wVeu rurn. flouse on .'ortin Snore. 4 heclrooms4. Walking distanc(e toshol !)mont-lis to one yiar renti rite A.57, ilox 60, %WiIiette, I11. I1T1-t WTO. TO RINT-STQRES & OFFIC95 WVA NT 1D: SMALL STO-)RE :;IN-UB-. bard \Voo(.'ifor office. win. 269. 105Ll3-ltp, t-AUTIFUL. MODERN 2 APARTMENT 7-7 ROOMS -2 'baths each-ýHot W. ht.-Auto- maie 0o1 burner. Exclusive Evanston nelghborhood. Near ecioolsý and, ail transportation. Priced to, s il at less than 1/2 original cost. L. C. BIJRfIEJNER . GRE. 047L From SALE-Hý!ousceS WE AIZE OFFERINU 01 sale two residenees in thue ch 0es f locationsin lE ast Evanston, If you arc inter- ested in buying, or if you are tiinklng of building and would like to acquaint y-our- *self wlth the most modern features of residence con- struction, finish, and ap- îointments, we invýite .you to inspect t4~se houses. AT BURNHAM PLACE "ANI) LAKE . Shore Drive, a charmning French stonc, house of 10 roomns, 3 baths, and 2 lava- tories, An unobstructed vlew of theë lake. Conven lent to schools, transpor- tation, and business district. Price ... . . . . ..$43,500 IN MILBURN PARK AT THE NO~RTH- east corner of Shieridani Road and MiIburn Street, a stone house of 1Eng- lish Tudor des ign .having Il roonis, 3 baths and 2 lavatories. N ow under construction. Finish and apI)intflents *may la s41ivctud by buyer. lrc 4,0 WlNE ALSO .OFJR FOR suethe folloiving', modern, ul-tO-date houses aIl infit <vas condition inside and out. ASHSTE , WINNETKA: 6 ROOMU frarne Colonial bouse, 3 bedrooms and bath. Lot 50xl77, one-car garage. Just comjpletely painted and decorated. Price-.(..........................$12500. 660 ENT S Xinnetka 254 llLTN13-i tc 1E1XCLUSl\VE OFFERINGS 1427 ASBVRY AVE. ENGISH COLOIý- niaI, large living roomi, 1 bedrooin, 2 baths; sup roomi, newly decorated, wooded lot withlattice fence. Owfler anxious tto. sell. OpehSurîday. 1.38fE; AII AVE, COL. 7 R MS. 1 bth. H. W. 'oil ht. sun pch. lhtd. off liv. rn.. brk pch. 2 enci. slpg. Whls. Owner anxious to sell. Inspection througkh EI4...MER E.s TUL/'i 1. mc. 4fiù \Výinni-tka Ave. \Vinn. 1800 IllLTN]3-lt4- 514 \VASHJ.NGTON'ST.. THEFAMIL.Y TO WHOM ENVIRON- .ment, and establlshed- neighborhood art- important factors, willI i ppreciat'e this comfortable -home. ThierqE are -4 rooms, pleasant front porch, ail in fine condition.* Priced -at bnly $9,250, with conveniérit. terms. ('aIl us for ain ap- î,ointment. SM-ýART> & GOLEE. INC. EXCLUSIVE 'AGENTS ' 1564, Sherman Ave., Evanston .University 0283 iImette 28 -~ 111f/TN13'84te QU'AINT NEWý\ ENGLANI) HOUSE ,with gorgeous elms. Ilouse blas new oil air-conditioned 'plant. Cost $130 to heat. AIl new piumbing. Lot 72x12ù. 2 (ly- gar., attie, insulated, 2 baths, 3 br.,sleeping porch. Near schools, laike and trans. Owner movlng east. Offers at $16,000 or wIll rent for 2 years~ $115. Available Sept. 1. Mrs. Fuller & Wm. Pickard 736 lm Street Winnetka 'Minnetka 160.1 Ulniversity 7444 ONLY $25 750 9 RNIS., 312 BATHS, 11w OIL, M-%OD-. ern, white colonial. Siate roof, steel beam colnstrxuctiofl, heated sun rm. and sleeping porch. Fine lawn and garden, quiet