Inferiors -e-Furniture ANTIQUES AND MODERN Wall and Floor Cov.ings Slip Covers. Gay -TerraCe Furniture:* 920 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago Phone.SSuperior 5695 Resuils Gouateed prises *@w lue foct. i<Limied #l*.) IDYTJI DIIDRICHe$ Jarnus MeM@d of R.ducing 1700 Central Si. Dav. 2004 ýn&a *anau w. ,tten .)y .t.j . v* AL>u'1 1006 Linden avenue, Wilmette, bas the title ElemIenits, of 'the The,-,r,- of, 2111sic. In. a .séries of 19 lessons. carefuiiy inidexed according to para- graphs, he covers ail fundameritals of mu5ic theory . condenisedi in, its. simplest form., Aduit pupils migbt find self-instruc- tion possible with the aid of this mani-, ual. Placeti in fhehands of chiidren, a.teacher coulti be certain of covering every inch of th e grounld,, and xvill find availabie- at the end of each lesson questions for testing, purposes. Enfir. RFid Commeincing wvith an introductory lesson1 on mclody, harmony, tone quaI- ity, and pitch, the manuel describe.s in turnl notation, metrical rhythm, the measure, simple andcompounti meters, the staff andi clefs, the, keyboard, 'sliaps< andi-ilats, scaIes, itttervals;' marks of dynamics, tempo, the use of the pedal, andi the metronome. .Discussions. of ornaments or grace notes, chords, andi form conclude the lessons on theory. A slight departure f rom the us-ual is the last' lesson on acoustics. Unusuàlly interesting even to the layman, it verges upon the scientific aspects of soundt andi vibra- tion, and explains the variations in tone quality between different musiý Herbert J. Wrightsoiz,1006 Ln den avenue, comiposer,,author', cdi- tor, has issued a new and reviLecd ediMion 'of hisbook, -"-lem.ens o-f the *Theory of Music" previously pub- Iished .by the B. F. Wood Music Co. *The copyright 'has beciz assigiied .by the company to Mr. Wrightson u-ho i s bringing it out u>dcr the inprinit of the Lieiden Press, Wiliiiette. Tells Men and Boys How ta Becorne a Carperite 13y Kenneth Roberts. Doubleda, Doran & Com pany. Newest and most prominent of the 'historical novels about our own coun- try is Northuest Passage by Kei-' neth' Roberts who lias, in the past, confiliet bis talents to stories of earlv New England. andi its frontier davs. lu .his late book. he chooses ýas his principal character the famous Major Rogers, so successful in his campaign- ing- agaiinstý the French andi Indians at St. Francis, on the St. Lawrence Here one sees the Major a power- fui and yet. tragic figure, am azing in his abiiity as a fighter anid.woodsman but destroveti 1w the>vagaries of for- tunet. AIl other personalities in the book by comparison appear dwarf ed. The author also does a very good job of drawing Longdo on 'Towne, the Young Ranger whose career riscs ýýhile.that of> bis chief faîls; Rogers' shre'wish life; Longdon's, young sw.eet- beart: Natty Potter, Rogers' secre- tary. andi a score of hardy' and cotir- 'ageotis Ran~gers. Famnous Expedition Thiese Rangers we folloiv on theilr famouis St. Francis expedition from, the sh ore -sof Lake Champlain through dense forests and swamps to their destination where a surprise attack and the sacking of. th 'e towni takes place. There followvs a desperate re- treat back home, starvation ainiost claimning every man of the pârty-. The fortunes of Rogers and V01intr., of lure weem«, 7 books in box. 50C "FlcWue Books" Dane Thomes IIIusfrfions 4 in box SOC "'Book~s to Color" 5 In box 25C Orr1ngton Avenue, Gi'. 0227 l-academy. 1911 join wood Mt Other1 music pi was protessor ot piano,c ory at Wheaton college.1 ýt at the Philadeiphia Mt >in Dallas, Tex as; ai ted the faculty of the usic school inChicago. .cc ,urses and study books for ils, have been written by is the composer of many of music for piano, organ, for Api and Profit -(Apýpletoni-Cen-. ur)will'be a boon. Part 1 describes the tools necessary for building both simple andi more complicated things; how to sharpen andi care for them andi how to use them. It also enumerates the various kinds of wood witb instructions for fnishing them andi tells of the other 44raw materials," such as hardware, that are necessary. across America to the Pa>c.hc ocean. Pioneer Days The novels of Mr. Roberts have heeri praiseti for their authentici'ty, their careful attention to detail, and for their brilliant panoramas of 1ýf e and color in pioneer tiays-., Illustrated on the. wrapper of Northwest Passage is a pastel by Winold 'Reiss, baseti on' an original engraving of Major Rogers. Interest- companion volumes to Hampshire, Vermont,-. and Connecticut. hoae d Marguerite Young, whose first is volume of poems - Prismatiç G round y-Macmillan has just brought out, ie dropped in at the office of hier pub-. w lishers this week on bier way fronm id Chicago to Connecticut where she is vacationing. 3~u' *0 , 172n4