Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 30

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Mrs. Mark W. Cresap is opening Grand arent' Hom her home on Woodley road. Winnet- ka, for the Garden Visiting day to White summer flowers and be held by the Kenilworth Garden indelabra in the livingroomn of lub on. Friday afternoon. Commenc-, e residence.of Mr. adMs t2:0odcnimbr îltu Tflia D MJuki, 51Shr- ill 'a do.zen. or so gardens 'and 'then il!T'amP: MJùnin, 51,She wIladjourn to. Mrs. Cresap's home lan road, Winnetka,' formed an. for. tea, Amnong the gardens to- be [tar for the Éïarriage Monday vsted are those of Mrs.. Douglas, vening of Miss Wilma Harvey, Flood, Ms ,H erhSon ~s iPery Eckhart, Mrs. Grant Ridg- eir' granddaughter, to Guen- way, Mrs. Thompson_ Wakeley. and, ler Brandes of New Yorký.the Mrs.' Donaldý Mercer. son of C. H. Brandes. Miss Har- vey. is the daughter. of Mrs. Frank' William -Harvey Il of 1035 Greeriwood avenue. Sprays of huckelberry banking the fi re- place completed the décorations' for the' ceremony Nvhich ' was, performed by Msgr. Eugene J.. McGuiness. The bride's gown, the same worn by her sister, Geraldine, for her niar- niage to H4. C. May, was ofier satin. A long pleated train* was bordered with seed pearîs and over the train feli the tulle and Brussels lace veil, also vvorn by. ber sister. She carried a bouquet of white ,orchids and liles of the valley. Mrs.. May, wlio came frorn lier home in Mansfield, Ohio, to be the matron of honor, was gowned iii peach. chiffon Hyacinth blue over .brida.l peacJi chiffon was the~ material of the drse of the four bridesmaids who carried combination bouqiwets of token rQses* *an d delphinium. In their hiait theyý *wore tiny rnatching nosegays. The bridesmaids were Mrs. Richard Cag- ney, .<Mary Lynch.), of Keillwortli; Dorothy Stover of Winnetka, 'Mary VirginiajJ raper of Evanston, and Mary Rowen of Flint, Midi. Rose beige lace and a corsage of lavender- orchids wer.e iworn 'by MNrs. ls Eng age.d 1~~ Paul gtOne-Raymor1 Ltd. Miss Adele Taylor, whose debut ,date lias seen set for September 18, lias gone south with lier motlzer, MIrs. Ez:ra Sherman TaYlor of JUin-ý netka, to. s/'end a week ai tati Beach, near Jacksonville, Fia.. ai' the summner home of Mir. and Vr., Fred L. Mullikin. Miss Bc-,crlt'v MUdlikin, who was Miss TaYlor .S roommate at the Pr1incipia sclzool. u,111 corne northiniu etebrt assist at Miss Taylor's tea.dau e - ,before yoing to St. Louis, z&lerc sihe wil! be, enrolled at Principia ll'e TiietaUpsilon Rho to J. . Toloff Phlot<> Sponsor Benefif Dance The annual benefit ýdance of Theta- Upsilon *Rho, north. shore young people's group of college age, Will he hedon Friday evenin*g, August 27, at the Kenilworth club. Music for the occasion will lie furnished I)v Wally Van and his popular "swiiîig" band. The - danée will be summrer A dinuer for mneliibers of te tuf)o fainlilies lasI Saturday evening celc- bratcd'te annoiencemnent of te eni-ý gagemecnt of Miss Gretccn Onder-ý -dopik and E$dwin P. Price. Jr. Both Wimîietkakis, they are, e-espectizelv', the daughter of the J. Lawrence Ondèrdonks and the son of Ur. and Mrs. Ifzliz P. Price. Edwin P. Price, Jr. At a luncheon sh'e is .1ving at Indian Hill club .todav (Thursdlay)- for Miss, Marianne* Hoover. an El-.vanston br.ide- eleet. 'Miss Gret.chen Onderdonk of Wi.nnetka- -vill receive the, goodý wishes of her, friends. Her engagement to Edwin P. Price. jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin, P. Price of 920 Hill road, xvas anilounçed late last week, bv bler p)arenits, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawý- rence ,Onderdonk,. and' the en-' gagemnent vas ce lelrate(l, Satur- day eve ning at a failvh dinner party at the.Onderdonk.homeý. No' )ansre annou nced for the wediffn g. Since graduating at Mout Ver- nonf seminary, -Miss Onderdonk bhas. been active in the Evanston Junior lelague.and( in various charitable or- -ganlizations. Her fiancé prepared at the B)erk.shireschiool for Dartrnotth.. from w,\hicbh le,%vas graduated this Miss Onderdonk is to be'onle oï the Ibrid'es-maids' at Mitss Hoover's %vedding to Carl B. Davis, Jr., August 12, and will leave threc days later .with hier sstr-n-\w rs. \William Ondcrdonk (Ertiestine Richter) of FEvanston, for Les Cheneaux club in Michigan, to visit Judge and Mrs. Theodore Richter of Detroit. \Vil- liami Onderdônk will join is wife and sister a few days later for a vaca- tïin at Les; Cheneaux. )GIVe Surprise Par+y for.Mrs. Belle GalIear Mrs. Belle Gallear, 1135 Lake ave- nue, ,vas the guest of honor at a sur- prise hirthday party given for bier Elizabeth Ann Straus, qauignzer (iii Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Straus of 180 Euclid avenue, Gleicoe. Miss Straus will be married on Sunday, Septern- ber 19, to Charles Allen Pick. the son of Nfr. and Mrs. Hugo Pick., 1195 Ëaznptondale road, Winnetka.. for several weeks her sister, Mrs. Russell Meredith. of Troy, I;. Y. Wedniesdgy of last week, 'Mrs. Mc- Quide entertained at luncheon andý, bri.dge in' honor of Mrs. Meredith.~ Entertains Club Mrs. Alfred S. 'Wiltberger, 515 Abbotsford road, Kenilworth, enter- tained the menibers of lier club) at luncheon and bridge on Tuesday. - gracateu in UIiiiMJO trom~the National College of Education. Mr. Hurtt at- tended the U.niversity of Wisconlsinl and is a meniber of Delta Upsilon fraternity. A faîl wedding has been planned, after which the bride and b)ridegroom willlivýe in Evanston. New Y cal .th, wx i(l.- ah thi ý 1 1

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