i ouay, at &wcost no more tîn tor cneap imitations, you'I get the pure, lieflth- 3 ge 29C f ui, açtuga1 fruit flavors.. ole t ý 'Drirk forPlus Deposat "DikHydrox Dev.rages Tod.yfo the T.ste-ThrliI cuw-%mwrry 3000 Iug Water Prices IOrder Ly the Cas. of- Tour Life#@ - - - -- -- - * - - - -- - - r CINTRILIPA PRICES * Are 9uoted o« the Morket's lest I Itfs CANNING TiME. §remuer #roi. BUTTER COOKILES each ikr. Just ta.ate their buttery ifren like thonm with a. glas$ of milk on hot suflIflOVda.ys. % Il Ca,. of 100 roUis, $7.49 12 rolis. $1.33 Ducco Towel Holders. 7,. 3*uoNM me " oita ld Pn.", sasu GYPSY SOAP 3 bars i 3c OLP RELIABLE IVORY FLAKES **lPkIO, c OXYDOL Lerge Si» 2 jFOR 39,c - - - - - - - - - - - - Gt oUd Dust WELCH's TrOMATO JUICE. Vitamia protected-.-Mèfreit aMd 3 ~WeIcli Welch's Hone Style 2 1-1b. glasses Ock CENTRELLA IONID- WILSONOS CERTIFIED LAMBS TONGUE.. SI*Iu1fFIN CORN FLAKES Lorge p*sliog. 7-o'. Glass ozE. glas$ 59C 9c A&H PURE CANE Sugar 10 Ibs.e I * CENTIWLLA MEATSI IAre Grade-A-M. S. Ispeced*I Presto Wide Mouth Glass Top Masan Jans, Pina . .. . . .. .. . . .- . . .. ....D O Z. Presto Wide Mouth Glass Top Mason Jars. Quarts ......-................. .......... DOZ. Squat Jelly Glasses, % Pinas............... DOZ. TalI Jell7 Classes, 3% Pina....... ...DOZ. MIy Seals, Pkg. of 25 .......... ... 85C 95C JUNKET Reanet Mix for ICED SPICE COOKIIES Geauma. Qld rime Taagy Spice Flavor. Ideai for tjiose in-between meal ua9c snacks.......... .........lb. PARADISE MALTED lb. . . . .. . . ............. VEAL 1LOASTS RoUed Veal- Roast,.c lb ............. ...3 1 -- - - - - - - - - - 42OtS jepinPIUIJ - ave lime Uand Energy. Wol ~ ~ - - - - -- -- -- -w. WILMETTE LIF E AUGUT 12, 1937 w> 4 4 -j NEW APPLES ..a ....t 25C -~ - W 7 r- i--M ý ýMý -ýAb- !M"IW-7- 7- 'WIW-