Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Aug 1937, p. 47

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De adline for Insertios__Classlled advertlsementâ wlll be se. WILMETT E LIFE or ail three papers i Weilnesil>ay 9 P. M. for WINNETKAI TAIK and ThiirsdaY 5 P. IL for GILENdOE NEWS. Telephcvnes: Wll1mette 4300, Wlnnetka 2000 (Wlnnetka 500 atter .6 P." M.), Greenleaf 4300 or Oheidrake 1216-1217.,I TYPEWRITCR5 F0( 11 SALE CC)RONA POR'IX-\11E. FOR SALE-CLoTHiNG BOY'rs $35,- RAY WOOL ('A VIsOýN I 'irié ut pairs k niv»ktî', tailored Sport coat. size 16; w0rn twvice. WiIll sel] forj $15. Wilmcette .1854. MANS TXEDr WTUVEST, PRAC- titally new, $12; al]so, 3 bu.sines-s suits of excellent qaiy $6 enceh. Al size.g ,36 and $. Call eviùngs, Wilniette 2906'. WANTED TO UUY-CLOTH ENQ $OLDCLOTHES$$ We need 500 suits this week. Will pay test pnices. Wil eall, or bring them to Martin's Clothing Store 742 Custer, Evanston University 2220 59B-LTN40-tfc LOANS iIELP WANTU-[FEMALE WAN TED ATf ON CE' tX)0ks $15-20 Second nmaids $15ý-18 Ueneral maids $15-201 Nurý.semai.ds $12-20 t3m ElN1 \fMPL()XX\ 1IlMNT AG; NC Y ,44; ElInî treet* -Winnetka. 1012' SITUATION WÀATED-FMALig 'MAIDS AND COUPLE %WAýNTED - WORK BY TH-E,1 DAY. GOOD WAGES Nursing, cooking, se rving,., cleanig, J 'fpn mi. Aoency laundry or ilan sewing. Sunday dinners .1in nE atnd teas a specialty. Best, refs. il Estabiishedý 25 years* go anywvhere. Giencoe 1411. 799 Elim st. Winnf. 1047 681LTN11-4tp 71LTN53-tfe Cal Winnetka 3012 for- WANT A FIRST> CLASS DMSI[ vock, white, 3q1-.15 yearsof age foi, C icint, ometic elp Winnetka hoine $30-$35 a week. SHORIANE MPOYENI A;ECV JORI INE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 746 ELM STIR>EET, WIN.NETKA 146 Fn tr 'innetka 68LTN3-lt<71LT1-tv ÈXVERIENCED, GIRL WISHES POsI- I WANTED BY EXCLUSI VE DRESS- tian in do)ctor's or dentist's 'Q(ffice or MAI-KNG :SHOP. (1IRL 0F HIGHI general office work. Write A-55, Box 60, SCIl-ÎOoL AGE, AS, APPREFNTICE. Wi.lnette, 11.. 6LTN13-It WNETA46 COL. MAID WISHES PERNIANENT 7lL1TNI:3-lp lios., preferably for couple. Can div"e. Take uoniplete charge. 6 ye'ars N. S. ref. EXP. 'MIDDLE-AGED WHITE MUAID Greeneaf 24.68,TNl1-ltpi fol' general housework. Very sinall laduit fiamily. Good wages. Last mald Latundry.to take home here S years. Cal Winnetk 309. OUTSIDE DRYING 7LNý-t Greenleaf 4563 WHITE GENERAL MAID MUST BE 6SLT'NlI34tp good cook, family of 4 aduits, onie ' TT1TTIT,ýear old girl. Good wages to right party. EX E IEN E WOMAN S.arleferences. Phone Wilmette 1774. DM- WOMN TUEE., AND FR1. 71LTNI3-lp Wilimette 4552 . COMPETENT WHITE HELP WVAN.T- 60 CARS FROM $25 TO $600 ALL -MAKES - ALL MODELS ALL YEARS .MANY OTHEIRS LIKE THESE: 1,936( Pontiac touring coach. OnlY $575 119 3 6 (hevrolet 4 door touring sedan, Practically new. Only....59 1MU Hudsontouring sedan, just. .