Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 12

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aýj1r %ýv.yev1ilé nQrth'bouýnc, and via bon wvitn the scnool of eduçat.ion ai ov t.,Mwvrlle te- d E1ov Mdison' and Janiesvilsouth- Northwester.n uniiversiy eeatid bouiîd ed by 600 Stu- The "'Minniesota 400- leaves Chi- d c ilt's, '150 of. cago daily at 2 p. ni. (Central. Stand- whicli ivre en- ard tie) and arrives at. Manikatoat r o'lIe d iii the 1l :35 P.ini. the same dav. Departure eýperimiental" timie from Miankato is a t 10 :30 a. in. t ui d i e ; spon- with arriv.aI i Chicago at 7 :35 1). ini.. SOre db uîîiversity, The "Mininesota 400", also inakes Jn . these latter connection at XveviIIe îîoi'thboliîd groUps. it. vas for St. 'Pan!l and M.\innéiapolis Nvith e x pi-l a i ii e & by "The. 400." F redleri*ck. C. Passengers *astbound f rom M'.\aît-.\Viiidoes, headof, kato anld destined for, Milwaukee inav the highi sclîool transfer at Madison train No. 020. science, depart-, leaving Madisoni daily at 5 p. ni.ý and mlent. aiid prin- reachinîg 'M ilwau'kee at 7 i~. Mlî- cipal of the sumn- F. C. Windoes waukee passengers for Mankato niav tuer division, nioted instructors fromn use'Tie 00 levig a 415 . n.ail parts of. the United, States Co i- transfer to t.he ."Minnesota 400'. at dutdte classes,. which were ai-J Wyeville, leaviîg at .6 :5 0 p. m. teiîded not -only bythie boys andic -gisý of hîigh school age, but also by' cadet teachers and practicing teach- i d rinig the su mnnier at the iç eriý à German Cia... ADE ~Dr. C. O. Arndt, inistructor iii eduica-., A U * 'tiônii iNorthwestern uîîiiversity dur- ing the 'winiter, tatighlt an, informnai 95~ class iii' Germiait during the summierl N Each' sessioni. The grainmnar book is il]- sufficienit, for practical Gernian, lie J &ICD C~D fnnd,'am , nequenitlv lie teachies, by maiisof maps. puppet shiows. inY msic, and all \ork is donc. iii a spirit OJýYVRRY (ý R RI ;rWYA r CO 1P PROM "Bo M .5 ro#, 7ACYAIJV! only a few weeks ago the class pe seiîted the opera "Fanist" ini a puppet 'shiov, and ail the dialogue wvas *Il Germnan. Sinilar to thie course ini Germnan was that of hioùsehiold arts. The class: ained to studyr interior decoration, sewing, foods, and other phases of hiolsekeepillg. M rs. Jaîxe Winter Lighiter was hiead of the çlass, anid inucliwas acconîplishied uinder lier coliege, Porterville,. Calîf. T'le stu- dents 1und(ertook to stildY ftic Nuro and racial pro bleins. as welI as.scl and labor problemll. ail thlis a reSnilt (if carHier reading douein the w >cours~e Of tHIç'session. Domain of Similaritym Haro(l (1Fawcett remnded icls ithe sclîool that. -"we are ýeXplor1î1g togLýetlîer thie d10mai11 oi sinilari-tv, I amn inerelv vour guiile. lc 'l VOe-ký W~as takein np )wi'i' the oxpress puir- pose ýof doing it by. quick andl logical thinlkinig. The student ' were rqic to niake various ass.tIinptioiis and draw \from them thîîr wîï.nc luiion s.nlu "'If is fot tlle pîcce of worl< that tlic sttn.(leiit does. ia îs .xeplaiiil (l 1) flie head of -hie iît tn arts du- partIIenIt. but the st'ud&iît i -d. It doesn.t inake ai'v dfeec i~ lliiperte't ftle piece of wvork inax- b it is the thouglht thiat flic person l n. artssituationis, dre) (CCc1o1IiI1g initiative and responsibilitv. M(etn theuse challenges develop> àprsn and Mi so doing it makes hini Iape. L. J. Her-deg, fthc teacheri dserbe lis class. Professor G. 'W. Haiipt. xî-io ali general science at the eu nîao school, expiained thiat ei >o. 'r mnknowvn as a basis of i1Sepe Inln tal courseý,. Studentiret wa:Ïu~d as the basis of ever'thing .ni. o t scienice are reiated.- and.tiiat. astonovbiology,' alid pli cs aie, oîlv.,convenieiit labels. uîot restricted ficsof leariîng., Engl'ish, a reading porn.Ta w-as the schiedu-le for the clas., be!d1 l>v Kenit Francis, xvho triecl h courage each pupil té plan j'i ad- ing. so that there %would bc a ipalti:n to the expeience involved. A lxook- case MaS filed up luthiail sons A0 books, vhich .were. read. and îlWîî discu.ýssd for half cadi period evul- ALL 3 ITEM. SERVES A I - Picnîc. Fork tender!, fine texture. DeIiciou s hlced cold or jixst heat and cat. No w ast e. Try it. WILSON'S Seo,'et Poc.aa ~ry~PICNICI Patronize OUr Advértisers REMÀ LOWASM$3. * BRAUCH85S SU Dîaý" momonds, Watcheg . Ean d SILVERWARF, JOS. Fý Kus 8 0 4 E i VI, S 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

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