lief' commission made public its ailo-I cations to the township units for tA-glst it Nvas revealed that as a re- suit of closing a loophole in the - ,state relief laws. 339 townships hiad been ellirninated from the ist or Cio%'ceriinient relief units sharing, in the m noàthIyý $2,900,000 stale reliefA fliid.. Newv Trier was, pot among the éi Loophole: Employed C Sonie of the 339) townships, it wvas exilained, wNere cut off because it Wàs charged they had talçen advantage 'J or the loophole durÎing the past year. Viitil aniended last inonth, the lawsi 1)r( ided tliat :any local governmeàt~ levviïg, the maximum relief tax .of .30 cents on $100 assessed valuation Could dj-aw state relief funds. Many townsi ps impose(1 the full taxicn order to get state funds, atthoughi s maller. levies wouldehave been ample fo)r theïr needs. As a resuit of the iiiiiatonof townships which need Il( sýtate funds onlv 488 units vll I ý recelve Atugust allotients, compared-ý-- \\Itli 827 ini july. i~ Needles,; to say the Township of ~ O Nu\\-ITrier %vas tiot included i il the f~ lii't of 339 affected by the order. - Levy for Actual Needs Intefirst place, New Trier lias liever levie(l the possible 3 milis for relief. and since the inception of th e order when the townships were com1- I4v pelled to finance and administer their OýyIn relief loads, New Trier has leviedi o P AMtV Y A Am,", TYo HSW AND AL~~T , Is EETR T rier Township Redistricted; a aouDU1cat a nLII111y LL iLe parts. The male lead, that of Austin Bevans, head of the Charm School. will be played by Bill Christerson. The part. of, Elise Beneèdotti.- Bevan's. favorite, pupil, wili be taken by Stella Jannotta and Dorothy Faville. Two Sets of, Players, The, divorced couple, Hom er Johns and Eleanor .Hays, wili be character- ized by Clara Lee: MacCaddamn and, Benton Baker on the' first night and Margery Carpentier and Leonard Shure on the following night. Valerie. Adams and 'Doris Jean Hargis wil flutter arotind as MiÈss Theodosia Curtis. the sch6ol secéetary. Muriel, Jacol)i and Phyllis Erbe wili -play the. part of hard-boiled Sally Boyd. In the rotes.,of Bevan's cohorts. wil be seen: Maurice Boyer, Don Paul- s oh, Norman fifer, AlberLWueh1er in the TFuesday cast and Bob Norton, Lyman Smith, Richard Uarnsburger.. a nd Bill Ho1t:ý in the Wet1tlésday cast. The following girls wiii take the pats of Elise's schoolmates: Elaine Chittick, Lillian Jones, Jane Reidy. Harriette Jones, Peggy Butler at one performance and Edith Mendum, Lolita Hagen, Jeanne Hurley, Sal- iee Miller, Mary Owen, and June Calles at the other. * Directed by Van Kirk This play is being directed by Gordon Van Kirk of the Engiish de- ninoical administration of the rellief aff airs by Township Supervisor Mrs. Gertrude 'M. Thurston and Relief Ad- ministrator Seymour H. Olmsted, the levy for the following year was re- duced to one mniii, or only one third of the possible maximum levy. There- fore, New Trier township has neyer beeil in the list of townships receiving ftinds from the state, as were thoso. wh-lo made the full three miii ievy. 55 Famîies on Relief. t'on In compliance with a law passed b y the Iast session of the Illinois ieg- isiature, providing for permanent reg- istrat ion of voters in Cook counity outside of Chicago, New Trier town- ship lias been redistricted into 40 votIn.g districts, or precincts.,iflst2ad villages, also. redistrict toconformn. Also ini compliance with the iaw, TowýN-ship committeemen of the Democratic and Republican parties are proceeding withi the selection of officiais for the election machinery. Registrars and deputy registrars for the permanent registration, and judges of election are to be appointed. Two Registration Days Accordingr to a letter sent out hvl crew a-nIu :otuçi rnnurb classes- are working on 'the u corps, makç-up, properties, publicity. Manual Training for . Girls Proves Success fui Proji Application of the idea to estal summer' manuai training classes Bay a mi a JReliabIe Ads Toda. mette. a as soie iser and