Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 26

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ADM11tABLY RESTRAINED, That the aoae impulses of the federal ad- ministration at' Washington to-,rush. succor to that one-tbird'of the cou ntr3y's population Who aresai tobe ill-clad, iÏl-hosed -and ili-nour- ished" tan, on occasion, be restrained and held ini subdued check, is attested by the action of its Social Security' board last week in summairilv suspendinig any further federal contributions to the old age pension fund inii llinois. A formerexample of the determination and self-possessioni of the administration. its,miental poise andkeen sense of. justice, which hield Àt back when every fibre -of its being fairly screamied the urgeto pass the bread and butter arnong the uin- fortunates of Illinois,, vas the action of Relief Adiistator Hahry HFopkins sortie~ tirne ago i withholding relief funds from . this state until its legislature shouild. boost. the occupational (in effect, sales) tax front 2 per; cent to .3 per cent toyield some $12,OOO,OOO annually for. the state's, share of the burden. The humanitariatn instincts of the administra- tion have been well advertised. Bv word of motli and the printed page it hias been clnnied into the cars and brains of the populace that e%,ery .heart- throb of tibQse sitting in high places in goeri- oflife,'" tIey shouted, "while a single dollar of the taxPayers' money is left unspent." The great heart and greater mind of the administration wereý dedicated to one altrtiistic purpose-to give sorpe-. thing to everv% person ivho liad nothing b)v tak- ing it away fromn another person vvho liad 1it. ".IPut yoqur trust in us and place vour hands in o'urs. WVe wilI guide yoti to secuiritv, lhappiness and the 'more abundant life.' and rememiber, 'the .oiily thing vou have to fear is fear itsclf'." It sounded good over the niicrophone.-b,ut came ALU4Ae> I..IAIDed WiAt!! jui aiU.wituiiy 1incUniL petent to handle its job. But who set it up?;.The fact remains that the people of Illinois are paying taxes for old age pensions and being denied .any participation in the funds they -supplyý. After a few minutes of friendly chat she asked if we would care to see her flowers. It was not, difficult to read :in lier face a keen desire to display those flowcrs, and -the invitation. was accepted. Leading the way, she guided us to the garden, which presented.a riot of colorful bloonis that only midsummer can bring. By devious paths am ong the beds she pointed out thisý flower and that, and to thCquestioni, "Anniualor perennial?" she repflied:1 "Oh, all of these are, annuals.: Peren.- niaIs are. in- another part of ,the ý garden.'! "But %why," we asked, "do you separate thern?" "You will understand as we go. along," she replied. Reaching the other part of the garden the little old lady pointed ou t with unrestrained pride the many beautiful blooms which greetéd the eye. The old-fashioned flowers with which she had becomne familiar 1in lher youthpred.ominated. There ,were the bachelor buttons, the daisies,'.the coluni- bine, the >Swýeet Willi ams. Jacob's ladder, fox- glove,*.and. many -others. Her love for theni was revealed* in the glow of lier face and. the light in .her eyes. "Tou see, these are my oki friends, -and it is~ am-ong them that I find. my greatest pleasure. I have had thern for ever so long,. and I k 'now theni jtist as they know me. I care for them tenderly when they are with me, and as the last bloomi fades in the fali I have a good cry. But* xvhat a joy it is to greet them again in the spring,r when, the blasts of winter have ceased and the r warm -sunshine brings about the resurrection. So have placed themn here, away from ail others, f mwhere I can commune ivith them w-,ithout interrup-t tions or distrà.ctionis.' 1 -COSTLY Many people who cry out ini fear o-f the machinle ,age, conteniding that it *w~ill throwv more and More men out iof employment and leadj to a relief rol of stupendous proportions;, forget whvlat the machine lias doncieIn making more 'atid hietter things available to a greater proportion of the. population. Here are a few examples that may tend to dispel the fear* proxiniatelv six times as much as~ those made on production assenibly. The hand -or small-scale methods of other days may sound alluring, but arc the critics of miass production ready and willing to pay the price for their return? *émust" to "desired that inenbers havc be shiot at sunrise executive. ýossible," indicatinig ýd that th ey cannot ýeing with the chief "It is bec ming increàsi ngl:y apparent that the 'rugged individualist' is .destined'to gradually be- corne a 'ragged, nd.ivi*dtal'-X-Judge." Yea, verilv, brother., Down i!n Crown Point, Indiana's Gretnia Green for Illinois young folks -who would escape the health test' now required here, a young couple flipped a-,coin:'to- determine whether they would get mar- r.ied or sPend the .license1 feet for. another. drink. Result: Thev got, the drink, which - prpbably kept them. out of a- heck of a lot. of trouble. Speaking. of Crown Point, which we just now *were, it' is surprising what somne menIA wili ~ ~o 11 fE<N5 pecs silver. Apparently authenticŽ reports. are that miany couples, .as. a ivind-up to, wild parties, so.used to the guIs and incapable of speech bc- yond a mouthed "Yesh," appear before the mar- riage license clerk for authority to wed, then Proceed to some conscienceless individual who, without shame and for a pittance that should poison the food for which it is. spent, speaks the words that legally make them man and wif e. [bus is the sacred institution of marriage, the holiest -state which rman and woman may enter. Iesecrated and degraded ly cheap seekers after ilthy. lucre. And thus are many Young lives lespoiled by -a step thoughtlessly taken and iiM ignorance of the, respon sib ilities it entails. Crown Point is welcome to aIl the norit gtc;a aGretna Green. ooit tgisa ,iiation-ýWide protest aganst ainlbraia tion"' has been sarted'by the Georgia KIlu .Klux Klin, \\e thôdught the KlUxels had foloeth dodo10inito extinction.***loveth Down Powhfatani, Ohio,* juvell laws are draped overa A Chicago judge refused to send to jail a man delînquent il' paYments to his ex-wife, bis logic being that a man in jail cannot earn moniey., Sensible judge, that. THz PH-NTrOM RgpoRT.R.. s,

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