lteep a upply of canned or botld beer In your refrigêrator during thie hot sBuimmer weather., Complet. service bY tbebre. hart, quarter a.nd elghth.: W.hve y@ur favorie brend for, SpectiaI Occasions P hone BEN ERICIKSON wilmette 4092 Beginrnng Today and Te- iuorrou', A ugust 5 and 6 and -every TJnrsday and Friday GENE NUPER witi serve his fomous Shore Dinner $1 Shrimp Cocktail or Clam Cbowder COMBINATION SEA FOOD 01 ATT&O Dîne Ouf of Doors in Gense Nufer's SUMMER GARDEN SDaiIy Luncheons 12 to3 50c. GENE NUFER'S CAFE 6666 Rdge Ave.. Chicago V lictor Moore, comnPletes the fille cast appearing ini "Make WVay for' Tomorow,"a story of social sec ir- ity and filial affection, uh ich will appear at ineighborhood theaters within the next zceck. is one ofthtte xnost caring anda extrava gant yet produced by' this colorful sjhov- mn ihailed by critics as -The Ziegfield of Cafedoni," the niatuiral beauty of. his luxunriotsl.y appointed \Vj' lia enice coin- bines to iinake this showplace rank in1- ternationally *tops ' for sunînlier enter- tainnient. I-The inew production is described as a glainorous extravaganza of f eifiine Ioveliness blended with a wealthi of dancing, novelty, singitig, musical alid cornedy talent. As Good As Married. Universal picture, directed by Eddie. Buzzell. The cast is comiposed of John Boles, 'Tala Noan, Walter Pidgeon, and, Baa irreil. Teatro del Lago, August Evolving around a marriage of.con-" venïence t: enable a wealthy, architect to cut down on his income tax, avoid breach of promise suits, -and so forth, it ail ends happily when the architect finally realizes that his wife, reallyis attractive ; the, film has been recom-. mended as light, entertainmnent. Charlie Chin at the OIymiplcs. 2Oth Century-Fox picture, directed by H. B.r u.c e, Humberstone, with Warner 'Olanid,. ath-erine DeMillè, -and Allen Lane. Valencia theater. August 8, 9. *The usual high standard of the Charlie Chan mystery is mnailitained ini thisfln tti whicrW t'lre aareiàtnuber of the scenes of last vear's Olympics ini Berlin. Interest is held throughoiit the film. HioteI Haywire.ý A Paramnount pic- ture, direct.ed l)v George Archainbaud, vvith cast of Leo Carillo, Lynu Over- mari, Spring Byington, and Mary Carlisle. Stadium theater, Atigtst 7-12. .A practical joke is plaved on a mian; the mari seeks the advicé of ~a star- 1 MetHin in Paris. Paramnount picture, directed by Wesley Ruggles, and with a cast coxnposed of Claudette Colbert, Melvyn Douglas, Robert Voung. Valencia theater, Atigust 11,. 12. The picture lias everything from sheer nonsense .of a relaxing type to the ultra beautiful, the serions. It has the smartest kind .of dialogue, beautiful shots: of snow-covered rected bv Michael Curtis. The cast iS c omposed .of Edward, G. Robinson, Bette Davis, Humnphrey Bogart, and Wa yne Morris. Varsity, theater. August 5; Teatro del Lago. 9-12.. The picture, which is ciieflyrpnize-, fight drama, is to a real. man'S taste. The story written. hi Francis\a- lace. was closely followed, and. the cast is .excellenlt. The pictttre is well directed. 'and there is no0 "white- wvashinig"' of the fighit gam e. The., theme'. contrast li.tween the scrclid atmnosphere of the ifight gamie and peaceftil couptry life, is sharply draîv%'! In the picture are.actua! scenes froni a stagedfight Whvlîi addi much to one's enijoînent: of it.ý Make.Way for Tomorrow. A Para- rnouint licture, directed )v Leo Mc- ~Carthv. Nwith a. cast conîpôsqe*d cf Vic- tor Moore. Beulah Bondi. Fay Bainter. and Thomias Mitchell. Valencia thiea- ter, Augtust 10. The niovie is a lecture mi social' sectirit -v. and a sermon on filial respect. The father and miother. witm no pro- vision for 01(1 age, are separated and sent to livee ith flrst one and then aui- other of their children. The picture us so sml and so convinicingly made as to miake, a deep impression uipon al àlwhco chance. to see ht.- The direction is very skillful, and avoids am, rnaudlini effect. lt is a picture of littie interest for youniger, children.. buit aduits iliJ probablv- like it The cast has bee!I praisedý for tlîeir fine work. Mountain Music. A Para inount Pic- titre directed 1v Robert Florey, with an ouitstanding cast composed. of' Martha Raye. Bob Burnsý,:and mna'>- others.Vast theater. Auigust 6-12. This mnovie is of the, type that mhight be classified as absoluitely, "crazy-." Its humnor lying 'in the unutsuial circuuni- .Stances- which befail Bob) Burns, and his "find.l" Martha. Rave, the show. lias sonie oi the rarest iumor imagiin- Phone Rserv. -NewasBUO (No Toil Charge) or Wiuee]l No.Cover Charge ai Alny Time I