Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 14

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ofthtew ilmnette Pl>aygrounid and Recrea- tion board's Fast Éitching league when they defeated thÏe Pearsons 9 to 5. The 'Pearsons threw a scare into the league leaders when they put on a. three run rallv ini the sixth -to tie the score at 5 ail. Freddies scoredý four rus ns thirhf of' thé seventh to win.. The Nelson Laundry took 0over.unldisýpited posýses.sioný of second place ~'e they défeated. the Wol ff' and Watt Hardwvares 7 ýto 6. Trhe scores and team sàtaniding s follow: Team . W. J. pet. Freddies Place.....I 2 .846 Nelson Laundrv.......6 4 -.600. .Woff-WaftT Hardwvare 5 *3 500 -Pearsons............0O il .000 Freddles' Place (9) Pearsoiî's Mkt. (b) B. Russell W. Schuette J. Hoffman L. GorrIe H. Knobel E. Borre G. Huck J. Phîllips T. Sehinler A. Cleehini T-.Jannaca . [f. Blind R. ore . i Shie B. CheiterT. Muvlls M. Reimer 1 . Sacco UMPXRE--Conrad. Nelson Lauîîdry() T. Saicton R. Horn G. Saxton F. Heitman J. Heitrnan R. Gauger W. Robertson E. Horn Fi. Bonneni R. Roachli IN'oiff - Iatt Hardwvare a B* Keip P.Wagner P.Vinters B. Johnsoli R. Steffens ,\V. Meier C. Michelson ID). Lynch G. White F. Baron best for th;e c-OM-pet-ition-w ith thlie -otheér playgrouinds. There were hutterfiies,. rabhits, chickens, horses, turties. sniakes anid a.dozen otherniodels niad.e iii flic hsand or Hi) athercoal >preparéd thised o the v oungijsters and super- vsdtélocalmeet. The sanid box w-as a Very busy place for a few days anlticipating the ,Vil lagc-widc coîitest. in their belts, to ho là the second berth ini the standinigs. The K of C. beat the. Pandas13 f0> o6 hihgives them -a'..500 percentage' and third place., The. Pandasý are fourth and, the l3evrer Iilectric -who lost to W.W.L. and the Pandas are, in last place, In the second division, the OwlS, who have twvo victories and 110o defeats, an]d the White . Drugs who îvo their only gaine hold first place )'oîinty, with theé Ridge Runniiers and Hot Shots 1 in ast P1ace with no witis to tlieir cfredit. The scores 'and team standings are as follows: TE.A SAI DTG Finit IDivision ¶ Tell Ili W., P71IIX2 S f C .eane........... Pa idas......... S(ecolidl )ilslon01 ltes Di'ugs ý .... Recreation board held on.to their lead . et. of one gaine by taking on an easy gaine l' Honîann. CP f rom the Schaeffers 31 to 3. They really F. Carsonr, %Nheni they scored 16 runis. The T.N.T's 'M. Dermof t, c. > had no0 trouble beating the N.T.S. 44 to 6 T. Mullins, IB adnext week's gaine btween- the Tur- Pandats 7 nioils and T.N.T's should be a thriller«i Doyle, 1B whic th chn e inFridnian, R whih te canpionship will bc decided. De Tanible 3B The scores and teai standinigs are, as Torrey, LF follows: Palik, 3C IrEA31 STANDINGS Lind,. 2B (A) Team~s IV. L. Pet. rînd.P P t. I *0 1. i 2 9 0 1. a i Berg. p Beal F Harrison, ('I. Rusehili. -t RCBon*iC Welch, f By rer Welch Berg Pet. ý.000 .666o Eleetrie (O) afternoon and evèning. Here's hoping everything is finished ini tirne. .The. evening celebration will begiin at about 6:30 with a volleyball gaine at 7. At 7:30ý the niiedal s won by' miembers :of the pla)vground for high ,Points> earned -the. past eight weeks xviii be presented. The short. prograi 'will corisist of a sty .le show by the girls Who' have made' dresses; play suits or aprons and a large rug to, the miaking of iwhich ail, who have visited or plaved at the park have contributed. .The Friday ai ternoon prograni1 will, consist, of a carniiv al and a. treat to th e childreîi There wiil be soni .e singing gaines by the little children. and other games by the largerones. The watermelon treat will cost one cent -a piece. as will -eafchii circus event. Sever ,al boxiing bouts will A ward Efficiency Medals Tom.orrow at Village Green The si'aff at the V\ilIaLe Green have ~irran<re( an inferesting program for the ýîwýirdi1ig of the efficieîicv playg-romind IIedals given b%, the Wilrnette Plav- eroîid aiid Recreation hboard wc is te bce held Fridav afternoon (tornorrow) at Ihe Village Green. The. progrrn wiIl be 2 :30 P.Mv.-Tuimbl~izSenior Girls 2:45 P.Mt.-Singinz Gares-Juniors. 3 P.M.-Softball Gaines: Diamond 1- interniediate Girls: Dlainond TI-Seniort Boy-s; Dianid TI--Junior Boys. 3 :30 'PM-Awai-ding- of Medals. Parents are inivited to cone and sec the activifies that have beeîi carried on at the playgrounid duiring the suimer. HANDICRAFT EXHIBIT The Stolp Playground will hold a I{andicraft exhibit at the Stoin Gv n was lleld at the Wilmette Beach last Wednesday. Three children were selected, frorn each playground in each class tio conipete in the contest by elimination coîîtests held previousiy at the ýplaygrounds. Ribbons were awarded to first, second, and. third place winners ti eachi class. Mrs. J. C. Baker, chai rinan of the Recreation 'board, andc Mrs. Alo nzo Ce- burn were the, judges. The Winners. wcrê« as follows: JUNIORS lst Place-1311 Van zuyl Vtinn 2nd .place-Dick Pickering V. Gieen 3rd Place-'Marthanna Ougitmi, Vattin i1 4th Place-Carence Schildgen l ,i et SINTERIIEDIATEs 1--t Place-Virginia ,Lundy ~tt i 2nd plae-Lucy Nilles \tt 3rd Plaee-Eileen Borre .î .een 4th place-Muriel Schmnidt V. (.1-een 1st Place-Colette Lundy . Vatîa 2nd place-Betty Anderson. Vatt.man 3rd. place-Nancv ,,Henderson . atma Playground Directors Enjoy a Noon Pieniic The directors of the vailotis play - grouinds hield a picniic at Výattiinan park Friday iioon and yQur author is still waittnig to hear how much work WaS donc. the rest of the afternoon after returning to the various play-gr-oùndis. Those directors at Vattrnan had a bard finie r-ousing up enough energy , after the big feed to do rnuch playing anîd v judge the others were. in a siituilar. state. Some were able to carry on .a pin- poii g arne bu.t .for the nîost part. quiet games were much more suitabe wl' to the. big spread. Playground Children Se Cubs Trim Philiies One hundred and forty boy S and girls froni fthe Wilmette playgrounds saw flhe Cýubsý defeat the Phillies last Tuésdav afternoon. The crowd gathered at the North Shore uine station at 12 :30 anid boarded a special train which took theni champs, and one fron thte w .W~.L., wh-o lost just onîe gaine, and have ? victories i er. 2B Mr. anid Mrs. John Q. Magie, 2815 tos, RF- Blackhawk road, are leavin' bu hlof, CF August 15, with their two children, soxn, ýs Bettyan Peggy, for Duluth. They .hews C .go each year for Mr. Magie's hay. 7rmann t- eveand wilI probably be away aboutý -Conrad. .SD 41L

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