Watt and Floor Cov.rigs Slip Côoie rs Gay Tenrace Furniture 920 N. Michigan Ave., Ckkàgo Plion. Superior 5695 Sci.nfificaIIly anuely L.w.stf prices fl@w in efeci. (Limited tine.) EDYTIl DIETRICIIS 4canus Me'h@d, of Reducinq 170>0 Central Evanston DfLis. 2004 OOKSHOP LIBJRVR CARDS jjSt ationery 'Roled Inio One Exciting Novel "And So-Victoý By Vaughan Wilkins $2.50 1724 Orringto~n Avenlue Orrington Hofel Bidç versflJ ' cast asdthe il VaiInIs t theF piece. Mt. Pope's Snakes A/jvc should dIo mnuch to create understanding of and intere.st in these, to him, alwavs: fas- ,cinatinigcreatures.;He'-l)egan ito-study, theni when a very s 1 aîllboy and ai- .though now a herpetologist of , inter- national reptationi,-he writes. of them iii. a simple, .vivid. and often amusing style that canl be enjoyed'hby ail ages,' froin the -sinaîl boy or gi rl just be- ginning ýto explore n tatUrle's wonders to the studen t- it ent on'- acc urate identification, and classi.fic atio.n. Heâ aAnsyerm The book deals not only wvith. the author's 'experi.ences hunting snakes, in different countries, but 1atismers, aIl the . questions* c o m m o n 1-y asked ab)out them, tells of their. habits ini feeding, -reprodu1cingý, and hihernat- tiug, of their uses and -their eneries, how to catch thern and how to keep them as pets. H.e wariis against the dangerous species .and explodes inany superstitions ab)out the harless. Thie appendix gives the miles for the complete andl scientific identifica- tioni of aIl the species fouind ini the Unîited States. An Authority Beforc 'Mr. Pope graduated. froin the* University of N'irgrinia lie worked Andurews tmird i-satic expedimnon. In charge of bis owù1 party he made field, studies and .collected speciniens in na" seven Chine se provinces over a period S of four years. He is well knoxvn for his articles and bis 600-page mono- graphi, Thte Reptiles of China. Gre. 0227. 9. Surnmer Juveniles Houghiton Mifflin. companv ini- augurated- their suiinimer juvenli 1e 1/iný'cejt Van 'Goyh, the 1)-t.ch artist îchose pai nti ny. is th rage of te on teporarv cr -ls. His new7t autobiog(raph v, "J)ear Theo>," is ed-trd bY -itj~St<nu e, g4cahr of "I.ust for lýife," a Van Gogh biography, front /ctiers wrdtten I?-b V1'imuýent to bis brotlzcr, Thea, thte one hnnzan b cin hio understoo.d ini. Recommends New Book for Beginning Parents, ln lier regular column on01, new bIooks ini thc L-adi'es' Homiie Tourn-ia,.. ecaLinif, vvnlat iuck for a parent to l)e able to buy for a couple of dollars such. calmn; clea-sighited learning and wisdom!' If you lived .next door to Doctor Anderson, and if hie had some special reason for stopping. whatever he was doing to answ'er your evýer y question about your children at once, you çouldn't ini years accun-ulate suich a rich, orderly storebouse oi just what vou need to know, as in this sound, delightful book. and couinterplots of Victoia's uicles ini their endeavors to keep lier froin the thronç. The scelle raniges over the NNorld-Etîzlanld, Wales, France, Germnany, the United States, Mexico, Malta, and Egypt. The, action is swift and charge(] with ýsuspense. Týe hbook lias aroused itteresti Ii Enlglali( and' is. to l) filîned bY Met ro-Goldwvni-.\favenr 'ÉTie Daiishi. Swvedish and Norwegian t ranslatio01 rights..haiveaIreadv beciu sýold .and rar- ranigenieints are under wav fnr pnb- licatioîi iii, Germianv. A Shuttlecock Christopher Harpislh. wbose sin tster relationship to the Roy.al 'Houise.of Hanover haunts bis whole, carcer. Christopher mnakes. bis enitrance as a troubled little bo\- .of ine vears, dressed',ini a ruffled white sirit, a short green jacket an,& anlkI7e-lgtli wvhite pantaloon s. -He lias been îlacced unider the care of Baron Omnptedaý, a spv for the wicked Duke of Cunîber- land, Nwhô hleslitates at nài-tlinig i i s, deterninatioîî to kcep. the throlle froin ls iniece Victoria. Christopher is at first simply the shtittlecock 171 a miurderoiis gaine: as lue bmcomies able to assert bimsqelf lie akes plenit\v of trouble for the plotters, and blis ad- ventures ini intrigue, ini love, and Ii'.. devotion to an injured qu-eeîmk ani absorbing inarrativeC. House of Hairover. .-.od-I/iVctoria is a picture o.f lIfe ivîtn tne Jesser-Rnown memoirs of that period. Vaughan Wilkins. the author, fouglit il, the WVorld wvar, made a re- markable record as a vounig ju ls ini Londonl, anîd began wvriting this, bis first . novel, ini a fit of dissatisf'actioT. wvith toda, vhich drove him back into, the past whence h.e lias broIglit to life people and evcnts of a color- fuI period of English history. figures ana, authoritative h< seý C: Liiîk's The Éketurn tQ Re- ni-a very readable book in the 1of popular psychology, is also ling a steady place on the best I