Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 16

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†e tuIIAII ciaanjjnii .. ,iatitai j. t diving champ and, holder of a score of other records, amnxed the quarter mile north shore opeii chamipliîship to 'ler long string of laurels. at theý fifteenth annual ,water carnival, at' Lake Front park, Winilîetka. Stwday a.fteriloo,î; Miss Eckert was the onI' Womian iii a ýfield of six entrants. She cov- erdthe distance in the %vinnin ime of 8 îninutes and 15 secouýds. -,itli Kemîiethi Kingerv, of Wnekfin- ishing second and' HaldaneXjk, o f MIlnîette, thirdi. Diving Exhibition. At tlw close of the programn of 21 cvents,' sponsored by the W\iiietka Park board,' Miss, Eck ert gave a d,' i1g exhibition. lu presenting ber to theg audience,: the officiai starter and atînouncer, Tom Robinson. sîmn coach*.at, Northwesteriî universitN, also introduced M\iss Ecke r t's. f alie r,., George Eckert, who is swNitinxiug c0ach at the Shawnee C7otittrv 'luh. Directors of the carn'ival ý%vure W 0. Ktirz, Jtesdett \Wiimletla Park board, and Dr.. Davies Lazear. chair- nia mainal1 parks-conajitee. Starter -Auiouncer Tom Robinson, swinunintç- coach at Northwestern university, a s thîe officiai starter and announicer, with Life Guards Tom Johatîsen. Viliain Happ, Jr., and Bartlett Price. assist- ants. The judges were Stanley I-.,Sliip- -Cia y ,rrenBayroauu . 3c1îNU~uiîjJîp.) Second-Bob. Br!ghýam, 420 Maple ave- nue. (Bob Jorgensen.) 'Tird-Bob Jackson, 108 Fulier lane. CVinent Otis.) 2. 75.yard. inner'tube )vace-16; years and under. Ttwe nty.: entries : Uinie 1 :21. First Kenneth Mullins. 1215, Eini str~t. ecod-Phl Frsti,4171 Haw-, thorne lane. Thlird-Patsy Mlin,1215 Elinstteet. 3.10 yard sWin-bo_-yS 8 and undier. Four, entries; timie, 1,3 sec. First-It:Ri- ard .Iipincott, 97î2. Spruve street. Sec- ond-Bob Hu.rley, 744; Fox dale avenue. Tliit ir-Jinxiiiiy Brooks, 822 Fumboit a venue. 4.' 1 ft yard, swin-girls 8 and under. Five entries; ie, 1;î sec: Fir.4t-7.%arN- Louise Wolsey, 561 HaNtlîorne lane. Second-Ia ry J oseph me '%a n ('eave, 4675 Sufiset.road. Tir-d-Barbara-i Chris- nan, 719 Foxdaie avenue.: 5. 15 yard wmby under 10. Four entries,; tirne, 23 sec. Fir,ýt-Rich-. hard LippinCott, 972 Spruce. street. Secod-Bob Huriéy, 746 Foxdaie ave- ave. Third-Bob Doepei, Jr., 13,67 As- bury avenue.,. 6.15 yad q t--gir1w irnder 10. Six entries; 17 sec. First-Mary Louise Wolsey, 561 Hawthorn lane. Second- Dorothy Merrian,. 757 Foxdaie avenue. Third-Joan Murch, 1228 Ash stiIeet. 7. 40 yard swnm-boys 13 to 16 in- clusive. Eleven entries; time, 27 sec. First-Ilalph Jones, 931 Oak street.. Sec-. ond-Don Garretson, 117 Green Bay 1-oad.. Third-Ed MeKeoivn, 588 Arbor Vitae road. S. 40 yard swim-giris 1,3 to 16 -i- cjusive. Eleven entrieýs; tinie, 31 see First-Ann Hearne. 