a gas -,Pot 11 the~ Middle ot a rail- road track? Or the siare roomn ini the lionis' headquarters at the Brookfield zoo?ý If so, vou .could havýe rested iii absoluite safety compare d with that of. a couple of- sleepers arrested ju st bef ore. nidnight XVTediiesdav.of * last Nveek iii \Vilnîette. Police. Sergeait' Her4nai G. Xance, ¶patrolling Skokie boul evard, came uipon a car parked in the mliddle *of that fouir-lanie high-speed 'highiwav. 1)etwetl Lake avenue and Ashland avenue. Iliside, wrapped iiithat deep' sluilber that follows the Weariiies-s of a btusv day.were'.Alfred Lee, 1210 Central: avenue. and Fritz, Bran dt, 629, Park aven.ue; Sergen -Xance promtlycalled fr'io1ber squadý atid Mrs. B. 0. Hostetier, Mrs. Ray- mnond's parenits. They initend to be there for. a few weeks. -.\r. and Mrs. Raymioiid anid Sally came home iast wveek f rom. Mackinac, where they were, for "a fortiiighit, and Spencer came.e,homne Satur.day f rom Camp Kooch-I-Chilig, near International Faîls. Miun., car, awaiting .vàich lie .held his breath, mo 1mentarily. expecting-some bèlated motorist to plow through the parked, car and sh unt the sleepers to kingdomi<' corne, for .the night was foggy and visibility.low.ý -The two were held and takený before Juistice ,of .the .Peace, GCeorge F Schèrzer,, who levied fines. At Your ý SUNNYFiELD BAKING SODA* PKG.5 4 SEASONS IODIZED SALT.. 24 010 5 WAXED LUNCH PAPER. PG,5e Gold DusI'POWDER '0oz S Kosto Desserts. SC. 5 SUN BR ITE CLEANSER... PKG kJ CHEESE TIDS TS, RITZ JR. VANILLA WAFERS N.S4 .G@o1iII PKG.S DEL MONTE TOMATO JWICE 80Z. 5C %OOLA0 pKG.5' LI 5 c A &P Meut Market !CANDY. BARS cand GuMw ISLAWD Choice Cul POT ROAST Cr, Flakesj 13-0Z._PKG. 1IOcf 10c VALUES!I. Wheut Biscuits. l oc10 N.I.C. COOKIE ITEM S OREO CREME SANDWICH SOCIAL TEA BISCUIT FIG NEWTONS BUTTER COOKIES c A & P Table Sait 4-B.; GEI4UINE I