street, beaut. vlews; anloflg fine homes, east .Kenilworth. F. WANNER, REAT4TOR E.,xclusive Agent 19S. Lasalle State 5111 11l LTN13-ItiP 14 CHESTNUT ST. INý1 THE POPULAR HILL RD. SEC- tion of Wlnnetka. Georgian brick Col- onial of 8 rooms and flnlshed 3rd floor for 2 or 3 extra bedrooms and bath. if required. Mlght consider renting. Showni hv appolntment. Let Our jockeys Take You Over The Finish bine BRAND NEW - 3 beclroonw, 2 bathsj, game room., Many charming and 'unusual fea- tures. $500 A 310ERN 'BRICK CL ONIAL m- ge. living room, Secluded.porch. Hand wrouglit fixtures. Five bedrms.; 3M2 .baths,. 2-car att.-gar., deep lot. sFine Wlnnetka location., THIS ATTRACTIVE BRICK HO0Me hasý 2 bedrms., and bath on the lst fi.- and ,2 bedrm.9. and bath on the 2nd. it fas H-. W. heat, a 2-car gar. and a deep lot and is, only $10,000. FOR THE SMALL FAMILY -attractive smallhouse near schools, and transport-ation. Financed- on- monthly paY- mlent plan. Lot 60icl20. well- landsteale&-.36 Crescent Place, Wiliette. These H1-omes Open Sunday Fine brick Colonial - 3 good bedrms., 2 baths, Ige. living 1o0M . Reduced to $1 3,50.0. 2010 Thornwood Ave., WiI- mette. Open ail afternoon. Completely redecorated- in a way you will like. 4 bed- rms., 21 'k baths-Ige. rooms. Easy terms. $ 17,000. Open 3' to 6. 5,54 Dundee Rd., Glen- coe. 15ý71qlieriia.li-Avenue Rog. ,261t; Uni. 2600 Evanstoii ,WiL.2602, Tr uc WhiteClna and o t h e, r excellent values may be, inspected at vour coiivenience. EVANSTON ElNGLISH,: MANOR: ,BRICK, TrIM- ber andý cement-8 bedrooms, 41/2ý baths. Modernized* and' fin- ished to the last detail. 1 block froém lake on >large lot. .Priced' under $55,000. Mr. Cunningham. RIED BRICK COLONIAL:ý 8 ROOMlS, 3 bath s; 5 bedrooms; sun. and sleeping porches; artfully land- scaped 95-foot front. Only 2 blocks to Orringtoný school and lake. A plýus valu ie. R. Johnson. (,'REenleaf 1855, HOLlycourt 1855 WILMETTE LOWEST PI4ICED, NEW HOUSE IN KENILWORTH- GARDENS Prett., ,White Cape Cod Colonial. One wall of living room pine panelled., Lovely dining room with bay wiin- dow. Charmingly d ec o ra tedi inspection" because the owner Is stili living ln 1t; but we can rmake appointments at reasonable ties. Mr. Pletsch, Winnetka 2700. 8 IZOOM GEORGIAN COLONIAL - ONLY $20,000. E. Wllmette on Chestnut Ave., near lake: 4 bed- roome, 2 tule baths; extra lav. lst floor; llbrary; sun and sleep- ing porch; large living room, garage. Qut-of-town owner anxious. R. Johnson, GRE-enleaf 1855, H0Llycourt 1855. Kenilworth Gardens. stl 1L' WILII 4 large be tive. tieÏ room; sc: Many nthe K.eNILW- ËH AVE.:- Lhomnesof 7 ,i bars In- ýored .tile ýrary and Lt $18,850, 1. T.T 1 Uni. 3840 Ï11LTN13-ltp 1222 MARION AVENUE,. BRAESIDE. A new well-bult and planned 6 room Colonial, on a quiet etreet among new homes. Qnly $12,. 500. L. C. 0db Realty ly. price $6,500. Calii Mr. VOuS. to ýe1li at sîî,d00. THE BILLS REALTY, Imc. 529 Davis.St., Evanston Eddington Greenleaf 1166 Willnette 3740 410 Lînden .Ave. &Allen, Imc. Willmlette 408 11ILTN13-ltc, * not replace for $2 HARKNES 584 Lincoln Ave. -4J y JiJ- [NETICA 177 111LTN1S-Itc