*Build a Home On the Lake HIGH ON A BLUFF, WITH 1MILES 0F *broad exipanse over blue waters, Is the* ideal homesite for tlie family de -il,~~ riparian propérty at -a low price. 65x342 ln South Highland Park. Price $10,75Q.- SMART & GOLEE, mec. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 15t34 Slierman Ave. Uni. 028?, HIUý'HLAND PARK'S C H E A P E S T. lots.*, corner Lincoln and Forest Ave. 200 feet on each street, big, trees, high ele%'aton-all îmPts.-paid-conv.enient to schiool. and depot.' Will divide to suit purchaser . Also east side lot-75x160 ft. 3 bîks. toHigh1. Pk. Main St. station. Iznpts paid. $3,000, MURRAY & TERRY SOLE AGTS. eýentral Ave. and Sheridan Rld., I14LTN1;l-Itc REDUCED TO $-9,650 WQODED RAVINE 60-FT. LOT. EAST of Lincolnwood Rd ., Ravinia.. Owner sayscut price to $2,650,anid seIl.. R. CLARENCE BROWN 13.2 Chicago Ave., Evanstoni Greenleaf 0333 Rogers Park 6300l 114LTNI13-ltc NEAR LAKE In S. E. Glencoe; wooded lot 60x160O. Prie below. anything in t1his neigli- boh,.Only Jt4,000. Mr. Tlfatch,ýr. E.. SAWYER SMITH 725 El Street Winnetka 2 -)0 I I14LTN13-Itc, 1,ENILW\ýORTH BARGAIN OWNER Ë> WAN -rS ACTION ON THIS chioice 80-rt. lot in restrieted location. Kenilworth 5288. 114LTN13-Itc KENLWOTH:C HO IC E. 50-FT. Face $3,00 hoes,$2,î,50. Ke-nhl, 5540.114LTN11-lto CEMETE5Y LOTS MUST SACRIFICE *ONE 9 GRAVE LOT* IN MEMTORIAL Park cemetery. Near chapel. Will split. Glencoe 555 19 0113-t ACREAGE AND- ESTATES COUNTRY HOME EST 0 NRTII SHORE* Less than one year old, w4ite painted commiori brick w-ithi latest irnproved hieat- ing and, plumbing fixtures-; 4 bedrQbmsý,3 baths. An .IIO.rnatwiAi PI ULeeL youUL homeI from unîleasant encroachments in the years to corne.- o . 1You wîIllflnd that BARRIN.G'ON ofters ail of these, as miel 'ias rnany otier important suburban advan--. tages. Barrington is only 37, minutes frorn North Wlestern station i n Ô2hcg. Its beautiful drtveWay;s,. wnig through- the hilis, oTpfer building sites ýof rare ciarrna nd' indiViduality., Present Offerings. Stuiali ~Country Estates, ON PRIVATELAKE. 22 acres. on County Line Road. Oppo)site Barrington His Country Club. Owner will divide. One mile froin village. 6 acres on BRINKER ROAD.. Bea u- tifully wooded. An excellentý bufld- inýg site. 11) the choice part,0f Bar- rington Estate District.. Highly restricted to better homles. 3 miles west of the village. 40 acres, v'acant, beautiful build- ing site. Located in iiigh territory. Southiwest, of Barrington. Lovely natural lake. A real bargain and a triuly lovely spot. * o :rsFARMS 80 ar esunder eultivation, going -an.Complete set of buildings. 10 roniframne, furnace heated lîouse. In Lake County. 21/,. miles nortli of Barrington. Located in hlgh territory. An addition.al building site -withi coinnanding viewv of en- tire countryside. 9ý7 acres rolling-.1 -mile -north of B'arrington. Priced at $150 per acre. Tisw priee is. extremely low in corn- parison to the adjoining properties. Other Towvn and Country Property. '*Barrington Is an 'Excellent Address'" H ELENEr LEDERER * EXN USV AGENT 2ý7ý. E, Minst. P hoine 37 Barrington 124LTPN13- lte REAL EsUTATE LOANS rn~'>r.A1T-W>M\,IF TOANS -<J- ~. 