$600 1936 Plymouth coupe, ýonly ....... $465 1936 Terrapiane brome. Ex. Special $545, These are just a few samples of some of our outstanding bargains. Every 'car. guar- anteed. A ful year guiarantee on ail Hudson built automýobî1es. ,Iberal allowance, on your old car. HA RRINGTON, MOTORS HRudspn-Terrapline Dealers 1110 C'hicago Ave. Gre. 4444, 77A-LTN13-ltc' 1936 ('HEVROLET7 MASTER 4-DOOR'. SSport. Sedan. This car is in perfect. meehianical cond. and the paint, tires and finish are lîke new.,Driven by an. executive of the company and has been, driven. less than 12,000 miles. Carnies 30-day new car guarantee.. Sacrifice at $495.00. \XT 7ilntte Chevrolet Sales 61 1 GreenT Bay Rd. Wllmette- 4414 1937 PACKARD SPORT CABRIOLET, absolutely perfect. Model 115. Six cylinder, driven less than 4000 miles. Golden Volce Motorola Radio and other extras. Must seil. $895.00, terms. 'Mr. 11. C. Runden, 6 11 Green Bay Rd., Wilmette 4414. 77A-LTN13-ltc 19 3 5FOR~D DE LUXE 4 DOOXR SPOR~T Sedan. Whitewall tires. Perfect con- dition throughout. This car scareeiy driven by wealthy N. Shore owner and carnies Red Tag. O. K. guaranteC. A rare value. $36 5.00. 845 Chicago Ave., Evanston. Gre. 8220 Opposite Main St. -L" Station 651TN13-4tp EMPLOYMENT AGÈNCIES 1-mpilloyers-EiliplOYees 'Oui~r ic Covers the Ciiicago and 1North Shore Area experience wsntr-101 laundry. Curtains stre We cail and deliver. (iree O R K- C1,E A NING WINNETKA 1029 68LTN13-tfp I NTýlELLI G EN T, EXPERIENCED, lîghit colored girl wishes part time work, evenings. Good references. 'Cal University 6011, 6LTN13-tp CoL. GEýNERAL M-NAID, GýOOjD, PLAJINI ('00K. NO MWASHING. STAY ON PLACE. N. S. REFER. CALL M-.NORN- INGS EXCEPT SUNDAY, GLEN- ATouIÇIail domieitic ielip aduit COUPLES;-MýAIDS-SEÇýON'DIý Box 818 Elm 'Winn i,3-tp Pnîi-ate rooms for inter' ýDRY7 EXPER. COL.. COUPLE, D pioyed in Wlnn., wlh pos. 7869. chauffeur-butier-gardener. N., 3-2tp .Glencoe 73, 70 -' cool ref. T( N13-11 71L13-ltiP WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE- WORK. 4 ADULTS IN FAMILY. OWN ROO-M AND BATH. WILMETTE 2919. 71LTN13-lte- WHITE GiIL FOR 2 WEEKS TO assist with hiousework and child.- No laundry, no heavy cleaning. Wlnnetka 2545. 71LTN13-1ltc GIRL WITH SOME KNOWLýEDGE OF hnnk-keeping and stenography. Lîglit IReinhart ipi.. total 32,000. Late 19'31 cdelivery, 'paint excel.' and engine runsý like a watrh. Eig4it tir'es, heater. Price $275 cash., Wilmiette 3361. 77A-LTN13-1tp 1936 FORD DE LUXE SEDAN, LIKJe niew throughout. Original black ançI creani finish, tires and miotor are pet'- fect. Must seil, $425.00 :full price. Easy ternis. Wilnette Che-vrolet Sales 611 Green Bay Rd. Willntte 4414 r t,, vtonvv. ttmecout~p( '32 body; '35 engine. $185. -Kenilw( 77A-I I~d 1937 OLDSMOBILE CYL. 1 1 tou rlng sedan, driven only 2' 3399 Good discount. Can be seen at' 3-ite sart place, Kenilworth, 77A-L 1 LJý47-L.X..'

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