Distinctvein- tcrpretationflo a tradition 'ai' colonial deMg" -the Con nec- ticut. farmè- houae. Firat floor, random cut. manh/- hued Suna et atone, aecond flonar, clap- b o.a r 4 o.feni- during ce.- preass,, Pie b e d r oo ora, thr.ee batha, a8 or e e n e d porch, recrea- tionf roorn. Juet completed. At- trartive ,jnice. Wilmette 799 or 4141 Mathew Francis, Photo Arthur Stowe Van Deusen, Jr., 1401 Lin coin street,, Evonston, Wil- mette harbor master, has the tough job, of finding moorings for aill the boats to be, Present. during the Sheridan' Shore Yacht club's race wveek which begins nezt Sunday. He movement to dredge and enlcrge the basin. Mr. Van Deusen is a Wil- mette business man, operating the Van Deusen Grocery and Market. Alerttiess of Tele>hone Supervisor Is Credited in Saving Woman's Lif e able shore, is the p art the W imette Park District board is playing ini the development of better harbor. facil- ities. For, the past few years the board has been troubled with soil erosion along the back of the sea wall that borders the north1 side of, Wilmett e harbor. Tons of dirt have been wash- ed through the rocksupporting the seaj Wall, out -into the harbor. This erosion, :caused by wave-wash, flot only mnade walking- along 1 the wall hazardous and contributed to, the, shallowing of the- harbor, but necèes- sitated constant filling. Describe Procedure In order to 'forestal this' .ex- penditure of time'and mnaterial the Park board, in conjunction with its park development prograým, is using the following mnethods:' . Ail the dirt'-is excavated fromà in, back* of the sea Wall', to a- wi.dth of 14 feet'and a depth oôf 5 feét. : Eight. iuches below water level, the dit, is interspersed with large stones that serve as a, beariflg surface for the concrete that is poured into this large trench. Ail voids under the sea Wall are filled with concrete and the floor of this large trench covereci coni- pletely, thus sealing ail spots where erosion has taken place in the past. The ope'ni ngs along the face of the present sea Wall are also being filled to stop ail wave action at its source. After the concrete lias been set in place, dirt is thrown.ba,,k into, CHICAO iSolvay Coke No Dust-No Smoke No Soot ie story was recorded in the cur- issue of the Bell Telephone s, hou se organ, and it as ex- Ad that calîs from the village of Iworth are handled through th-e nette office. ie story, as told in the*magazine, Answrs SIgnal -ing a signal from a1 nber, Miss Anna M.1 junior. supervisor at In addition to the work now being done,, the Park board is formulating plans for the landscaping of this sec- tion that wili make it one of the out- standing portions of lake front die- veIopment on the north shore. It is thought~ that if some unusual planting could be worked out simlar to the cherry blossorns at the Tidai Basin ini Washington, D. C., it would prove ah appropbiate embeilishment of the harbor.. Ai golf tourn4ment nas also been sci uled for the occasion, it was announc vvil VVUL neLA prograni proviqes mi- -an ail-day celebration, the afternoon e will be devoted to a series of athletic, e dancing andi instrumental contests and -the evening wili be given over to *other entertainment features inciu d- -ing an exhibition dance by ýthé *"Mummers of Erin." l ferd4 Designer and Builder of Distinctive Homes 1160 Iilmelle Ave., IVilmette