Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 25

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are two vitally necessary and impor- tant safety mneasures if traffic acci- (lents are to be reduced and the notoring publlic. is to be afforded the fuller l'se of the highways with greater comnfort,. convenience and satety to which, it is entfled, says the Illiniois Auitomobile.club. The Ilinois legisiature, at is regular *ession recently ende'd,, recognizè *the' dangers of driving on dark. roads and the 'urgency of be'tt er illuminaý-. tion xvlieî it uni.animously adopted a. joint resolut 'ion saying that the most effective* means found for reducing' the relatively large number. of high- wvay acci ents after dark is by light- ing, th e' highways and, therefore, ~public record is hereby made of the tirgency -and desirability of installing an(l exitnding highway illumiination." This proPouncement wvas. referred by the.:legisiature to heIllinois High- %vay .departmentas the proper author- -itv of the state "concerned with se- curing maximum use of the public ~highways With the mnimftum »amotÎn.t of danger of injury to persons .and daniage to propërty." Darkness Major Cause Statistics show that of 37,000 hligh- wvav. deaths in 1936, darkness-nQt reclesnes.or slippery roads; or railroad crossings, or faulty brakes- but dark>,css canised 21,400 deaths while onfly 14,600 occtirred in normal davlight hours. In other words, with onlv 20 per cent of daylight. traffic on the hîghiways at: nigt, nearly 0 *per cent of aUl fatal accidents occur affer sunset. Adequate highwayitl-ght- ing. according to the National Safety council, wvould prevent one out of everv three of these night traffic tragedies. Under present conditions, expert s say it is seven times safer to (Irivc in daylight than after dark. C:omple-te lightfing of ail highways aIl over the counitry seens îimpossible, at.least for a long time to'corne.' But comànplete lighting could be installedý at dangerous intersections and at railroad crossings. Then, not only could the motQrist clearly see other traffiç, but the very fact that a cer-, wun ±Miss rielen nurdette of reoria. They will go to Yellowstone National park, the Grand canyon, Los Angeles and then on to Banff and Lake Louise, returning home about the l.ast week of August. Deimte t L enries, and thie entry mtat. I'arm Mutual Auto lu&. C.. The sloop S. S. S. No, 130 fromn fee is nominal. This wiii be the twenty- gave mne tel, you bow tii continuus policy pon Great. Lakes, Ill., ran agrounld, at second animal tournament, and play wilI ecut. 'inurànce cost' about. 40%. Leaal Reurve midigh Snda, sut ofthe hr- egi a 8 'clckin the morning. Rated A-Plus by Best's. Coast-to-coaat service. mdhor enrn nd asu vh dohee rize s whi o ch reofee ik d-Autiiorlued representation aud service. TelGuo hor ntr ilc an waswased p on Theprîzs wichare ffeed i adi7 46-Highl.nd P ark 1478-Oeerfield 250. the beach belov the home of Natha n flou to the trophy are to be given for___________________ Goldblatt on Sheridan' road., Sea various evénts which- have been planned Scouts were. on board, and Franfk to a fford ,every contestant an. oppo rtun- Canhar, 601 -South' Utica, street, iyt v i n i oa fsvn es 7a'ukegaii.wvas ini ch ,arge. Ail seven events have been listed. wvitha prize for aa dSL E W R wiere from Xaukegan, and had set- each, it wvas announ'ced t his wveek.: à out for, a week-end cruise until -the accident occurred. ]Little damage re- Mis Jula Crig, 92FPovidnt sulted, as, only a moderate sea tvas avenue, is leaving Saturday for, De- i 1' runn.catur. to spend several weeks visitinigw mawàaaw waaüüln' George 0. Wy.niond, 5534 Orchard friends and relatives.: .~ t . . . ~s. - ~ .. .~.s 114EY TRET # SICLAI# DEALIt5,ig If you are flot already using Sin- courteously...you'II find tIat he clair.products, may we suggest takes a. real neighborly interest SCHI MainS. JOE LYNAM, 415 Ridge , 2thSt Wýr 1 -,qqqqý s7ý, %"- 0 i

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