Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 34

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Camp in Wisconsin Oays at The Joy camps at Hazelhiurst, Wis., are ýended for onie group' of north shore 'girls; the mnonth of. August is to be fild with Camp outing for others who have just reachied. their. destination in' the nortl- woods. Glencoe 'is represented pow hy, its new conrtingent: Miss Lolita Kings- bury, eaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. W.- Kingsb)ury; -Miss. Barbara Milli- ken, who.se father, and mother are Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord D. Milliken; Miss MarjorieMarie Oatis, daughter of Mr. .anid Mrs. V. P.- Oatis; Miss Dorenda and Miss' Virgin.ia Penfieid,, daughters af the' Sami*uel Peu fields;. Miss 'Barbara.-Redfield, daùghter ýof Mr. and Mrs. C. Truman Redfieid; Miss Mary and. Mis's Ruth Shiiveric, caughters of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shiverick; Miss Joy' Smith, the E. * Sawyer Smiths' daughter, and Miss Anne Wuichet, daughter o.f Mrs. .jessie Weir Wuichet, 'Camp days are co'ncluded for 'an- other group from Glencoe, Miss Helen Spoonier, Miss Betsy Weir, and M.,iss Patty and 'Miss Bobby Ga'y Xynan. Glencoe, too, -was represented by, the girls who placed ini variaus events during water sports day. Miss Helen relaylteam which placed fiist in the. table setti'1g race under water;. Miss, judy Gilillan was the winner of the marshmnallow swimming race, and Miss Sue 'Miller won the crawl. The Wilmette girls who left juiy 28, to return ta their homes were Mss Patty Sundbooni and Miss Betty WVil- liams, who was also a member of the tandem crew which placed first in the Now al home ini Chicago al 7721 )"aies «em'*arc .M11, ond Mrs. Edward (;aDeIierks, zwhosc mnarriage look place' oi lune 19., The bride,;tilt former Margarci Mildred Sutti<'. is the daufgh fer of Mr'. aond.-Is. James ,Sifftie of Chicayo.lbc parents of the bridcejroo mmarc Mr. and Mrs.. Fred C'harles I)icrk.ç of HWilmette. the UqU' wcdnqAr.I)icm'ks took bis bride ('Il a nioto> trip throligh Tennlýcssçee and Noth(arolina. August Events Aiigust 'at Northî Shore, Golf club \%-Ill lhave a val'ie(l pograi,- the iiuonith' ,S, eVcjl t foi- women <roi fers being a 1ifv-ft'or lhole -iach with :thie prize awvarded fôr thli--.total of three bcst holes. _oût of five pla.yed .on .,tue'sdavs, the regular, w'ýomens da'%*. One* Tuesday, guest day ini the nmonth wilbe augm-eflte(l 1»' a TNvi- liglit Golf guest, dav Thursdav, August 19, t.wilight golf big reg- ular Thursdav events.at North Shore.. M rs. M. H. Moi1ter af 1409 Lincoli Street, Evanston, is chairpnan of women's golf evrentSfo August,. as- sisted bv- a cammittee coimvposed of Mrs. \a iker Jensen, 4rsý. . F. J3oyd, Mrs. John A. Sidney, and Mrs. Albert G. Talbot.' A"-adies' Golf Guest day" i plan- lied for Tuesday, August 17. At a meceting Tuesday af tlds ~ek it was decided ta resume' the Lad and Lass>ie day, discontinuied for. several vears. The 'event -will bene time( .111 September. Tuesday of this week the' evenlt wvas fi le haies, lùw net. wvith1î on- haif handicap. Nirs. Frank J. Buck- rigewas victar. in Class A;. Mrs. Charles .; Varner, Jr., in1 Class B; \Irs. H. C. Joh'nson, Class C;" Mrs. Alexander 'Marks, Class ).- Mrs. R. 'J. Fellinighami won thc low putts event. Mrs. B'nckriclge wVas awarded the WV. XW.'G. . pini ftor hier iow net score of 74.ý Theta Upsilon Rko to Continue Open Forum Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Peterse l, 1518 Spencer avenue, with their three chli-' dren, Peggy, Patsy and Cappy, re- turned Sunday 'from a t wo week vacation at Tomahawk Lake, 'Wis., a garden party for her g home of Mrs. George 1-N 2111 Beechwood avenue, day, August 12, at ?ode rarisli at a loage. aevoting most ot tineir unices time ta fishing. The Pattersons have at the planned ta leave nex.t week 'for Cali- ýrdock, fornia.' They .will" travel lSy way of ['hurs- the 'United airlines, of hch,*Mr. Patterson' is president. :servefl outdoors and the 'favors were flower bandeajux for the hair,'parasols, and bailoons. She bas as'lher hanse guest, Patricia Stoddard of Miami, 'Fia., who arrived in time for the .Party.

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