~Cordon Va~n Kirk of the English departinent at New Trier H-iglî sclwol is directig twin casts i re~- Izarsals (,f "The Charmn Scliool,- daai:Production to be staged bY flicsummerschool studenits A~uguist 10 and Il at the hig1h scizool. Christian Science Christ. Scientist, on Stinday, A.ugust-i-. The goldeni text -,vs, "Be' per- fect, be ai good confort, he of one minc, livc il, Peace: and-ilie God of loeand peace shalh be wi\,tli vou"' (Il Corinthians 13:11) Among the Citations whlich coni-. prised the lesson-sermon 1 was. the following from the' Bible: "A nem, çommanient I give uinto y-ou. That ye love onie another; as I bave loved wiII assist .Waldrof and Bible ini giv- ing the football lectures and demn- onstrations. BÈask'etb>all will' begi-ven by DJutCh Lonborg:of. Northwestern. and Doug Mills ofý Illinois who piloted theý Illini to the Big Ten titie last vear in his first. season as h:eàd coach.. Other miembers of the- staff *are the f.ollowýing Northwestern universitv staff members: KL Wilson, ath- letic administration;- Tom. Robinson, swimming; Frank Hill, tra ck; -Ted Payseur,,golf; Paul Bennett, tennis; Ade Schumacher, intramfurals, and Carl Erickson, traîner. coaches attenïding the school *vill have an opportunity to attend, the pra 'ctice sessions of the College AIl- Star football team tha t will be.%,vork- ing out at Dyche stadium for its gaine with the Greeni Bay Packers. These worrkotits will serve as field demi- onstrations for the school. General Peyton New Pt. SSheridan Commander Brigadier general Philip B. Pev-- to n, formerly command ing oficer of the 29th Infantry, Fort Benning, Ca., ivill assume com.mand of Fort Sheri- dan an.d the lZth Brigade August I. Gênerai Pévton.was born in Nash- lias serveci in the Philippine Islands and Alàska, as well as at varions continental stations in the United States. During the W'ýorld -war he conmanded the 6lst Infantrv in the St. Màihiel and Meuse-Argonne -of- fensives. During those actions he received the Dijstinguished Service Miedal and the Silver Star for the leadership of lis regimient. Colonel Peyton became a brigadier general August 1, succeeding Bni- How -stowiea up LMis lime (>j yectr. Not like they used to-before 1 Iearned how to use the telephone. Whaddaya nean, "learned ho w"? I learned when I was 1a kid. Not this way. You.see, there's~ always business.-séme- where. Suire. The triclc's to find out where. 7 Norv conI thought your sales alwcays "Spirit" wili be the subject at the The Tuesday club, bec ause of con- services in First Church of Christ, flicting dates with s*Ome of the golf Scientist. in Wilmiette Sunday morn- and country clubs, is mieetinig on ing, August 8, at Il o'ciock, held in \%edniesdlay during the summner. the edifice at 1003, Central avenue. Yesterday, NIrs. Louis A. Clark of Sunday -school convenes 'at 9:45 the Orrington hotel enitertaiined.he o'clock. club. Irequirements our Business. Company. Telephi