4IS~ 1,oX NS- ON NORTH Borrow up to 60% ent ipnthly repayniel lý--ears. Deal with Fireproof Warehouise 129LTN13-ltc SPECIAL FOR At'GUST Chenille bedspreads.in any color, $6.75; smnall Chinese Chippendale chair, $15, variety of covers;. 6-piece, maple bed- room suite, $75; lounige chairs, $.39.50 up; ré.duced summer furniture'; also lamps, davenports, tables, Sheraton bed- room suite, dining room groupings, Wood blôcks, and. other' interesting pleces.. Orders take 1n for draperies, slip-covers, and reupholstering. A deposit will aiold your orders- for 'future delivery. JANE ADAMS, ROG.. PK. 6226 7160. SHERIDAN ý.RD. OPEN.EVES. 129L'rN13ý-2tc WALN'UT VICTORIA-ýN CONSOLE AND mhirror, Victorian table,1 Victorian -tcIest 0of draw;ýrs. Antique mah. Rope bed, mah. Colonial table, mah. cheât of drawers,,carved mah. Frenchi dresser aànd chiffonier;, brown mah. buffet; Hoover vacuum cleaner; large Paisley shawl, Ige. and ýsm. Oriental rugs. For appt. .%V'lmette 3023. 1.29LTN13-ltp LATE 1936 Refrigerator , Like New Must qeil. 'Elencoe 1381. 129LT13-ltp BOHN T"ORCELAIN LINED'ICE-BOX COPELAND ELECTRIC UNIT. GLENCOE 1314 129 LTN1 3-ltp G. E. REFRIGERATOR - COST $275, will sell $100 cash. Also Crown. gas range - right hand oven, $20. Wilmette 1574. 129LTN13-ltp ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR -61/à cubic feet, 3 trays. Good condition. $50. Wilrnette 4996., 1704 Highland. 129LTN13-ltP TC P Ilh .f75 ~'C TVr TN GnOn~T~ hold articles. WiIl also accept your furniture on consignnient basis. CROST PIJRNITURE STORE Establlshed 1898 10604-6 Emerson St., Evanston Uni. 0189 13 OLTN43-tfc WE BUY FURNITURE RUGS, BRIC-A-BRAC, MEN~S & WOM- en' s clothing, shoes, etc. Phone Uni- versity 0103. 923 Chicago Ave., Evans- ton. 130LTN12-4tp junik Dealer-Phil Schuman High price for furn., washing machines, bath tubs; sirks, old Iron. $1 for 100 lbs. rags, niattresses. WILMETTE 744. 132-LTN13-4tp ON LAKE CRUISE Robert Mathison,' 84 Abbottsford road, !Winnetka, who will enter N.-orthwestern university this fail; has7- been o àn'a cruise to Mackinac on: the M. B. SalisbYry yac ht. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Mary Hienizeni and family wiihý to express theirappreciation for the« kind ýexpressions of ,,sympathy inthf bereavéieent. ]K S rr 1 N 4r;rr il CAMP for 17 t0 17 years) Neyer have girls had a more glori- ous opportunity for a Summer vaý cation of safe, healthful fun than Hastings Camp brings them. Here -just 50 miles from Chicago on Lake ,Uastiigs-is the idegl spot Special Pr@grm, for: OLDER GIRLS JUNIOR GIRLS YOUNGER GIRILS SBlankets, beddings, 1 i n e n. s, towels at no extra cQst. -W Hot and Cold Showers. ~Daily Riding Lessons. SSkilled Women Supervisors and counsellors. 4Archery-Rifle Practice-Danc. inLu. FOR SALE--FARMhS 189 ACRES 6 MI. NW 0F WOODSTOCK on U'S route 14. Lge. dalry barn, deep well, good bldgs. and fences. 148 acres under Cultivation, natural woods and running water. Price reas.-Republie, 1102. Chicgo.125L,13-ltp 129LTN13-ltc Washington, Chicago. Hay 2 DOOR Cieneral Electric Refrigerator CAMERAS WANTED. A Good condition. wants candld camera, fa Winnetka 1205. 1630. 533 I-awthorne Lane, 129L13-ltp 4251 Ut Phne. i1070 < hi 1