Thouigh not the main feature of STrier activitics. nevertheless athlutics have long held an important. Position Ini the lifc of thc, school. 'Thle school bias Iîad athletics for over 35 v 1a10nW, and the teanis Jitlbas turned otarc not, ouly a record of accoiplîshbînent of the sehool stu- (lelts, but also recordls of achlieve- nlient for !the atbletic (lepartient. -Perhaps the otttan(lnff featuire of NèW, Trier life 1ýiste iglv \diversi- fied initra-tiuiral j)rogranl hich is 0tfercd uiider the alel leadership of I )cFore st Showley., This pr 1ograinî wîbSuch equip)fenit as the. newx natatorium, li. thcgymnifi. the band bal courts, and the. broad1 expanse of athlctie fields,, can hardly be comi- pare(l With any other high school, in the couiitry'. In aIl of the competitiolis, hoth iii-. tra-mural and intcrscholastic, an awar.l is mnade ither in ,letters, ciips or. certificat es.' but the,-miai1n poin t strcssed is, thé enjoymient that each in(ividual gains from his eprecs lncltieti iM"the atltic actwîiies arc the girlsý of the. ingh schooL, for they too have ini their own rîgbt a prograin equally as fine as the boys. Ail girls.1 \ho arc plivsically able arc rjired to tak our vears of phys- ical education, andl about 90 per cenit .of those girls are nienîIbers of the Girls Athletîc association wlîich s.pon1- sors ottos of ail kinds (111-1ng the year. b allas and Fort was named to thie Post trQmn whiclî * ~'?Worthi, Texas.. lie hias now retired. -Mr. Jamues xvas on1 ler wav to *< Meico ity. horlu $eptemibçr 22, 1870 and makls, Rowland Webr his home at 930 Washiingtoil street. I l1 rve Eas a- sot r.Jae ~'11be suc- t ov is it h15cceded b' William, S. Gregorbg mpotheri Mrs. aet 'o' h ~ ~ gage aen,,wh as .,beeniith MàrIiJi C 0O0 1,"North .WNestern" 'bag gage depart-b drive o pln oment .sîmîce 106 ini vernons capacities. Be, radon. r; He resides ini Norwood Park. ____________ O.A.Oakes ill fish inu.Newberry. XVilette aÉ lyReurns. Daivlhso icli., but .Davi. Prom 'Long. Motor. Jaunti1 E.* Johnson -Will have alI he cali attend to with hiq new house illý Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Siiyder and sons, Robert and> Edvard, re- Harry:C... Pif er wvi11 visit il, G alena. turned lto their: home aàt 1615 El!- Harry B. Aram's sister will entertaini wood avenué, \Vilmette, last. week hini at her hoime, and J.. R'.. Snmith .will after a, four-week automnobile trip travel to j)es 'Moines. la. to, spend west, durmng which the-% drove 8.400 timelc with. relatives and f riends. m iiles - throtigh '>sixteeni states- and _________________touchedý the border of. Old Mexýico Thev w-et flrst to YelloNvstone, thei Predicts- Extension ýto Oregon, California, and, backl of Siirme ..e s i 1 U Q1td The Northwestern schiool of educa- tflu mayà sponsor an inte grated pro- grain in Evaiistoti High school uext summiier, according to a recent an- nouicement frorn Dr. Samuel Ever- ett, director of Nortbwestern unii- i-ersity (lenmonstration school whicl. is being conducted at e Trier To-\,ishilp Highi schiool thîs summner. -Flic aimi of the exper-iiment," Pr. RETURNS FROM ABROAD Miss 'Margaret Norain of 1-20 Mary street, Glencoe, spenit a w-eek in Buf- f alo, N. Y.. before returning home the. first of August from a three mnonthis' vacation ili Swedeni and Nýorway. Miss Norain is associated with N. A. Haua, Ic., in Wilmette. N(2\\-Trier Tonsp igli sctioo ltilis ploilas, it xvas announuicd this \Vcek hv) Frcderick (I Wlifdocs, principal of the suimnier sessio)n. Al graduiationii exer- ce bc ig i- n the(re \Aîl be there- fo)re nu cemuny ,atitî tfimueit *-as a(lded. 'flic tiamies of thiose graduiat nig arc as follows", Jaync Austin,.. liniily Baker, Alice Bishop, Donald Burge, Loreune Buizaii. (eraldine Cox, Sylvia D)esnîiiond, David Haas, Paui.l aIvcôrsoii, PvlsHolland('s. 'lhle cutirricutlumt is bu il t arounci prolblemns and project s-the students get tin1g their kiiowNledlge f romi ex- cursions, lectures, and -discussions by experts, libraries, and wvatever sources available. \Vti a vear's ex- perience behind, pflans for' am, eu- richied program ÈeNt summiier arc now being miade. Coach Sees Another Big Season in N. T. Football In most small Alabamna communities it is a belief that a sure cure f or MUS- CULAR CRAMP is to rub the part affected with soot f rom the kitchen stove .. . Complet. Line of Domestc Imported Ppes....... $1 to Minnesota and the teachlers* college engineering at \orthwstn u- at Columbia unversity., esi . The three are : Randolph Ilc will take the place in~ the social N. Jackson, Wilmette, and Bertrain studies departmneit' vacated l'y Rob- L. Trillich j r., o f Winnetka, both ert Gatteîi, ho is entering, business juniors, and Chester W. Bland, Ken- this ýyear.. ilworth, a freshïman., Ridge Ave. Phonnoecy Lake and Ridge Road Cai Wimeite 316 Snider-Ciel Drug WiImette and Central Calti WiImetle 400: Saturday -and Sunday SpecialJ BRICK FULI QUART