oi' so. SEC ~~vI1e 1:1*SMI Our stock of supplies includes goods that represetit highi quality. at moderate price. Ail other features of our ,service.:Can he made toaccord with econoiny,, witliout sacrificing dignity and be-aut.y. 1118 GREENLEAF AVENUE Phene Wiluietti 654 LADY ASSISTANT, DB LUXE AMBULANCE SERVICE 30, YEARS ON THE NORTH SHORE WINNETKA 554, CENTER STREET Phno Wnuetka 40 4 'SUTATIONS Super-Shell cuts stop-aind-go driving cost. Its halanced chemical structure quickly - coropletely - converts it into power. F111 your tanik with Super- Sheli at a Braun Bros. Associated Ser-vice Station ini your. neighiborhood.. Any Braun Bros. Ati- sociated Service St&- tion caTi give you ful information a b e u t Braun Bros. Care-F're 011 Service. "for fuel *sse oh» 812 Oak Street, Winnetka Ç on Wilmette 831 hoo~Winnetka 3901' Super ÇA e/t