section, wxnflîng seven of the nine gaines played.. Because there is at present in thé village îno diatnond available, the Blue Soxç have been conipelled to play ail games on out- side diamnonids. Natty new uniforms of white with blue stripes,. made possible hy local 'business Inen, give the boys -a professional appearance. \\. D. (Doc) Rennolds, 711 Cen- tral aýenue, is manager of the clubi. and Leonard H4offmnann is captaÀn-and catcher. Amiong 'the victims of the new club alreëady numhered is the very strong steani 'sponsored by 'Winnetka Post *No. 10 American. Legion. A return battle is stheduled for Sunday, Aug- ust 22, on, the Wyinneka diamond., Next Sunday, August :15, the local teani clashes with, Glenview on th e Glenviewv dianmond. 'Cat and Cana ry' to Bc Shown Once Again " The Cat and 'the Cana.rv"' by Mary Roberts Rhiniehart, lhas often been * cliaracterized as the foremiost of Ai im-ste ry plays. Laura LaPlante. Tullv - Marshall, and their supporting cast certainly make the most of the splein- did screen adaptation which wiIl be sýhovn at the Bradlev theater, August 12, 13, and 1.4, with nmatinees on these davs, and one performance on Sat- urdav. The theater is located at 808 XVilow road, Winnetka. left a wilwflîch- wa's to be opened tw.enty years after his death. Twentv vears later a lawyer opens the saf e .of the deceased man. and finds that the will has been tampered -with. The story tinfolds in a series of cpi- sodes thiat uinravel the mass of one's bàair, because. it stands on end! .The, entertaininent is climmed- in. a'revelation both novel and startling. There are few pictures which' have sticl an intense hold on an audience as this one. , five segregated schools of. inglisfl, French, German., Italiani,,and Spanish have the largest enroilments, in their bistory this year. 1-o1w coe, thel vtner oQI2' and hers mnonth at spent 1627 Greenwôod, b Kenilwèrth CLAUDE Wil. 1490 W. MORRIS 'SUp~ 'sLON L SUTI'gPOIGp0IN vis«j~.* '1, FOR 8nare you Jus:t ty th.m . and a..! j. - I ILLINOIS BELL TELîPHONE COMDAPj