734 Foxdale avenu. Seeoi'-Clia Szymanski, 14746 Asbtîry avenue. Third-Nancy Schii>fur, 639!. 19 50 46 37 19 43 Eeeral boats groýunded;, the .Astelrisk ow.,ned by the Otter tiore a n'ain1Sa il, and th-e. Dolphin..was battered so badly, that it mwas f-rerd té)r t'etIllIté)nr.g. éï ~SIDAY 6"lED" SERIFS. THIRD RzlC'E 18 started; East wfnd; triangtilar cottiýso Boat OnrTinie Series IPïs. 1. Bonnie B. Bo(winan 1 :11 :54 19 2.' Little Audrey Mead . 1 :12: 02,5 2 3i. Gemini Pille È-12:21 37 A. Glider Binkhami-Clay 1,:14 :1x 3. 5, Sagitta Bi'adbury5iIf.14 :39j 6. Bluemist Jenkins.11723- oniji. Bradbury-Hoagl;iid 1:-19 : 13 29 q. Doiphin Raymond 1:19 :14 37 T 'his ivas the strangest race of the season; the wildwa uffy, and jîist tî the boats eros.çed. the starting lune the ivind dit-d. Ti k ùuition otioe .throughout the race, causing inconskstent saliing. Ash tetThr- riv Teilfer, 419 aiestreet. Il. 100 y ard free styie-miei 17 er of age ani over. Three enitrieq ; timie, 1:13i. First--Kenneth Kingery, 809 'Pine .stret,.Seçond--Phi1 Hioza, '554 Arbor Vitàe road. Third-Andy Kuly, 367 12 0yrd -breast stroke-giris. Four 34Foxýdai "'.I ecn-VinStangu, 230 Srdn o a d. Third-Jean(;f, 9-44; Vernon avenue. 13. 100 yards free styIe-boys 16 and un'ider-. Seven entries ; tine, 1 :20. Fir-st -Donî (arretson, 117 Green Bay road. Second-R1aiph Jones, 931 Oak s;treet. Tird-BÔib Jackson, 108 Fuller lane. 14. Fancy diving-boys (5 optional) Fiis-JpeBaY'ard, 557 Orchard. jane. Second -Jerry I-orak, 1097 Ash street. Tlird-Bob) Horn, 1085 Sheridan road. *15. Fancy diving-giris., (5. optional). Firt-CaraSzynian.ski, 147.6 Asbury Ra inser, . 87.2 Hawthortîî lane. Tiii d Naiicy St'hipfter, 60)9 Spruce street. l 8, 20) yard tub îaee-boys 112 : ai Uuler.. Eiglyt e tîtries ; tilllw ,35 ser. FiVsI -Bviny Mînîsoîi. .56 Wiiiow road. Si ond- ( iarlIes Siieppard. 1016 Pine te. Thid B-rutidBfrn.trde, 931 et 1920 yr.tuab race-girls .12 11( ufldeir. Egientriès :tinlie-,3', sec.' First -Shiiiley\ Turtte. 224 Sheridan rond. Sî o*li-Fa ttsy rv a e.425 Provident : e nul.. Tîd--IoolyMeîriain, 7.57 F.,x- dalu - e i p 2o. I uck xac-boys a nd girls. Ti mu. 2 miiites. -ferry Horak, 1097 Ash street, Anabelie Kit-wik, 836 Oak street. 21. North Shore 1,j mile open chani- pionship.o%. -T er--road beach to .Lak" Front beach. (Willnîette, Kenliiwortiî. 'Wlnntetk,, enco4e.) Six entries. 'rime, 8: 1;). it-lui Eckert, Wilmette. SecuîdKeneth Kingery, Winnet kat. Third -1fialdene. -Wilson, Wiimette,. la -e. Seon d-é tt y Muan, Î15 Fuliler 17. 100 yard sw.l e Lescaille, 7701entries; time, 1 :35.' 3,y roau. im-girls. Thirteen dat First Ann H-e.-rine, lis. PERI9 and joaii o.

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