl)ClIt wbjch W~ill replace the. old. Thie new equipinent will bc Dlotuglas 04('s. igb-wing imonioplanies. capable of a -100 lU.1). Ih. top speed., TRANS-CANADIAN LUNE Arierican planes and an Amiericani operatiiig exectiv\c miIibe tised Iin C'anadla*s first transcontinental air line. wbichi is to lirnk Halifax witb Vancouver thus connecting \vithi At- lantic air services. it -,vas ainnouniced. recen tly. ,The new synldicate wvll bc' cýalled Transii,-Caniada Air Lines, and its stock ill be owNved iii w'hiole by thec Canadian National Rail\a cm paflv, the go\vernmiient-owN<ýid line. The tokwîll rep)rýeent a total 'capital of $5.000.000. tl"1 : 11crcai about 200 Jmiles an hbour. Thi.s great niew improvemient in Canada'., Air trausportation systemi is ini full accordance with the great building programn that has l)een going on, for-the. past four years. During tlat.time the governiment has spent $7.00.000 in construtcting emergency lan(ling flelds.1at lut ervals of fromi 40 to 60 miles fromi Vancouver to Hali- fax, tbe proposed newv route, it was further pointed 'out. PAL-WAUKEE, AIRPORT- Mr. John Hedmianof Rogers Park, tra(led. bis open Fairchild plane for, a cal)in plane,ý and' bas been doing con- siderable .fling on thie week-enids with friends. Ed Martin, of Winnetka, who has l)een a student -for oie> and ý a haîf years at the. airpo'rt, recently pur- chased -a fleel. plane' for his, personal use. He has ha(l the newv plane gone over. and it is niolv in fline condition. Ed lias_ beeni in- Europe for the past iionth and Nwiii -iýtirn hdrne aboüt August 6, MNr. Laflin, of Lakec Forest, recently had (leliverv made of a cabin aero- naca at his home. He bas had pon - toons iinstalled on the plane, and vvi1I- operate it nov f romn his beach in Lake Forest, for biis owni personal. p lea su re. Mr. Steiner miade a trip 1ast -w'eek- enid up to XWisconsin in a Cesslia plane. While there hie visited Osh- SHRIEDDED WHEAT 2 PKGIS. 7c WHEAT PUFFITS. K ELOGOSCora- Flakes I5 15c I l3-OZ. i WHITE KOUSE EVAP. MILK 3CANSIO RICH, VACUUM-PACKED CONDOR. COFFEEDI FFERENCE, * N 26' 24-OL' 4BTLS j RED H EART-A, B or CDl E 316-OZ.2 d Dors OOD' CANS ANN PAGE.-AIL FLAVORS tVES. 1ile route is to 0 l ioied over by a ~ùrveyflighit whit.e gr.oup of men arc tainlg this Nýeek. The company. will transport mail, passengers. and express between tbhe Canadian centers of population, and tbis vll be thle first really general service, althoughi at present tbere are other airlinies op)erating,' between ciîties and areas flot scrved bv- other Means of trans- portation. 'l'le Unitedl States and Caniadi'ani governuiients are co-operating In that about 40 airplanes in the group, and ~ ~ L V a fine outing is planned for ail. I APFU RECORD SALESI COCKTAIL Figures recently reieased by Leigli- ton W. Rogers, president. of the WELCH'S *Aeronautical Chamnber of Commerce Goeuc T2 T o f America, Inc., re.vealed that sales GaeUC T 1cQ ofAmýnerican aircraft, aircraft engines, (FOR YOUR BREAKFAST FRUIT adsaeparts 1'ad soared to SILVER SKILLET CORNEO hizh~ levels during the first hiaif of thise Ioh .'2 CANS I e. . s e O 41 c IC -ut 2 5 c planes, arc uvig 1 ignNL 750,000 set aside for that pur- 'e first are to be Lock- lectras having a capacity of 10 ýers, and costing approximiately; apiece, will have a cruising~ e -LB. JAR lYC .e1 -LB. CAN 1 6-01. CAN 14c the $1 pose. hieed-1