Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Aug 1937, p. 27

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a.comearly for pulication, but for our ica. Suck a xei muet ,each the, cdtori by Tuc.d#aq ~on to b. i tis fer. thé. currefit issue. TRUTHI Is MANGLED \Vhether' by design- or through sheer inicompe-, tence. Glencoe received. some ver-y.,undesirable publicitv through- the rnediuin, of' metropolitaii> papers in coinnection with. the drown>ing of a snall boy at its mnunicip)al beachl on 'julv 29. Tlhe incident is interestinig as showing howv facts Cali l)e garhlcd and the truth, ma ngled if. perchance the desire is to cast refl ections tupon a1 communîty and create kloulit as to theéi)recaLtions- taken to insure safety to those %vho inay visit it. The crit iciîs difected at the 1each mniage- nment natturally reflect upon .'the Glencoe Park hoard, thé Village, h oard and the village geinerallNr. For. this reason only are' they dignified hy a 1correction. There ,vas no delav in recoveri -- the bodyv of tlie-bov after it became knownv that lie wvas miss- mg. h as brouglit to shore within three inuttes a iter noti fication to the beachînaster. It did liot. require forty-five inuittes, to apply -in inlialator. The Park, board niaintains an' in- lialator a t the beach. and it iras broughlilito action ivitin ome ne inute ,after the 1ody ,was recovered. Tw'o physicians. one on the beach at the tirne of the accident anid the other called, The remnarks of a Cook county officiai that a certain Chicago beach is f ull of holes and con- stitutes a death-trap were mnade to appear as referring to the Glencoe beach. The Glencoe beach is as safe as any on1 the lake. The Park board, thiroughi an efficient lifeguard corps and every protective appliance possible to secure, lias spared no expense 40 mnake the beach safe for ail wlio avail themselvès of its facilities. Through an efficient police departmeflt and mod- - efàl .i.Qthefl.tncoe Village board THRILLS 0F ADVENTURE Life would indeed be a duil and drab thing were it not for the highlights of uncommon evetits that cast a brilliance here and there over the shadowed corniers of routine ekistence. Theseý momnentary releases' from the humdrumi of everyday pursuiis mark the thrills thiat corne f rom adveniture in sorne. form -or other., That opportunities for ailventure surround every life is pointed out in the following editorial which app eared in a. recent numbér of Rotarian Magazine: Every man !s an explorr-ýor should be. For exlloring i8n't so mnucli a matter of strange and e xotic lands as it, is a. state 0'f in-a leaping enthusiiasin, a restleÈss curiosity, a .sensitlied rnentality1 that cast evefi comrnplaCe experi- ences into new patrns of llglit and form and significance as doee a filmn in the hands of a skilif ul photographer. When William LaVarre decided- to be an ex- pliorer, lie prepared himself to thread on a string of pupse all experienceS that might corne to hlm. That quality distingWuishies ýhini frm the legss discerning adventurer wlio, iuýngering for sheer activity, passes over the proverbil-if not actual -acre of diapionds. While few men can seek tltiflifinthe juinge-,"f Brit4ihGuato every mian is given the privilege of facing his environ- nment with precisely the saie spirit of purposive adventure-minfg. In the relations. between business competitors,' great uncharted spacès exist; it le 50 also in relations between buyers and sellers, employees and emiployers, and betw>eefl nations foi'ced to be -neiglibors in a world growing smaller. Doctors frequently acknowledge that. the beaten course of their knowledge is .fringed by unpenetrated thickets of ignorance. Great industries have been revolutionized by scientiste êand inventors; more will be as new Nobels, Edisons, Zeppelinsi Wright. Brothers, and Ketterings arise. But true exploriiig is flot a matter of inedals, exuits' OVer the, miracle of seede. becoming.g nowers --a1l for ten cent-; !" she wiIl teil You. Hem4 mmnd gi-,es to every new experience the tint of ad- venture. She is, to paraphraSe 'Marcus Âurellus, like a fire well kindled whtch catches at every- tigthiroç%ii in. and turns it Into brightfless. Asseri horse tn many a, WANT A MULE?- is thiat your Uncle Samuel is a slick ýer anmd covers witli lypnotiziiig words 1 i-reinres.entatioli or downright untruth nor nad explaîied to tuleru. t-ios! %-antqi' do sufficient damage in the daytime? Something wvrong here! Yes, there certainly is something wrong. 'M4iss Indiana," being greeted in Chicago bylt.avid.Rubinoif, is shown pictured fully-clothed by: the big daili11es. Therè's nothing like a baby caseto get thelboys and. girls .excited and. divide a commiunity into, ag-gressively, warring groups. Take the Horst kidnaping. in which 'the, nat -________ ural parents of a 2V2-year-old boy took him bodily from a couple to whom he had 'been given at birth by an unwed , mother. ,Leaving.tracks as',hig as an elephant's in neW-fallen snow, . the caewas sooni cleared by Chicago, officiais, : and the real -mother, now clainiing to be the' common law wife of the 'father, 'ap- peared, with the child, Hap- peninig in a diill season, the metropolitan papers gave the event generous space, ornitting nio'details. Interviews were, secu red fromn big business mnen, Iawyers, politicians, club wonen, societv- darnes and others, about equally divided in thieir opinions as to which couple should hayepermanent custody of the boy. The natural parents, it is reported, finally agreed to adoption by the foster parents, 'the latter being reported to be more financially able to care for him, with a beautiful home where he would have the benefit aivaa. .usiocty i iL1LDOULJy vay noLi. . uniu L iI'.. are fully . investigated. The' wealth and culture story is being questioned, and the future of the. boy is stili undetermined. A. Quack Doctor, Chicago, examining a youing lady investigator, found that she was suffering f rom eleven separate and distinct aliments, ail due' to the fact, lie stated, that one of lier legs was shorter than the other. He was arrested, possibly because the ailments, if any, actually were due to the fact that one of her legs was longer than the now beginflrng to De carrieîVDy II'. i... .- every city, town'and hamiet, and if its advance is flot checked Inany nèw victirns of hay fever will be found scrutinizing the timetables of rail- roads, boat lines anxd buses to find the quickest and mnost direct route to relief. We d'O not think any person is so hardened as to be.impervious to 'the sufferings of his felloW.mehrï too tfllci to take auv'ic u iro osiiiuatl ities or warning from the 'fate of' others. Educa- tion ? So far it seems tà have no effect upon fools who roc.k boats or take chances With auto- mobiles. The for Sul an adjacent desI4 stop in Virginia., he is "going to the country" lical legislation, including as le court'. The gentleman at ýsts that he make hîs first THtE P.HANTom Ru«iRTJý

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