During Sheridan Shore Race.Week Wvith two g-eat yachting clas- sics, the, Great 1,akes, star class championsbips,. and the annual race. week, scheduled to ie pre- sented b1,eginning on Sunday by the, Sheridan Shore. club at Wil- mnette harbQr, the' social side of the occasion,wiIl parallel the ac-, tivity on the wate.r. Or. anîd Mrs. Charles 'Edwin, Gallo- w.ay, 940 Private road, Hubbardý Woods, wilI eitertain.at a barbecue, for the visiting and resident skippr7s, and ,their lguests .next, Wednesday evening. while Mr. an.d Mrs. Howard Jones, 2204 Orrington .avenuie, Ev- ariston, wiIl be hosts -on Vondla3- eve- Social activities will begin on Suni- * day at the newly completed yachit club on the banik of Wilmette hiarbor a short distance from the Sheridan road bridge. A Itincheon at the chlb will precede the first race, and that evening there will be a buffe.t supper * at the club bouse. There 'wiIl be what the club annouticemient calls a "sailors' snack" at the club bhouse every day from Monday through Fri- Ouest Day Events at Sunset Ridge: Tu sdJa of thisý ve a Sn set Ridge Countrv club wvas in- vitational guéS-t <lav for. eighit uutideclus.and wvas also gutS day for member. ýOn. Saturdav at 12'.30 o'clock' the women wi1I have their.regulat bridge lunlchl- conandSatudaveve ning..the' club has îdlanned rnusic and lani informai gath.ering. G'uest prizes aNvarded onWdns kday wvere as follo,%s :'\Ir,. E.. Sher- mnan of Indian Hill, first lowvv gross Miss Heleni MacMo\Iran ,oi'Indian Hill, second îow grOss : Mý\frS. -. H. Hagen oôt\Vestnioreland, thîrd l ~gros; Mrý-. E. C. Butrckev, of [,iiicolti>iire, frst iow, net; Mrs. F'. B'. Ahara of Westmoreland, s;econd low net. and Mrs. E. w. 'Cool, of We'tmorcland. third Iow net. Three guests tied for the 1-o1r jshort hole event, Ms Chester Sar- gent of Indian Hill1uwinning the cut. The other t-wo were _Mrs. T. Corcorani o)f Ridgemoor, and M-1 1r. Grant piga of Indian Hill. M rs. j: _e ebe of Evanstoii and Mrs. M. *Lightahart of Westmnorela1icl tied Mi "\Vaddy" Wadswor.th and bis orc.hes- tra will furnish the *music. for the affair which is, to begin at 9:30 o'clock. *Blo, licr iiolid The winners' dinner is to be lhvld spcnidiuqfj at. the club on Saturday evening, bc- 9011 Oilkzî ginning at 7:30 o'clock, when ail visit- ing skippers and crews will be guests. This affair will mark the officiai con- clusion of race' week, and the prizes Cornet wilI be awarded then. ab, which, on agust 18, yul offer ieis a buffet bridg r soildiversion.. jid-aire, blte-cPhoto by Lord' s Studici rd-a ,~c. 'lu-ced,' and 10 mnon ths old is Joan .Thompson, wl:o ZwIII her, Mrs:* A. R. Thornpson, is here froinlier hoine in Sani Francisco abolit Six wcecks wvith hier grandparcnts, fthe James M. Krafthefcrs of wood aveuue, IWinette. Two Septem ber Parties Davie entertained at luncheon - and during Service $uîId Hostess bridge for Miss Brown at Exmoor mupper is " ' Country club. Today (Thursday), Country 1M'rs. Harold O. Barnes, 98 Indian the Davies' and their guest will motor ýy night, Hill 'road, entertained the Service to their .Iodge at Haywarcl, Wis., for abers and guild of the First Methodist church an extended, week-end. Miss Brown eno. party of Evanston; at ber. home yesterday. will return home by. airpiane at the The guildhad luncheon and sewed.- end of next -wek.' as. follows : Irs. C2. W. John'son of Chicago, first low net; M-\rs. C. G. Bennett of Evanston, second low net,' and *Mrs. William' H. McKec of 'Glencoe and Miss Evelyn Folger of Chicago' tied for third low, net,. Mrs. McKee won the cut. Mrs. Jamnes E. Almond of E%-anstoti won the four short hole' event for members, and 'Mrs. J. E. Williamson of Chicago the putting event for inembers. .v.lquaw Skokie Conutry club's nçxt mixed foursome and buffet supper will be held Thursday, August 19. None is scheduled for tod'ay (August 12), be- cause of Kiltie day, ýan. important_ évent ini the club. year., à